Start by planting grass

Chapter 23 The Sword God never leaves the slope.

"After I have enough Little Wish Semi-Spiritual Grass, I will get some more Mother Grass. I ignored this problem before.

Xu Yuan looked at those semi-spiritual grasses and thought in his mind.

At this moment, the communication device sounded.

"The sect competition will be held in ten days. Interested disciples from the outer sect can sign up. As long as they enter the second round of the sect, they will be rewarded."

"Is it finally starting?" Xu Yuan said, looking at the location of the main peak.

Xu Yuan is self-aware. Although he is at the ninth level of Qi Condensation, if he is asked to fight those outer disciples who have been doing missions to hone their spells all year round, he probably cannot even defeat the outer disciples at the eighth level of Qi Condensation.

"An Xin is just a spectator. The Shilipo Sword God can't leave the slope yet." Xu Yuan said silently in his heart.

Looking at the spiritual field in the small courtyard, although it was much better than before, he still found that the more it was like this, the more things he lacked.

Ten days later, the largest valley among the hundreds of thousands of miles of outer gate was reached, covering an area of ​​800 miles.

The originally somewhat deserted valley was now transformed into a place of great competition by the sect.

Countless pavilions and large illusory arenas rise in this valley.

One after another, shops made of magic weapons formed a commercial street to welcome the grand event of the sect every twenty years.

Millions of disciples from the entire sect's inner and outer sects gathered here, bringing this desolate land into a state of extreme prosperity.

Xu Yuan was walking on the crowded street, looking at every shop that was full, and suddenly thought that the rural market in his previous life was also so lively.

After crossing this almost twenty-mile-long street, we finally arrived at the Fantasy Arena area.

"It is said that the total number of registered disciples from the inner and outer sects is more than 800,000. I don't know what the process is." Xu Yuan was very curious.

During the last sect competition, he was still at the training ground of the outer sect and could not leave without special circumstances. It was a pity that he missed that grand event.

Hundreds of illusory arenas were set up throughout the valley.

As soon as Xu Yuan arrived here, he was attracted by a huge light curtain.

The entire process of the sect competition was described on the light screen.

There are a total of 4 levels: Qi Condensation, Foundation Establishment, Golden Pill, and Nascent Soul. Disciples of the same level can only watch the competitions of the higher level.

Just like Xu Yuan, the highest he can only see the disciples in the foundation building stage compete, no matter how high he is, he is not qualified to enter the ring to watch the battle.

"The first 100 will be reserved for the thousand-man melee, and then there will be a separate arena competition. It is very reasonable." Xu Yuan nodded, then found the illusory arena closest to him and picked a good position.

When he traveled to this world, Xu Yuan still had a sense of superiority. He felt that although this was a world of immortality, the environment was a bit retro.

This sense of superiority remained until he entered the Shenxing Sect.

After entering the sect, he discovered that all his ideas and all the technologies from his previous life had corresponding existences in this world.

The theories of various techniques to cultivate immortality are extremely profound, and the little he learned in his previous life is simply not enough to understand here.

"Let's watch this one first. As for the rest, just watch the live replay." Xu Yuan was sitting in the audience.

Two hours later, the competition was about to begin. In the illusory arena, 1,000 outer disciples in the Qi Condensation stage had already arrived, standing in their respective positions and rubbing hands in preparation.

The entire illusory arena is hundreds of miles long and wide, which is enough for 1,000 outer disciples in the Qi Condensation stage to perform.

"They are all at the peak of the ninth level of Qi Condensation. They are really impressive." Xu Yuan sighed with emotion.

Looking at the 1,000 disciples at the ninth level of Qi Condensation in the arena,

Some were like poisonous snakes, looking at the surrounding disciples with sinister eyes.

Some are as wise as they are foolish, with a silly smile on their face.

Some are enigmatic and have extremely bland expressions.

These more than 1,000 outer disciples exuded various auras, but Xu Yuan felt that they were not easy to mess with no matter what kind of momentum they had.

"There's still a quarter of an hour left to start. I don't know what the result will be." Xu Yuan looked at the illusory arena below with interest.

As the time for the start of the battle got closer and closer, the entire viewing area of ​​the illusory arena became quiet.

"The battle begins!!"

Almost instantly, the first thing these 1,000 disciples of the ninth level of Qi Condensation did was to look for a safe position, but no one was fighting.

The entire venue fell into boos.

"I knew it would be like this. The disciples participating in the sect competition are all cunning and cunning." A disciple next to him complained.

Xu Yuan did not have too many surprises. The illusory arena was so big that even if he was not good at fighting, he would get away first and find a safe place when faced with this kind of melee.

But how could the illusory arena make them so happy? The entire arena battlefield began to shrink, forcing these disciples to fight.

On a high mountain, a magic weapon, a large bow, appeared in the hand of a man lying on the top of the mountain, and a golden arrow appeared in the other hand, sending out waves of chill.

The big bow was stretched to 80% strength and shot suddenly in one direction.

At the moment when the Xuanbing spirit arrow was shot, a fiery snake shot out from a distance and wrapped around the man before he could recover.

"Ah!!" The voice was filled with pain and even more unwillingness.

The fire snake turned into spiritual fire until it burned the man to ashes, and then disappeared.

From beginning to end, the disciple who controlled the fire snake never appeared.

On the battlefield on the other side, an outer disciple holding an ice crystal giant sword and wearing medium ice armor was fighting against a group of beasts. There was a figure in the distance, looming.

A disciple turned into a stone and hid on the gravel road.

Some disciples floated into clouds and quietly observed the entire battlefield.

But as the arena world shrinks, the sense of oppression becomes stronger and stronger, forcing many disciples to fight.

Fighting broke out in the illusory arena, and Xu Yuan was dazzled by it on the stage.

Among them, Xu Yuan saw more of the application of spells by these outer disciples, and gained an intuitive understanding of many spells.

The outer disciple who caught Xu Yuan's attention the most was the one who had perfected the four spells.

During the battle, he directly used the spiritual rain technique to cover the battlefield where he was. With a magic weapon, an ice crystal bow, in his hand, he directly used the spiritual rain to condense one black ice arrow after another.

There are two enlightened water giants in front, and their combat power is doubled in the spiritual rain.

Even facing the attacks of three outer disciples, he was able to do so with ease.

Once he left the battlefield, he also attracted the attention of other disciples watching the battle.

"I have actually cultivated the four spells to perfection. My understanding is really good. I will advance to the foundation building stage and become an inner disciple. Maybe a hundred years later I will be a Yuanying boss."

The voice of the disciple next to him was very impressive, and at this time on the battlefield, that disciple eliminated them all with one against three.

In the spiritual rain, the young man stood proudly in outer sect clothes, holding a large ice crystal bow in his lowered hand. Behind him were two three-foot-tall water spirit giants, looking calmly at the outer sect disciples who wanted to ambush him in the distance.

This scene made everyone in the audience praise him.

"The battle victory settlement screen, let alone, is very handsome." Xu Yuan praised.

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