Start by planting grass

Chapter 3 Former good brothers

After discovering the characteristics of this system, Xu Yuan decided that he would be the Shilipo Sword God, invincible as soon as he was born.

As long as you advance to the foundation building stage and join the Qingling Valley lineage, your career of earning entries can be taken to the next level.

"Okay, I happen to know a few fellow Taoists in Qingling Valley. When you advance to the foundation building stage, I will arrange for you to enter."

Zhang Shanyue took out the roasted whole lamb from the stove and put it on a large iron plate.

One roasted whole lamb, six plates of cold dishes, three vegetarian dishes, and a jar of wine.

"Uncle, I don't want to say anything to my nephew. Let's have a drink."

After the whole lamb was roasted, the two poured wine and chatted while eating.

"Uncle, how have you been practicing in seclusion recently? When will you be able to break through to the golden elixir stage?"

"It's still a little bit different, but it's getting close."

"It's up to you, do you want to borrow spiritual stones from me and buy foundation-building pills? I'll keep those spiritual stones for you." Zhang Shanyue tore off a roasted lamb leg and handed it to Xu Yuan.

"No, I have accumulated a lot of spirit stones over the years. I estimate that when I reach the ninth level of Qi Condensation, I should be able to buy a foundation-building pill." Xu Yuan waved his hand and refused. This uncle of his has spent almost all his energy in order to reach the realm of golden pills. Spend all your money.

If you are still helping him at this time, when will he be promoted to Jindan?

"Yes, I am ambitious."

"Such a steady mind, but it's a pity that his talent is not good."

Xu Yuan smiled. He must hear this sentence at least hundreds of times a year.

At this moment, the core area of ​​Shiwanli Mountain suddenly lit up with golden fire, and a golden phoenix spread its wings and soared, drawing a gorgeous golden river in the sky and flying towards the outside of Shenxing Sect.

The two of them looked at the golden tail flame and were fascinated by the brilliant brilliance.

"That's the only thing about big sects, you can often see big scenes."

"So your original choice was right." Zhang Shanyue patted Xu Yuan's shoulder with his greasy hands.


After the two of them finished eating, Zhang Shanyue left in a flying boat.

Xu Yuan distributed the remaining roasted lamb to the dogs, returned to the courtyard, and began to practice in his room.

On the second day, Xu Yuan was in high spirits after practicing all night. Looking at these two semi-spiritual grasses that were about to mature, he felt very good.

"Growing semi-spiritual grass for two months can almost obtain a subtle spiritual power entry, so just by planting grass, I have almost three times the experience gain."

"As long as I hold firm, I will definitely be a big boss in the future."

Before he traveled through time, he was an ordinary person. He had lived a low-class life for more than 20 years, and he had a lot of minor problems that a person should have.

But after traveling through time and being given the opportunity to become a big boss, I endured everything.

Walking out of the small courtyard, we came to the pasture where we grazed yesterday. At this time, the grassland with a radius of four to five kilometers was completely gnawed by Huling sheep. Even the grass roots were not spared. It was extremely clean.

Forming dharma seals with hands, blowing strong wind, throwing away grass seeds, all done in one go.

After doing all this, Xu Yuan felt the fertility of the exposed land again, with a look of distress on his face.

Although semi-spiritual grass is the lowest level and the most common spiritual plant, it can grow as long as it has some spiritual power.

But that also requires land and the environment. Every once in a while, Xu Yuan has to replenish some spiritual energy for the land, which is also the bulk of his consumption of growing semi-spiritual grass.

A bottle of spiritual fluid worth 50 spirit stones was directly used by Xu Yuan as an introduction to the spirit rain technique.

A dark cloud one mile square formed over the valley. Under Xu Yuan's control, it took half a day to replenish the spiritual power of the land in the valley.

"Spirit Rain Technique, Wild Wind Technique, Grass Binding Technique, and Flying Technique."

"You are already at the eighth level of Qi Condensation, and your strength is not even as good as the fifth scum."

"But so what? Development, low-key development is the most important."

Hearing the sound of the howling wind coming from the sky again, Xu Yuan raised his eyes to the sky, and then looked at his uncle's unused second-hand red wooden boat docked next to the small courtyard with quite envious eyes. .

Traveling to this world has fulfilled my dream of flying, but it still doesn't make sense.

The top speed of his second-hand redwood boat couldn't keep up with the high-speed rail in his previous life.

Yu Jianfei, on the other hand, can break through the sound barrier without even moving, and even with a higher level of cultivation, he can directly transform into escaping light.

While Xu Yuan was looking at the sky in a daze, a luxurious spirit beast speed car came over the valley from another direction.

"Junior Brother Xu, what a pleasant life."

"I really want to grow grass and raise sheep with you." A clear voice sounded.

Two golden elixir stage flying wing horses controlled the flying car and landed lightly on the grassland.

A young man with a handsome face stepped out of the speeding car wearing wind-controlling boots, a white treasure robe, a dragon and phoenix yin and yang treasure jade pendant on his waist, and six shining rings on the ten fingers of his hands.

Behind him was a pretty young girl wearing sect outer attire.

As soon as he saw this person, Xu Yuan suddenly had a headache.

When entering the outer sect of the sect, those who are only at the sixth level of Qi Condensation will gather together to practice, and the person in front of him is a good brother he met at that time, a child of a rich family, but his cultivation qualifications are worse than his.

"Why don't you come to me as your licking dog?" Xu Yuan was a little reluctant to pay attention to this guy.

"Senior Brother Zhou is not a licker. He is the most dedicated and affectionate man." The young woman following the wealthy young man said angrily.

When he heard the word "dog licking", the rich young man's face looked a little abnormal.

"The prerequisite for being dedicated is to be affectionate. Your Master Zhou has been licking that commoner woman for twenty years, but the results have come out."

"And I also heard that Senior Sister Chu Wei."

Xu Yuan looked at Zhou Qingyun with a playful smile on his face. At first, he was peeing, but the relationship between the good brothers who met him naked became less and less since he became a licking dog.

He once tried to save her, but in the end he couldn't extinguish his dog-licking heart.

"Junior Brother Xu, Senior Sister Chu still has feelings for me. She has been testing me for the past 20 years."

"You and I, as cultivators, have gone through thousands of years. It is not easy to choose a good person, and it is necessary to test for a while." Zhou Qingyun looked at his best brother in the sect, and couldn't help but explain it countless times. Say it again.

As soon as he heard this, Xu Yuan remembered the mindless dog-licking short article from his previous life.

And the richly dressed brother in front of him looked very much like the vicious male supporting actor who had turned into a vicious dog-licker in his previous life.

"Forget it, let's not talk about the dog licking in advance. It's rare for you to come to me. What's the matter?"

Xu Yuan took the two of them to the pavilion in the small courtyard.

"I feel depressed and want to chat with Junior Brother Xu."

While Zhou Qingyun was talking, the young girl behind him very familiarly took out a tea set and a spiritual stove to make tea for the two of them.

"Okay, we have to go back to the topic of dog licking." Xu Yuan looked helpless.

"I sometimes think about how great it would be if I could be like you, Junior Brother Xu, planting grass and herding sheep every day, without having to be entangled in this love thing." Zhou Qingyun looked sad and sighed.

"As long as you are alive, you will always be entangled by something. You are entangled by love affairs, and I am entangled by poverty."

"But I am so poor that I can be saved, but your dog-licking heart can't turn around."

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