Start by planting grass

Chapter 69 New Spells

Just when Xu Yuan was complaining about his qualifications, a pony head squeezed over.

Xu Yuan stroked the horse's head smoothly. After a year of growth, the pony reached Xu Yuan's chest.

Feeling the spiritual power fluctuations in the pony's body, he has already condensed the energy to the fifth level.

"Yes, in a few years, you will be able to pull a cart for me." Xu Yuan patted the pony on the back.

A pair of purple illusory wind wings waved gently, indicating that they enjoyed Xu Yuan's touch.

"Okay, let's go play."

The pony ran out of the pavilion and flew into the sky to continue playing. Behind him was the straw man who took care of him.

"The two spells are almost perfect. Do you want to learn a few more spells?" Xu Yuan thought in his mind.

"I must learn the Immortal Spirit Tower next. Although the subtle spiritual power of the Semi-Spiritual Grass can now be replenished, the amount of mana must also be increased."

"The second spell is to learn whether to gather wind to form a spirit or condense water to form a spirit."

"Forget it, we can learn together." Xu Yuan decided.

Thinking of this, Xu Yuan looked at the sky and left the valley directly.

During this year, this was the first time Xu Yuan went out in person, because his old uncle who was learning magic could not do it for him.

As soon as he came out of the valley, Xu Yuan saw two acres of spiritual fields planted in the ravines in the distance. A thin female disciple of the outer sect was using the spiritual rain technique to water the spiritual rice.

The spiritual rice is growing very well and will be harvested in another month.

Perhaps sensing Xu Yuan's gaze, the female outer sect disciple was a little surprised when she saw Xu Yuan's expression, and then nodded slightly to Xu Yuan without being disrespectful.

Xu Yuan also nodded slightly in response and released the Qingxuan Ark to fly towards the inner gate area.

In Baidao Pavilion, Xu Yuan took out the token given by his uncle, received the jade slips of the three spells, and experienced the marks of the three spells.

The whole process went smoothly, as usual.

If it weren't for the situation introduced in his mind by the Diwang Half Spirit Grass, he would have really thought that those who cared about him had forgotten about him.

"Master Cao, as soon as you came out, 23 waves of people who cared about you received the news. Half a quarter of an hour later, all those people who cared about you knew about it." Diwang Half Spirit Grass reported in Xu Yuan's heart.

"It doesn't matter, I won't leave the sect anyway, and I won't communicate with others." Xu Yuan said as he walked out of Baidao Pavilion and prepared to go back to the valley to practice magic.

At this time a voice sounded.

"Junior Brother Xu, stay~"

Hearing this voice, Xu Yuan's steps froze.

He saw an inner disciple of the Golden Core Stage coming to his side with a smile on his face.

"Junior Brother Xu, my master is Elder Mo Xing. He recently wanted to accept a disciple with deep blessings as his direct successor."

"I think Junior Brother Xu is quite suitable. Why don't we find a place to talk in detail." The smile on the face of the Jindan inner disciple was so friendly that Xu Yuan could not see the big hole behind him at all.

"This Inner Sect Brother is a young Outer Sect disciple, so he shouldn't be so concerned about him."

"I'm disappointed that I can't become my fellow disciple."

After Xu Yuan finished speaking, he was about to leave, but was stopped by the inner disciple of Jindan with his hand.

At this time, Xu Yuan had a green jade token in his hand, and the token exuded a terrifying aura.

"As I said before, senior brother should not be so worried about me." Xu Yuan took the jade token and walked around the arm that was blocking him and left.

The inner sect Jindan disciple looked at the direction Xu Yuan was leaving with a dark and unclear look in his eyes.

"If you think about other people's things, you have to have some brains, okay?"

"Does your master know that he uses his power to suppress others in the sect?"

"Okay, your master should know by now?" An inner disciple watching the show sneered, holding a sect communication weapon in his hand.

"Your master is an elder after all. You should be smarter in the future and avoid embarrassing him less."

The inner disciple of Jindan was about to get angry when he heard this, when the communication device on his body suddenly sounded.

After seeing the message, the inner disciple of Jindan left Baidao Pavilion with a gloomy look.

The sun had just set and the strawman No. 1 was roasting a whole lamb. Xu Yuan was quietly drinking tea and waiting.

The valley formation opened and Zhang Shanyue walked in.

"Sure enough, you knew I was coming."

"Uncle, you are well-informed, there is no way you won't come." Xu Yuan smiled and handed over the freshly brewed tea.

"When I learned the news, there were still some things that had not been dealt with."

Zhang Shanyue put out the packaged food and wine as he spoke.

This is the perfect time to roast the whole lamb.

"Those old scoundrels who are targeting you are extremely patient."

"I guess they want to stick to the sect's rules and make a choice after a hundred years."

"At that point, no matter what you choose, you will fall into their trap."

"However, these are minor issues."

"As long as you don't leave the sect during this period, if you really want to leave the sect, it's best to wander around the major cities." Zhang Shanyue tore off a roasted leg of lamb and said.

"Don't worry, uncle, I am a homebody myself." Xu Yuan poured wine for Zhang Shanyue.

"By the way, uncle, how are you doing with your magic skills?"

"That's quite good. I spent a lot of money to buy a Spirit Enlightenment Pill, which complements the world of immortal energy."

"Now I have cultivated three magical powers and two spells to perfection."

"If you spend some time later, it will definitely not be wasted."

When Zhang Shanyue said this, his eyes lit up.

Looking at his old uncle's appearance, Xu Yuan suddenly asked him a very famous sentence from his previous life.

"Uncle, tell me your dream~"

When Zhang Shanyue heard this, he gave Xu Yuan a roll of his eyes.

"What? I want to explore my uncle's heart."

"Just asking out of curiosity."

"My previous dream was to cultivate the golden elixir and be promoted to the head of the outer sect. I'll see if I have the chance to be promoted to Nascent Soul."


Zhang Shanyue raised his eyes and looked at the sky with deep eyes.

Xu Yuan had such an expression once since he got along with his old uncle, and at that time he was looking at the core area of ​​the inner gate.

"Okay, let's not talk about this."

"Xiao Yuan, what are your dreams?"

After hearing the question, Xu Yuan thought for a moment and said, "I want to see the world after I become stronger."

"Haha, you are more ambitious than my uncle."

"If you look at the world, even those great emperors who have achieved eternity can't do it."

"But I believe, Xiaoyuan, you will be able to reach this point one day." Zhang Shanyue drank the wine in the glass and encouraged him, but his expression seemed to be coaxing a child.

"Uncle, you might as well hit me with this expression."

"Those with high ambitions have strong hearts. Why should I attack you?"

While the two were eating wine and meat, the beast-controlling pony who was resting in the horse pen ran over, skillfully tore off a leg from the roasted whole lamb and began to eat it.

The dozens of dogs waiting nearby looked at the beast-riding pony with slightly red eyes. It had been a long time since they had roasted the bones of a whole lamb.

"By the way, do you need to transfer that little girl at your door?"

"I made a special observation during this period and found that it was quite effective."

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