Start Chasing the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 106: "The Horror of Time Soul Skills"

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But what happened to these two Dugu Goose and Ye Leng Leng?

Don’t they have boyfriends?

Forget it, Wang Kun opened his eyes and saw that he was on the ground full of loess, with cliffs on the left and right.

But the sky was full of smashed rocks, and Wang Kun suddenly used the power of the reincarnation eye to turn the tomb and the side prison. Four shadow clones with the same strength as Wang Kun quickly smashed all the stones.

Nima's, who chose the way? As long as there are ambushes on this road, and the ambushes on both sides of the cliff just throw stones, the people here are dead!

Is this a fool?

After all the stones are crushed.

At this time, Wang Kun, who had opened the eyes of reincarnation, saw a large group of people in black jumping off the cliff and attacking them. Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, no, no, to be precise, everyone gathered behind Wang Kun.

And the guard knights of the Heaven Dou Palace, they blocked the man in black, uh, trash! It's all defeated, forget it, Wang Kun doesn't bother to care about it.

When the battle is over, no, the real battle has just begun. He looked at Liu Erlong, Flanders, and Qin Ming all stood behind him.

"Are you teachers? What's the matter?"

Liu Erlong also put his hands around his chest and said, "Aren't you great? Are you going?"

Dozens of people in black stood in front of Wang Kun. Wang Kun smiled slightly and said, "What a big handwriting? Bibi Dong is amazing. Send you rubbish, one Contra and two Title Douluos?"

Wang Kun put his hands together, "Mu Dun. Flower and tree world is coming!"

When this was said, many thick dark green vines grew on all the cliffs, entwining these men in black, and the men in black tried to dodge, but found that he was caught in a game!

This is a line of terrain! Wang Kun used vines to seal the large gaps in the sky, and the exits around the sky were also sealed.

Now the man in black was shut down by Wang Kun to beat the dog. Soon, under the capture of the vine, only one Contra had not been caught yet, and the other men in black were all absorbed by the huge vine to absorb their spirit power and strength. Missing. Very weak.

And the irritable Liu Erlong actually went to beat the enemy.

But there are still a few red flowers on the vine, which are exuding yellow pollen. The Contra found himself unconscious and wanted to sleep. Wang Kun discovered how many little beauties are in the black man here through the vine binding? Isn't it strong? Hahaha. Forget it, Wang Kun won't.

And Liu Erlong also wanted to sleep at this time.

Wang Kun first tied Liu Erlong, who was beating the enemy with a vine, and threw it to himself. Princess Wang Kun hugged him. Um, Liu Erlong was a violent woman, Wang Kun wanted to conquer her a bit.

Wang Kun suddenly retracted his mind, because the danger had arrived.

At this time, many chrysanthemum fragments crushed Wang Kun's vines and red flowers. At the same time, the chrysanthemum fragments madly attacked Wang Kun. Wang Kun used the Shenluo Tianzheng with a slight soul power, and found that it was useless. The chrysanthemum fragments still stabbed at him fiercely.

Blue gas blew up around Wang Kun, turning into a blue skeletal bust giant.

Block these chrysanthemum fragments. No, no, these chrysanthemum fragments actually beat the blue skeleton giant through? Interestingly, Wang Kun used the second spirit ability "Sabie Shemale of Grass and Mud Horse!"

After all, it was a titled Douluo, and the old man Oh Yemu could also pierce the incomplete body of Lord Madara Suzano.

And Wang Kun used the sound waves of the second spirit ability Huang Quan Tiannu to instantly turn these chrysanthemum fragments into debris.

At this time, Wang Kun left the ground, and huge blue gas burst out around him, forming a two-hundred-meter-high jewel on the top of his head.

This Suzuo Nenghu's huge figure broke through this line of sky, Wang Kun was not welcome, drew a 60-meter-long giant knife, and swung it vigorously, turning the cliffs on the left and right sides into flat ground.

Wang Kun looked at Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo floating in front of him, and the Contra flying with wings behind them. "Yo. Bibi Dong really sent you? Interesting, interesting."

Chrysanthemum Douluo said with that feminine voice, "Little devil, you really have the power of Title Douluo. You also know the name of our Pope. If you don't kill you now, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do in the future! So, die!"

"You dead ladyboy, hit it now. Your voice is too nasty."

"Little devil, what do you call me? Go to death! The ninth spirit ability, the chrysanthemum is incomplete, the ground is wounded, and the flowers are heartbroken!"

Chrysanthemum Douluo's martial arts spirit, Tongtian chrysanthemum gathered together, suddenly exploded, turning into petals in the sky, turning the petals into a giant tornado with tremendous destructive power.

"Good guy, say a dead ladyboy, it's so temperamental, it's interesting!"

Wang Kun controlled the 200-meter Suzuonenghu, took out two 60-meter blue broadswords, and struggling to slash at the ninth spirit ability of Ju Douluo Yueguan.

When hitting it, Wang Kun felt that his sixty-meter sword was constantly being consumed by the sky full of petals. But it was useless, when those two huge sixty-meter big knives slashed at that Ju Douluo fiercely.

In front of me, Uchiha Madara's complete body Susano, everything you do is useless.

Ju Douluo was directly hit on the ground fiercely, and a big deep pit suddenly formed with Ju Douluo as the center.

At this time, Ghost Douluo also activated the ninth spirit ability and the ninth spirit ability: Infinite Ghost Swallow.

And Ghost Douluo also activated the ninth spirit ability: Infinite Ghost Swallow,

The strongest blow of the ghost's spirit skills releases a black hole above the opponent, and countless ghosts will appear in the black hole. These ghosts will explode when they touch the opponent. The power is powerful enough to severely damage a 100,000-year-old Titan Great Ape.

But in front of him, I can only say that it is a little useful. Wang Kun found that the head of the Tengu samurai on top of his head was slightly torn, but it didn't matter.

Wang Kun only used his soul power a little bit to recover the small scar, but was he really consuming soul power?

Wang Kun was too tired at this time, sitting in the jewel on the head of Suzuo Nenghu, unable to stand up. But suddenly, a black pattern appeared on the corner of Wang Kun's eyes, which was the fairy pattern of Qianju Hashila.

Wang Kun restores his own power by absorbing natural energy. Slowly stood up and said, "Are you happy? Are you still playing? A chrysanthemum, a little devil, just next to me? Is it worth it?"

That Ju Douluo crawled out of the dirt pit in embarrassment, "Old Static Domain! Kill this king Kun!"

After that Ghost Douluo heard it, he immediately flew to Ju Douluo's side, Wang Kun's complete body must be able to dissipate, and turned into a nine-color divine light into his body. Wang Kun's spirit power recovered in half.

He immediately used the wheel tomb, the border prison, and the four clones simultaneously used the seventh door, which was shocking.

They quickly circled Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo, and immediately used Andy Lau before the release of their martial soul fusion skills in the static domain! Day Tiger!

What Wang Kun feared most was the skill of time, he couldn't master time now. So he always has a kind of inexplicable fear for time skills.

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