Start Chasing the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 208: "The Light of the Sun"

   I didn't feel like getting drunk at all, but I still wanted to sleep. When Wang Kun opened his eyes, he found that he had arrived at the Super Seminary, and was carried by the man in black?

   Uh,,,, Wang Kun's mind once again recalled the music of the black man lifting the coffin. This,,,,, stop! Can't this music stop? Don't force me to make big moves! ,

   To be a human being! I'm very sorry!

   Well, it stopped. But the mood is not good.

  Wang Kun came out of the room and saw Qilin, who had been waiting for him a long time ago, "Yesterday's food was great, right? If you haven't finished eating,,,,"

   Qilin had already handed Wang Kun the unfinished food in plastic bags, and Wang Kun also ate it for breakfast.

   "Don't you need to heat it up?"

   "I was thinking about heat, but,,,, forget it, lazy. By the way, last night, I saw your collarbone, I didn't see anything else, and the collarbone is beautiful."

   Qilin blushed slightly, "Hehe, go in without my consent."

   After she finished speaking, she pinched Wang Kun's waist soft flesh, Wang Kun said, "It feels a little bit, but it's okay."

   Qilin released her hand and looked at Wang Kun who had devoured the perfect food. She also unconsciously said, "Eating so fast, are you a pig?"

   "Starting a game, evolution depends on swallowing. I am the king, the king."

   "Oh, let's go, go to a meeting first."

  Wang Kun held Qilin's white tender jade hand. Qilin wanted to resist, but found that Wang Kun was very strong, "Let go of me!"

   "No, last night, if I was by your side, you wouldn't be hurt."

   When she heard this, Qilin stopped struggling, "Can you change your clothes?"

   Wang Kun looked at his T-shirt, jeans and sneakers on his bed, then looked at his floral shirt and big pants, and flip-flops. "Okay, it's just cold."

   "Are you cold? Aren't you strong?"

   "Uh, it feels quite cold. Don't peek."

   "Who would take a peek, you think I am you."

  Wang Kun walked into the door and glanced at Qilin in the police uniform by the way. I have to say that the policewoman feels really good! Wang Kun seemed to like this woman a little bit.

   After the change, Wang Kun deliberately pierced the head of a gentleman, no longer the appearance of a disheveled hair, how should I say, Wang Kun suddenly remembered the king under one person. After the Super Theological Seminary is over, let's do it alone. Then,,,,,, huh, is Tianxing Jiuge not fragrant? Isn't Yan Ling Ji fragrant? Really are.

  Waiting for Wang Kun to change his clothes and open the door, he saw Qi Lin with a shy face looking at her peerless face, "Is it handsome to dress up?"

   "Go to the meeting you mentioned first."

   After finishing speaking, Wang Kun held Qilin's white tender jade hand, "Are your hands very soft?"

   "Don't be serious, go first."

   When Wang Kun and the others arrived, it was the first one to arrive, followed by Liu Chuang, Rui Mengmeng, Lena, by the way, as soon as Lena came in, she found a seat with her slender legs on the table. This woman is really arrogant.

   I really want a man to come,,,, hurt,,, hahahaha. By the way, when Liu Chuang saw such a handsome Wang Kun, he didn't react for a while, thinking that Wang Kun hadn't come yet.

   Then, there is Yaowen,, Yaowen,,,, who is he? Wang Kun only knew his name, but Wang Kun really didn't know his other information. Forget it, then Qiangwei and Ge Xiaolun were the last to be there.

   By the way, and Xin Zhao in the red leather jacket.

  Zhao Channel "Have you read the news? I think it's an alien."

At this time, everyone was sitting in a classroom with tables and chairs inside, and the blackboard, no, it was a white cloth player on which was playing news, "Unidentified armed forces fell from the sky and captured a crocodile humanoid creature. Witness Said that the whole process is like watching a technology movie."

   Ge Xiaolun did not sit in the chair, he stood and said, "I heard Qiangwei say that we are going to fight aliens, is this?"

   Then Xin Zhao immediately yelled, "What about teasing me? Really hitting aliens? Shaking up?"

   Then Liu Chuang was also Liu Liliu Qi said, "He made it, I am going to fight aliens? I am the boss of the black snake!"

   Ge Xiaolun saw the busy Liu Chuang who had had an unfriendly experience, and he couldn't help but utter a fragrant mouth, "Fuck me, why are you here?"

   The timid Rui Mengmeng was also so scared that "How come there is a triad?"

   Qilin immediately proofreaded "At most, it is an older social youth."

   Liu Chuang suddenly pushed his chair down, "Yeah, my standard, Big Brother Hei. Dozens of good brothers outside, don’t you know?"

   Qilin stood up suddenly, and she said impatiently, "Are you talking about the kind of firearm fighting in the movie? Or the kind of sneaky dog ​​in the news?"

After    finished speaking, she had walked up to Liu Chuang and looked at Liu Chuang fiercely.

   "Emma, ​​why are you again, sister Qilin, you are so fierce if my brother Wang didn't come."

   Liu Chuang suddenly stood up, "Why, a few big girls mingled with our men?"

   Rui Mengmeng also couldn't help standing up, "Who are these people?"

   Liu Chuang also looked at Qilin arrogantly, "What do you mean? Men and women match? Isn't it tiring to work?"

   At this time, who kept her slender jade legs on the table, Lena in a black phoenix dress stood up.

   "This long-legged black silk, of course, sister Qilin, I don't plan on it. Hehehehe."

   "Liu Chuang, I warn you! Don't think that I can't cure you if you are here! Also! I have nothing to do with Wang Kun!"

   "Yo-yo-yo, it has nothing to do with my brother Wang, why is my face blushing? Also! Here, not in a sentence, you can't call the police in my eyes, you can only call a girl,,,,,,,"

   Wang Kun also stood up when he heard this, but Rena took a step ahead of Wang Kun, grabbed Liu Chuang’s throat, and pressed it against the wall.

   "What's Big Brother Hei? Compared to gods, isn't he incapable of doing it?"

   Wang Kun couldn't help but vomit, "I'm another person who claims to be a god."

   At this time, a spatial wormhole appeared in front of Wang Kun, and he grabbed Liu Chuang over, "Brother Liu, don't blame my brother Wang for being unrighteous, I am a person who values ​​sex and despise friends."

   After speaking, Wang Kun's left eye changed to the reincarnation eye, and he used the burial on the side of the tomb. An invisible clone violently beat Liu Chuang.

   Wang Kun is a little bit regretful, a reincarnation eye can only summon a clone, uncomfortable! Two reincarnation eyes can create four clones!

  Wang Kun watched Liu Chuang being beaten up by his invisible clone. He looked at Lena, "Who are you?"

   "Your goddess, the light of the sun, Lena."

   "God? Come on, go outside and have a discussion, I want to see, how can the power of the gods do anything to me? Or, the power of the gods is just a child's play."

   "Are you interesting? Or fake?"

   "Try it and you will know."

   Wang Kun's left eye turned into a purple reincarnation eye, and his right eye turned into a light blue void eye.


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