Start Chasing the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 321: "Sleep in the Moon of the Full-time Master"

   At this time, he went back to sleep in the middle of the month, bluffing, and handed him an envelope, saying that it was handed over by another senior fan.

   After Ye Xiu took it, he found a key had fallen out of the envelope. He knew that this was the key to the house, and it was his father's understanding of him. At this moment, it made him more happy than winning the game.

  . Although Happy won the first game, Excellent Era’s old fans tried their best to hack him on the Internet.

   The overwhelming scolding drowned out the news of Happy's victory, and even the walls of the Internet cafe were sprayed with the scarlet letter Ye Qiu traitor.

   Everyone at Happy saw it and felt a little heavy. Everyone tried to post online to suppress those negative news, but Baozi found that his computer had been hacked, and he was so angry that he almost wanted to swear.

   Ye Xiu, as the person involved, did not seem to be affected at all. Instead, he took everyone to the dessert shop for a big meal.

   Everyone guessed Ye Xiu's good intentions. Ye Xiu listened silently. After they had finished talking, they took out a stack of dessert coupons. It turned out that the coupons given by Ye Qiu were about to expire.

  Wang Kun had no reaction to this kind of thing, Ye Xiu was scolded, and the dessert was really good. Although it was a fast-expiring volume used by Ye Xiu.

   But the desserts are really good.

   And Mo Fan felt boring, and wanted to go back to training, Wei Chen inadvertently said "Excellent Era fans are like crazy".

   and incurred the anger of a Excellent Era Internet celebrity fan on the scene, and took out his mobile phone, recorded a video, and cursed Happy and Ye Xiu online.

: Ye Xiu saw that everyone was robbed and couldn’t say a word. He couldn’t help it. He solemnly told the fan that although he was very grateful to the fans for their support and encouragement, he did not play the game for the fans. What we fight for is only personal ideals, not to please others.

The words Ye Xiu said to the fans were broadcast live. Netizens said after hearing that the words of the Great God were reasonable, and many people were clamoring to turn black into fans. The Excellent Era fan saw this and left with angrily. Up.

  Wei Chen and the others felt that Ye Xiu didn’t need to call the fan true, but Ye Xiu told them that those words were for the fans, and it was a reminder to them so that they would always remember when they played games in the future.

  They are professional players, and they can’t fight just to please the fans. They will not go far. Everyone in Happy listened to it, and secretly remembered it in their hearts.

The online comments on Xingxin are almost blasted, and there is everything to say, Yue Zhongmian is not willing to be submerged in negative public opinion, and intends to make a video to correct Xingxin and Ye's name. Ye Xiu accidentally watched it. When it came to his self-defeating plan, Yue Zhongmian was worried that the great **** would be angry, but Ye Xiu didn't feel unhappy at all after watching the players complain about him, and Yue Zhongmian was relieved.

   The next challenge is Happy vs. Wuji. Before entering the field, Wu Ji Captain Wu Chen stopped Chen Guo and proposed to merge with their team to fight Excellent Era together. Chen Guo listened to him walking around and talking for a long time, only then realized that Dare to love the trash of Happy, but he looked at the two great gods Hong Ye Xiu and Wang Kun, and wanted to dig them away. She immediately smiled and declined. Wu Chen's proposal. Wu Chen still refused to give up, pestering Chen Guoxu and talking about it. Ye Xiu refused him directly after hearing it in the dark.

Xiao Shiqin and Su Mucheng came together to watch Happy's game. Sun Xiang also wore a hat and sat in the audience with his head and tails hidden. When Su Mucheng found him, she pulled off his hat amusedly and told him Watching the game squarely and openly, Xiao Shiqin also secretly laughed when he saw Sun Xiang's twisted look.

During the match between Happy and Wuji, the map they drew was the Land of Wolfsbane. The special thing about this map is that the players did not appear in the same place, but were scattered in different locations. The map was everywhere. poison. This is an escape map. The poisonous fog will slowly spread from the edge of the map to the center. If it encounters poisonous gas, it will continue to drop blood.

Ye Xiu summoned everyone to quickly move closer to the safest map center. In the process, Baozi and the others encountered Wuji's team members, while Xiao Tang was double-teamed by the two. Ye Xiu knew that this was Wuji's tactic and wanted to avoid it. He, two kills and one defeated each one, while reminding Xiao Tang to deal with it carefully, he quickly rushed to support.

  Wang Kun was directed by Ye Xiu to help Baozi.

   Due to the particularity of this map, everyone can only get out of the predicament by their own ability. What Qiao Yifan faced was Summoner Ice Wing. How to get rid of the summoned beast and cut to the summoner itself became the key to victory. Qiao Yifan was not arrogant or impatient, and successfully cut to the summoner's body with a beautiful sly, and then moved quickly to find his teammate while the opponent had no recollection.

   With his hand speed against the sky, Xiao Tang successfully repelled the Promise and aroused cheers on the scene. Baozi's situation at this time was a little uncomfortable. He was secretly attacked by Wu Ji's gunner Wu Chen. He was exhausted and his blood volume continued to drop. Su Mucheng, who was watching the game in the audience, discovered that Wu Chen was hitting blindly through the smoke, and his hit rate was surprisingly high. After admiring it, doubts arose in her heart.

In fact, it’s not for Su Mucheng’s suspicion that Wu Chen did not rely on his own strength to hit the target. Instead, his team members hid behind Team Xingxin’s playing field, secretly took the coordinates of Baozi with the camera, and secretly reported it to him. In such a cheating situation, Baozi was finally taken away.

   Wu Chen set the next target on Xiao Tang. When he raised his gun and was about to shoot, Ye Xiu, who had occupied the only commanding height of the map, spotted him and blocked his attack in time.

On Xiao Tang's side, the situation is not optimistic at this time. Under the attack of the other two, although she is not at a disadvantage, her blood volume is declining. What is even more worrying is that the Promise Warlock also rushed over. The one-on-three situation really made it difficult for Xiao Tang to fight. At this critical moment, Qiao Yifan arrived and relieved Tang for Xiao Tang. The two rushed out of Wuji's encirclement and went to meet Ye Xiu. The Wuji team chased after him, and the Wuji Summoner gathered in the middle.

  At this time, Wang Kun came on the field. He and Ye Xiu firmly trapped the four of Wuji. If nothing else, these four would take away the wonderful operations of Wang Kun and Ye Xiu.

   Even if you can't take it away, there are Baozi, Tang Rou, and Qiao Yifan... no more.

   Just when Happy Win Ticket was in the house, all the computers on the scene suddenly went offline, and everyone was shocked.

   After confirmation by the staff, the accident was caused by the network. After the repair, the game went back ten seconds in accordance with the regulations.

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