Start Chasing the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 339: "The feeling of Bibi Dong..."

   Bibi Dong was seriously injured and furiously counterattacked, Tang San's soul fell from a high altitude and was attacked by Bibi Dong.

  Bibi Dong pierced Tang San's left chest with his bare hands, grabbed the golden heart, and took it out, and then the sea **** Tang San fell.

   The change happened in the blink of an eye, and everyone hadn't reacted yet, Xiao Wu rushed out to take the fallen Tang San's corpse, crying speechlessly.

  Bibi Dong came here at this time, to see the master’s face and give the Tiandou coalition three more days to consider whether to descend, if not,

   Uh, Wang Kun knows why Qian Renxue is so stupid, and Bibi Dong is so stupid. Qian Renxue naturally has a problem in his mind.

   Wang Kun suddenly understood why Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong had such a tragic ending, so?

   Are these two beautiful and beautiful little beauties having problems with their brains? It's very interesting.

   Three days later, she will come and destroy the entire empire with her own hands (actually, this is Bibi Dong who is holding on,

   She was so affected by Tang San’s piercing that she had become the end of the force, and she gave an excuse to escape.

   Tang Hao and others can kill her by uniting).

   Everyone immediately surrounded Tang San’s body in the military tent, Tang Hao, Master and Shrek’s grief and indignation were overwhelming.

   Determined to go to death and seek revenge, just when Oscar and Ning Rongrong held hands and planned to go out to fight,

  Blessed the souls of the two of them thought that they also had an ultimate skill, the ninth spirit ring of Oscar plus the spirit fusion skill of Nine Color Glazed Glass Tower released by Ning Rongrong,

   the light of resurrection,

   means that this skill has a half chance of resurrecting the unbroken body within one hour after death.

   But after the resurrection, this person's strength can only be restored by half.

   Everyone ignited hope, and Ao Ning and two of them drove their skills to rescue Tang San. At this time, the gods of the God of Cookery and the Goddess of Nine Colors (that is, the spirit of mind)

   also indirectly used the hands of two mortals to repair Tang San's body and heart.

   The Shura domain in Xiao Wu's body is also about to move.

  The all living beings far away in Sea God Island are also the divine minds that stayed on Sea God Island after they became gods before praying for the growth of Tang San,

   plus the power of faith that millions of soldiers of the Heaven Dou Empire prayed for Tang San, and the self-repairing energy in Tang San’s body,

   It may take more than a day, and finally, Tang San's body and spirit are resurrected successfully.

   Ao Ning also paid the price of not being able to drive Wuhun power within a year.

   After his resurrection, Tang San confidently faced the crowd and taught everyone to rest assured, saying that he could deal with the two gods.

   Tang Hao saw that Tang San was supporting him to stop him from playing, and Tang San’s father was going to desperately under house arrest again.

   Xiao Wu followed by saying that life and death will be in the same acupuncture point with him, and the time is up to three days.

   Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue's mother and daughter had already felt that the Seagod was returning again, and now they were surprised to see Tang San himself.

   The three gods are fighting again,

   At this time, Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong were afraid of Tang San’s cunning no longer fighting each other as they did three days ago to give Tang San a chance.

   Instead, they completely cooperated with each other to fight Tang San, and the two gods relied on their divine power and soul to be above Tang San and wanted to quickly annihilate him.

   Tang San once again used all his best to cooperate with Guanyin Tears and the Golden Trident, but he could only severely injure Bibi Dong a god.

   Just when Tang San was about to exhaust himself, Qian Renxue’s divine tool would bring the sun into flames,

   When the angel's holy sword penetrated through her body, Xiao Wu flew to hug Tang San and wanted to die together.

   At this time, Xiao Wu's body was completely red, and her body gradually merged into Tang San's body, and the red light emitted instantly forced Qian Renxue back.

   Bibi Dong, who was seriously injured in the distance, was terrified when he saw the red light.

   Just when everyone didn’t understand what was going on, Tang San saw it and thought Xiao Wu was going to sacrifice again and resisted the hot Xiao Wu to merge into himself.

   At this time, Xiao Wu finally understood her changes and told Tang San that the Shura magic sword left by his great-grandfather Tang Chen did not choose Xiao Wu to become the heir of the Shura god.

   Instead, she wanted her to be the scabbard of the Shura Demon Sword, carrying the divine power of the Shura domain, waiting for Tang San's summoning and fusion at any time,

   When she embraced Tang San, the evil breath of the Rakshasa **** soaked in the wounds that Tang San had been injured by Bibi Dong’s demon sickle before awakened the energy of the Shura demon sword in Xiao Wu’s body.

   With the addition of Tang San’s Clear Sky Hammer’s martial spirit, Shura’s divine power awakened by Tang San’s suppression and silence, Tang San’s Xiaowu realized the perfect fusion of divine, soul, and soul abilities.

   Tang San, the sea god, transformed into the scarlet Shura **** holding the Shura magic sword, and the blue phantom of the sea **** appeared behind him holding the trident.

   The image of the two gods as one is shown in front of everyone, and it must be more arrogant and arrogant.

   You must know that the **** Shura is the chief **** higher than the Raksha god, and the **** Shura belongs to the law enforcement **** of the light.

   The magical weapon Shura sword can slash the gods. Although the **** Rakshasa is also a **** of law enforcement, it belongs to the dark and evil category.

   The latter is controlled by the former. As for the Angel God, let alone, Qian Renxue has no chance of winning without Raksha God.

  Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue knew that they couldn't beat Tang San at this time, so they had no choice but to survive.

   Although Tang San possesses two gods, he can only fight with one **** at a time, and he can switch modes at will.

   Tang San used Shura's divine power to defeat Bibi Dong effortlessly,

   Then switch the power of Poseidon to smash the soul of Qianrenxue Angel God at the expense of Poseidon’s armor,

   Cut through the angel’s costume and the angel’s wings, Qian Renxue instantly lost his power and became a mortal.

   Tang San then switched to Shura God to kill Qian with a magic sword

  , between life and death, Bibi Dong rushed to use his body to block this life-threatening sword for his daughter to save Qian Renxue, and Bibi Dong was dying Qian called Master Yu Xiaogang,

   told him the truth about the separation of the two, and the master was full of emotion. Bibi Dong also asked Tang San to let go of Qian Renxue who was no longer a god, and Tang San agreed.

  At this moment, Keisha is looking at Wang Kun with a transparent goblet, "Hey, why don't you save it?"

Wang Kun smiled bitterly, "Hey, Bibi Dong could have become the goddess of the sky, the **** king of Shura, but because of Chihiro's disease alone, the **** of Shura became the **** of Raksha. Do you have to say that the secret room is very fragrant? Don't experience it...Okay, no kidding."

   Wang Kun unconsciously patted the red flowers on his black sleeves.

   He appeared in front of everyone.

   Wang Kun smiled slightly, incidentally, with a pure and incomparable killing intent.

   When Tang San saw it, he knew that Wang Kun was extremely powerful at this time, and he couldn't even kill him at all.

   Tang San and Xiao Wu had to stand, watching what Wang Kun wanted to do.

   Wang Kun walked to the dying Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue who turned into an 89-level Contra mortal.

   "You two are so ugly, I actually liked you decades ago? Forget it."

   At this time, a nine-color divine power rescued Bibi Dong from the brink of death

   Wang Kun looked at the master and Liu Erlong next to him and said, "Liu Erlong hasn't loved you for a long time, so I just came back."

   When he heard this, Master Yu Xiaogang was about to speak.

   In an instant, Yu Xiaogang's mouth turned into a fuck. Wang Kun just smiled now, "The sausages did a good job three times. It made these two very sinful women almost to death."

   At this time, Tang San's eyes suddenly appeared two red flowers on the other side, and the two red flowers on the other side instantly became bigger.

   Wang Kun thinks it's almost done. At this moment, Meng Ye, Huo Wu, Xiao Wu, Shui Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, Poseidon, Tang Yuehua, Bibi Dong, Hu Liena, and Qian Renxue were instantly teleported to a secret room.

   Bibi Dong instantly leaked a slight color of fear.

   Wang Kun snapped his fingers and opened the roof of the secret room. Then he smashed the secret room with a punch.

   There is nothing to say about this action. He just wanted to tell Bibi Dong that the secret room was broken by Chihiro, not an eternal shadow in his heart, but a cage that could be broken.

   Soon, the scene changed again. This time, all the beauties that Douluo had appeared on appeared on a green grassland.

   Wang Kun couldn't help but smiled evilly, "I have to say, A Yin, Poseidon, and Xiao Wu should have done you great. By the way, Tang San is dead, and Douluo Continent was also destroyed by me."

   Actually not, it's just Tang San, Tang Hao, and Tang Chen's eyes have a pair of red flowers growing on them, and they are devouring their lives.

   I have to say, Wang Kun suddenly noticed, what is the difference between me and the Cao Thief?

   Forget it, let these dozens of beauties feel the power of labor and management.................................... By the way, Kaisha Hexi was also screwed up.

   Qilin is alone.

   I have to say that it is really cool. It took a few years to get a good letter, but for the next few decades, Nana won't be able to touch it.

   and Xiaohai became a girl voluntarily.

   is originally a male body, but has a daughter's heart? It's wonderful, it's awesome.

   That's it............Wang Kun’s happy life is great, every day he goes to other world beauties if he has nothing to do.

   After hundreds of millions of years, Wang Kun does not know how many of his own children have been left.


   (This book is still very happy to write. Hahaha, the next thing is about the new book "Tang San of Douluo Is My Woman")

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