Start Chasing the Goddess From Douluo

: Thieves are interesting extravaganza three

   "My Douluo is Naruto Madame" Chapter 3 "Uchiha Mai"

"My daughter, when you are transformed into a human form, you will definitely go to the human world to see and see. But you are going to a place called Rabbit Village, where there are so many carrots. With Xiao Wu's skills, my mother believes that you can definitely find it. Yes. When you find it, you have to go to a place called Wuhundian, find someone to test your spirit and spirit power to obtain the qualifications to enter the academy, and then go to a remote academy to learn about human knowledge , Expand your horizons. You can come back when you are eighteen. Mom will always wait for you!

   But remember! Never let the human powerhouse of Title Douluo discover you! You must not go to the Wuhun Papal Palace, the Emperor's Palace of the Heaven Dou Empire, and the Emperor's Palace of the Xingluo Empire! There are all Title Douluo! Very dangerous!

   If you don’t go to the human world, if you fall in love with a handsome man, your mother will not mind. "

   Xiao Wu smiled a little happily thinking of what her mother had said to herself.

   also took out a pink wood comb with a carrot pattern on it.

   That was the comb her mother used to comb her long hair, and it was the only thing her mother left for herself.

   She remembered that she was still vomiting cutely.

   "I don't want to leave my mother, I want to stay with my mother forever! Human boys have no good things! My mother is the best!"

   "Don't be naughty, Xiao Wu."

   But Xiao Wu suddenly remembered that her mother was dead.

   Her tears flowed uncontrollably onto her beloved comb,

   She quickly wiped the pink wooden comb with her little pink hand, and there was a cute pattern of carrot on the comb.

   Lihuo is a little bit heartbroken, but it is impossible to avenge her, absolutely impossible, never possible,

   It's impossible to have no idea at all.

   Li Huo was originally domineering with both hands and chest, put it down, he squatted down,

   In his left hand, he held an orange carrot that had just been pulled out of the ground.

   then used Madara's unskilled water escape skills and put his hands together.

   "Water escape. The technique of water spear."

   A stream of clear water spit out from Lihuo’s mouth, although it was a bit disgusting,

   But under the peerless appearance of Lihuo, it actually adds to the deliciousness of this carrot.

   What about unexpected effects?

   He handed it to the crying Xiao Wu. Say softly, "Stop crying, okay?"

   Weeping Xiao Wu saw how the super handsome brother Li Huo cleaned the carrots.

   has stopped crying, but his face is still pink, and everyone sees it.

   Even though Xiao Wu wants to eat carrots, she still complains.

   "Brother Li Huo used saliva to wash it, I don't want it!"

   But saying so, Xiao Wu, who was dissatisfied with her integrity, put the comb into her clothes pocket on the right.

  The two little pink hands put the fresh carrots from the hands of the fire onto the little red lips.

   bite and eat bit by bit with her cute little shell teeth.

   The previous resentment towards Big Brother Lihuo dissipated for the most part in this instant.

   But at this moment, Li Huo's face was very cold, he looked at Xiao Wu. Said coldly

"Xiao Wu, you and I met in peace. Now I need to protect your conditions and put Uchiha's surname on your name. When my sister in name, this way, I can just protect you. But isn't it? If you really want to change it, you have to protect your life! My stupid sister."

   Xiao Wu saw the cold **** eyes of Big Brother Li Huo, and the fresh carrots in her frightened hand almost dropped.

   I thought he wanted to kill himself, taking a hundred thousand year old spirit ring and one hundred thousand year old spirit bone.

   really scared Xiao Wu, Xiaotu Ji is so cute, why do you want to scare Xiaotu Ji?

   Xiao Wu took a few deep breaths, then said

"I was scared to death, thinking that Big Brother Lihuo is a big badass. So, Big Brother Lihuo wants me to be your sister? Okay, I am Uchiha Mai from today! You can also call me Xiaowu . And, I’m not stupid!"

   Lihuo stood up and said indifferently, "Forget it, my sister won't be too naughty."

   An angry Xiao Wu, clutching the red layered armor from the fire, said like a baby

   "Brother Li Huo, he is very good, he is really good! Finding someone to be a sister is definitely the best choice!"

   Xiao Wu's heart seemed to open a little to Big Brother Lihuo.

   "Okay, don't pretend to be cute, go to test Wuhun, I will send you to Notting College in Notting City and leave."

   Xiao Wu looked at Big Brother Li Huo with cute big eyes, acting like a baby

   "Don't you accompany them to Notting College? Brother Li Huo? People can do everything. Acting like a baby, selling cute, eating, you can do it. No matter what."

   Li Huo covered his face, he really didn’t know Xiao Wu was so skinny, Li Huo smiled slightly

   "I said to protect your life, that is, to protect your life. No one can hurt you again! Only I can bully you! Remember?"

   In fact, Li Huo thought so. He wanted to go to Notting College to beat Tang San, and by the way, find out if Tang Hao is there, and let him have a taste of what is social beating.

   Tang San actually dared to steal my sister Xiao Wu as his wife? Is it worthy? Only I can bully my sister! Anyone who dares to hurt her a vellus hair, he will die!

   When Xiao Wu heard this, her eyes were moist, but she smiled very sweetly. The inner fortress is also fully opened. Xiao Wu felt that this cold brother turned out to be so reliable? I don't know if he can help himself to avenge his mother. Forget it, let's talk about it later.

   Don’t let Big Brother Lihuo worry about himself! Ok!

   And now Li Huo’s eyes appeared with white subtitles

   [Post a check-in task, meet Su Yuntao, the attractor of the gods, reward the task, and increase the spirit power level by 0.05. 】

  My old swan! A social figure like Brother Tao actually rewards such a low spirit power boost?

   And among the many comrades who have crossed Douluo, most of them have seen this brother Tao, how can he only be given level 0.05?

   The flowing water Douluo, the determined Su Yuntao! Forget it, Tao brother's drama is only a few chapters, forget it.

   seems to be more than 0.05, how much does Xiao Wu play?

   Tang San is here, she is basically there.

   That's it, it has only increased by 0.1 soul power level. Tang San still had to be beaten severely.

   Even Uchiha Mai can't protect and needs to be beaten severely.

   Li Huo remembered that Xiao Wu seemed to sacrifice to Tang San, a waste.

   What else did you say to protect her. Rubbish, saying **** also insults the word rubbish.

   But Tang San did his best, and Li Huo couldn't say anything more.

   Forget it, Li Huo cleaned up his mentality, he didn't expect it either.

   did not cross to the Holy Soul Village at the beginning, but crossed to the lake of life in the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest,

   met the hooligans Xiaowu who was a hundred thousand years old.

   He felt that he might never see Brother Tao again in this life, but he didn't expect to see this very beautiful Xiao Wu in the future.

   Not bad, really good! Wonderful!

   At this time, Xiao Wu looked at Big Brother Lihuo who was in a daze and felt that all the touches just now were eaten by the dog.

   Brother Lihuo, give me back my touch! Such a handsome guy can't be gentle.

   That's perfect! But I like to bully people, huh ╯^╰!

   But Xiao Wu's heart is still very sweet, she uses two small pink hands to pull Li Huo's left hand and said

   "Brother Li Huo, accompany me to the Wuhun test? I'm a little afraid to test it alone."

   Xiao Wu’s original favor was that she was afraid that Big Brother Lihuo would hurt her.

   And now I sincerely like this super powerful big brother Lihuo.

Although    Lihuo said this to Xiao Wu, he just hid it in his After all, my sister can only bully herself, and it is impossible for others to bully a little bit!

   Li Huo glanced at her Xiao Wu with her big cute eyes, and Li Huo walked in.

   is said to have agreed to Xiao Wu's request. Xiao Wu put down her two pink hands, leaking a cute smile, and walked next to Big Brother Li Huo.

   After they entered, the spirit power of a great spirit master of more than 20 levels was fluctuating in the distance from Huo.

   Li Huo walked straight over, and Xiao Wu followed the big brother Li Huo.

   But while walking on the dirt road in Rabbit Village, Lihuo saw many carrots wrapped in net bags.

   hangs on the roofs of many wooden houses. It seems that the residents of Rabbit Village eat carrots every time they eat.

   Lihuo remembers this method, it seems to be hanging corn. But the custom in Rabbit Village is like this.

   And why is it hanging on the roof?

   should be to prevent small animals from eating this crispy orange carrot with sweet and Chinese medicine flavor.

   is very interesting.

   And Xiao Wu’s sweet saliva is also flowing in her mouth,

   But still following the back of Big Brother Li Huo. Desperate!

   Lihuo had to let Xiao Wu go to a house with the most carrots and beg for carrots.

   and the super cute little pink loli dance, also complete the task perfectly.

   Xiao Wu walked to the big wooden house, knocked gently on the door with her right hand, and said cutely, "Is anyone home?"

  The people in the big wooden house heard the lovely voice of this invincible kawaii,

   An aunt dressed in a plain cloth hurriedly opened the door, and looked at such a cute little pink Lolita with a perverted smile.

   "Little girl, what are you doing here?"

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