Whether the world has advanced, Jiang Chen does not know, but further improvement is inevitable, that is to say, this time the investment is stable, in this case, how to choose is almost self-evident.

Time is ticking slowly.

Soon it was a few more days.

These days, the state side does not come to him again.

And Jiang Chen’s creation point has broken 10,000 again.

Or more precisely, 30,000.

These 30,000 creation points are enough for him to act.

And that’s exactly what happened

Located in the middle of two digital worlds.

This is a piece of nothingness, and there is no perfect pluralistic world, which is now just nothingness.

At this time, Jiang Chen was already here.

Consciousness is even linked to the entire void world, and with the tilt of the creation point, everything in the entire surrounding nothingness also quickly begins to change.

A string of “0” and “1” data flashes, and soon it is the same as the initial state of the previous digital world.

But that’s about it.

This initial state did not evolve towards a new digital world, but stopped.

At the same time, in the flickering of a string of data, a strange existence slowly stood in the entire world of data.

World Tree.

That’s right, Jiang Chen at this moment is shaping the world tree.

Royal knights, and the world tree is a symbiotic existence, since thirteen royal knights are to be created, then the world tree is an inescapable hurdle.

As the god of the digital world, the World Tree is also known as an absolute being. It has not been explicitly stated in the work that it is not strictly a Digimon, but it is published as “World Tree _7D6” in the Digimon Book on the official website.

It exists somewhere in the digital world as a giant tree.

The third part of the World Tree has already been mentioned, and the real formation should be the fifth part, in the fifth part, angry that some human strategies have repeatedly caused the Digimon and the digital world to face crises, in order to avoid the destruction of the digital world, order the royal knights to destroy the human race. Because he is a god, he hates his own majesty and is challenged. He appears as the eldest father, Daimon Young, whose real body is to spy on the Fanchang Lion Beast (Daimon Young) as a hostage. After the Eiwa Fan Lion Beast is destroyed, the true posture appears in front of the Daigan and the Royal Knight with the overwhelming power of the gods, and calls himself the WiZ9000 computer (WiZ9000 type コンピューター), built to monitor the evolution of the Digimon, but is eventually defeated by the bond between humans and Digimon.

Because after the bond between humans and Digimon was defeated, he fell into a long sleep on the pretext of observing their essence, and returned Ying’s body and soul.

In the consumption of creation points, the world tree is quickly revealed.

But in a deep sleep.

And at the same time that the world tree is taking shape.

The data is flashing.

Soon, one after another terrifying existence began to appear.

The creation of the world tree does not consume many creative points, after all, this is strictly the same existence as the host, the data integration of the two digital worlds, that is, the world tree, but the shaping of the thirteen royal knights, the consumption of creation points is extremely terrifying, each of them is an independent individual, each has special abilities.

When shaping, the consumption of creation points is naturally greater.

The “Lonely Hermit” in the empty seat, the master of the “Void Seat”, and the theoretically non-existent Digimon – [Alpha Beast].

Equipped with swords, shields and cannons, he can give full play to his abilities in any situation, and the “strongest in normal” composite warrior – [Omega Beast].

A viral paladin born from the demon dragon that collapsed the world – [Duke Beast].

The armored paladin Digimon evolved from the power of the “Digimon of Miracles” – [Magna Beast].

The king who commands all knight beasts – [Knight Lord Beast].

With the ability of a wyvern, the power and destructive power of the royal knights is second to none – [Dunas Beast].

Has the top task completion rate, the most courteous royal knight – [Skull Beast].

Wander around the digital world to eradicate chaos, and punish evil with an iron fist – [Stubborn Beast].

Staying with the power of “future”, a warrior of divine speed – [Ultimate V Dragon Beast].

Sleeping under the ice of the Far North, guarding the super-ancient ruins of the giant beast-type paladin [Srep Beast].

Recognized as the first strategist among the royal knights – [Aromatic Beast].

The “Dragon Emperor” with magnificent data and an incomparably huge body – [Akosa Beast].

With the ability to perceive the signs of chaos and abnormalities, the paladin known as the “savior” – [Jace Beast].

One by one, the paladin beasts began to take shape, of course, Jiang Chen did not create another omega beast, so it can be said that there are only twelve at present, and the alpha beast, as a digimon that does not exist in theory, is also illusory at this time, of course, it is only illusory, in fact, as a shape, it is indeed a village, but it does not exist in this piece of time and space.

And when the Magna beast, the Duke beast, the Dunas, the knight lord beast, the skull beast, the eight-legged horse beast, the aromatic beast, the Akosa beast, the stubborn beast, and the Jace beast gradually took shape.

The entire digital world could not help but shake slightly, and the next moment, one after another, ripples spread, and the originally somewhat illusory digital world was completely and completely solidified, and at the same time, it even expanded.

Moreover, Jiang Chen could feel that in the world, a strange level began to improve.

World: Digital world (complete).

Level: Level 5 (full).

Perfection: 100

Creation point acquisition: 5000/day (140000/250000).

Creator: Jiang Chen

Own the world: the digital world

Completion: 100

Creation points: 0 points

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