
BLEACH (originally meaning “bleach”, katakana: ブリーチ) is a manga created by Obito Kubo and serialized in Shueisha Weekly Shonen Jump since 2001. It has also been adapted from the anime of the same name and the light novel. By the time the 71st volume of the Japanese monobook was released, the cumulative circulation exceeded 86 million copies.

The Big Three of the Sea of Dead Fire.

It can be said that after the rich old thief fought in the Bird Altar all day long, it was the pinnacle that supported his entire Japanese manga world.

The heat of death in his heyday even overwhelmed the Hokage and the pirates for a while.

Unfortunately, the Grim Reaper started too buggy, and the next was too silly.

With the final chapter, Lan Ran, who made a big news, entered the bureau, and the entire Grim Reaper almost entered the state of slashing.

Even if the dog-tailed marten behind came up with a thousand-year bloody battle, it looked like a temporary rush work.

Of course, all this aside.

The entire world level of the Grim Reaper is indeed good.

It can even be said to be powerful.

Especially when the thousand-year bloody battle begins, the entire level of the God of Death can go up to another level.

If it’s just the previous chapter, its level may not be much greater than that of the Hokage Pirate.

The swastika is indeed cool enough, but it is only cool, and the performance of destructive power alone is not as good as the Hokage and the Pirates.

But when the thousand-year bloody war began, all this had already taken a leap.

One bug after another.

Captain Yamamoto’s residual fire sword is said to be enough to burn the terrifying high temperature of the entire corpse soul world. 、

Little White Winter Shilang’s four realms of ice are said to be enough to freeze all elements.

The flowers of the blossom are all fierce.

Jingle Spring Water’s flower day crazy bone dry pine heart.

Quiet Spirit Court, Spirit King, Team Zero.

Exterminator, friend habach.

The re-created world, all this directly pulls up the level of the entire Grim Reaper world.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen chose the Grim Reaper in the end.

For him at present, the creation of the Grim Reaper World is a way to maximize the use of his current creation points.

Arriving now, Jiang Chen also found that the higher the level of world creation, the more creation points he would get.

This can be seen in the digital world.

Originally, the digital world was only level four, and the creation points given to him were only 100,000 points, which also had consumption of creation points, but when the world completed the promotion, this creation point continued to increase, first reaching 200,000 points, and now even reaching 250,000 points, which can be said to have more than doubled.

How much the Grim Reaper could provide, he didn’t know.

However, it is certain that it will only be much more than the lower world.

This is undoubtedly what he needs.

Not to mention in such a dangerous world.

Creating a stronger world also has benefits for him that he cannot ignore.

However, with the first moth before, this time Jiang Chen will naturally not directly start the creation of the world.

Instead, start sorting out your thoughts.

As the three giants of the sea of dead fire.

Jiang Chen was no stranger to the memory of death.

It can even be said that he has a relatively clear memory.

Moreover, for the thousand-year bloody battle, he has also seen it, so the overall situation is not very difficult.

What is needed now is to sort this information out into a perfect framework for the world and then shape it.

See if the creation points are enough.

And this will undoubtedly take some time.

But fortunately, he really has not lacked time lately.

And for him, he is also eager to improve his own level.

The transformation of the Digimon was indeed enough for him to enter an extremely powerful form, but this was only a form, not his strength, and Jiang Chen was still a little uneasy.

Taking the time to come up with a world that increases himself is also needed for him.


In the following time, Jiang Chen ignored it and began to outline the framework of the entire world of death.

Of course, on the other hand, he has not forgotten the digital world.

Although the World Tree and the Royal Knights have been shaped, Jiang Chen has been filling it accordingly, and it is still being used to further improve the entire world, and it can be said that there is no delay between the two.

Time passes quickly in these minutes and seconds.

Time in the blink of an eye.

It’s just days that pass.

The digital world is getting better.

The number of creation points is also slowly increasing over the course of each day.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen’s sketch of the frame of the Grim Reaper has gradually reached its end.

The memory strengthened after crossing made it easy for him to recall some things, plus there was a comic book of death, which made Jiang Chen recall some things more clearly.

I believe that in a few days, the entire framework of the God of Death can be completely obtained by him.

At that time, as long as the creation points are enough, then he can continue to create the world.

And it’s his second world.

It’s just in this silence.

Jiang Chen never thought that his peace would be broken.

The day after a week was also the ninth day of the previous troublesome period.

The state, for his part, sent a message of asking for advice.

Because of this information, his movements had to stop.

It’s not to give more face, but Jiang Chen is a little funny, the country’s side, it’s really stable, it’s been seven days, the other party really intends to act, which can be said to have surprised him extremely much, Jiang Chen originally thought that ** could hold on for two or three days is good, but he didn’t expect it to start until the ninth day.


(first change).

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