Cavill’s phantom is dissipating.

In Jiang Chen’s world.

Everything is controlled by Jiang Chen.

Not only the time, space, and matter around us, but also the people who are in it.

In fact, when Cavill enters the digital world, everything about him is no longer under his control.

For example, now, Jiang Chen only had one consciousness, and Cavill’s body had collapsed.

And at this moment, the outside world did not even react in the slightest.

The isolated world, the emperor-level fall, seems to be imperceptible at all.

Everything is normal in heaven and earth.

There is no rain of blood, and there is no torn firmament.

At the same time, Cavill’s memory was stripped away and directly read by Jiang Chen.

Of course, this is infinitely simplified and extracted, as he has read countless novels, he still understands that it is better not to read this thing indiscriminately, especially in the face of the existence that has lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

If one is not good, it is difficult to say whether he is or not.

Although this is unlikely, Jiang Chen is still very careful.

And when the simplified memories flooded into his mind.

Jiang Chen’s expression couldn’t help but fluctuate.

For a long time, he slowly exhaled.

But there was a solemn look in his expression.

If he only had a one-sided understanding of the Three Thousand Worlds before, this is also ** understanding of the Three Thousand Worlds.

At this moment, he had a clear understanding.

I also understand what level of horror the Three Thousand Realms has reached.

Now whether it is those worlds in the seventy-two middle realms that have been started, or the Kaville Heavenly Magic Realm that has already intervened a little, in fact, it is only the initial world, and the ten heavenly realms are the most fundamental existence, and they are also the existences that promote the real arrival of the day of origin, and even Kavir is secretive about the ten heavenly realms.

And their strength, there is no doubt about it.

The thirty-six realms are even like ants.

Not to mention other worlds.

You know, among the seventy-two middle realms, there is already an emperor-level birth.

And in addition to the low-level world, there are generally more than two emperors.

And the Tianqiao Realm, this kind of thirty-six realms, has more than thirty emperor levels, yes, more than thirty emperor levels.

There are ten halls in the Tianqiao Realm, and the weakest hall master is Cavill, but Cavill is also infinitely close to a higher level.

Royal Realm.

A whole new term, but also a whole new level.

It can be determined that this level must be beyond the existence of Omega Beast X and Alpha Beast.

And the Tianqiao Realm is actually not a powerful existence among the thirty-six realms, although it is not weak, but it is also about the middle stream, and you can imagine the strength of the entire Three Thousand Realms.

And more importantly.

Jiang Chen had some understanding of the Origin Star and the Origin Day.

The Star of Origin is Earth.

According to legend, the birth of the Three Thousand Realms was suddenly the earth.

Every world was born from Earth, so Earth is called the Star of Origin.

As for the day of origin.

It is said that after reaching a certain day, the earth’s origin qi will spread rapidly, and as long as it can descend, the world will get great benefits.

And it can avoid the fate of destruction.

That’s right, to avoid the fate of destruction.

How long the three thousand worlds have been born, no one knows.

But everyone knows that their world is almost unsustainable.

Without the Qi of Origin, sooner or later it will already collapse.

This point, the ten heavenly realms do not know, but the thirty-six major realms are almost like this, as for the seventy-two middle realm, and other small worlds, it is even worse, so that some strong people have to seal themselves, because the world is about to collapse, their power is also dissipating, in order to avoid the decline in strength too much, only to do this.

As for this action, Jiang Chen also understood what it meant.

Those ten emperors didn’t want to follow this step by step, otherwise they would definitely not be able to win, so they were ready to use him as a breakthrough point and forcibly insert the earth in advance.

And Cavill’s Heavenly Magic Realm is ready to use them to consume a little of the power of other worlds.

Ten worlds entered the region in advance, even if there was a reason, in fact, it was impossible to be completely ignored.

It is inevitable to make a move, especially if there are people in the ten worlds who have obtained great benefits on the earth, there will be people in the thirty-six realms who cannot sit still.

And if you can’t sit still, it is naturally a shot, ten emperor levels, plus the benefits obtained and the strength of improvement, even if they face a thirty-six realms, they actually have the power of a battle.

Naturally, the situation will be wonderful.

It’s a pity that Cavill obviously thinks too much.

First of all, the ten people were stopped by Jiang Chen, and secondly, the Alien Beast World was stopped by the God of Death World, and even destroyed by Jiang Chen.

The other worlds were stopped by the Seventy-Two Middle Realm.

At this time, in the world of nothingness, the world and the world are still at war with each other.

On the one hand, they block and on the other hand, they want to escape.

It can be said that it is in a state of anxiety.

And he was even buried in Jiang Chen’s hands.

It’s all over from the start.

In the void, the information in the mind is constantly sorted out.

Eventually all thoughts have dissipated.

All that remains is urgency.

Jiang Chen did not expect that the situation was so crisis, and the danger level of this earth had reached such a large level.

“I really want to run!”

He smiled wryly and spoke.

Jiang Chen shook his head and couldn’t help but complain.

But after being surprised in his heart, he was relieved, the day of origin is still a few years away, this period of time should be enough for him to complete a lot of worlds, three thousand worlds look afraid, but what is it, the world in his mind, how about the value of three thousand, as long as there are enough creation points, even if it is thirty thousand worlds, he can shape it.

And the level will definitely not be much lower.

The last time is also the existence of a king.

The strongest is definitely a world that can crush the thirty-six realms.

This is the traverser, and has the absolute advantage of countless memories, under the golden finger, it can even expand its advantage indefinitely.


(The first change, the next one, the same five changes today, kneel for support!) )

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