Three years later.

A terrifying aura rose up throughout the planet.

In the jungle, Li Zhen stepped on the last existence in front of him.

Three years of time.

His strength improved rapidly.

By now, he had even recovered to the full strength of his body before logging in, Grand Master.

And if there is a strength detector at this moment, he will be surprised to find that Li Zhen’s strength has reached as high as seven thousand.

It’s close to the threshold of breaking 10,000.

You know, on planet Vegeta.

Below 2,000 are lower-level fighters, 2,000 to 5,000 are intermediate fighters, and above 5,000 are elite fighters.

As for breaking 10,000, it is the most peak combat power.

Even the current King of Vegeta is only a matter of breaking ten thousand, and with such a level of combat power, the entire planet Vegeta is only a few people.

But at this moment, Li Zhen has approached this level infinitely.

On the one hand, Li Zhen himself has the power of the grandmaster.

On the one hand, it is also because Li Zhen discovered the incredible secret of his body in three years, that is, it seems that every time he falls into the near death, his strength will get a leap.

It was an occasional discovery by him.

That was the result of his battle with the monster in this world that reached 565.

That day, he defeated that monster with more than four hundred points of combat power, but he himself was on the verge of near death, if he was not too far from his flight capsule, I am afraid that he would have died at that moment, but he was saved in the flight capsule, but he suddenly found that his combat power changed from four hundred and twenty to eight hundred and twenty.

At that moment, he thought that he had sensed the wrong one.

But soon, he discovered, this was not a mistake at all.

Because, the second time the same thing happened.

Or rather, the second time, he did it on his own initiative.

In order to test it.

And the result really made him very sure.

Because when he woke up, his combat power had changed from eight hundred and twenty to one thousand six hundred.

It doubled again.

Such a result is undoubtedly Li Zhen’s ecstasy.

In particular, after he found that even when he returned to Earth, his body accepted it, and he almost fell into madness.

Fight again and again.

Fight again and again, and even deliberately put yourself in the near death every time.

On the earth, Li Zhen did not dare to die.

It’s not that he is afraid of death, but he can’t die, and as one of the ** leaders, his importance is beyond doubt.

But in this world, this identity is not him, death is not so important to him, but once he does not die, his gains will be huge.

And he found out.

As soon as he logs out.

After a while, Barton’s body in that world will be repaired to a certain extent.

Although it is not a healing, or even a recovery, it can undoubtedly allow him to find a life in this infinite search for death.

In such a case.

He survived by luck again and again.

And the strength is getting stronger and stronger.

Today, his combat power has also reached seven thousand.

As long as he jumps again, then he can directly break 10,000.

Once it breaks 10,000, it will undoubtedly be a new world for him.

But obviously, it is not so easy for him to break ten thousand at this moment.

The simplest reason is that it is difficult for him to fall into that near-death state at this moment.

The strongest on the entire planet have been solved by him.

This is still the case of his left hand.

In fact, in the time before the transformation, if he hadn’t fought back, I’m afraid he wouldn’t have been able to continue to double, and now, it’s even more so.

“My strength should already be good on Planet Vegeta, but if you want to break through the king, I’m afraid you have to enter the combat power of breaking ten thousand!”

Li Zhen spoke with a self-speaking voice, and his heart was slightly hesitant.

In my head, countless thoughts are flashing.

At this moment, he almost has a clear positioning, now his strength is similar to his body, but the combat strength is only about seven thousand, that is to say, if it is a king, then at least it is also a combat power of breaking ten thousand, and even may be a lot more, he wants to break through, and can only consider these, the breakthrough of martial arts, it is obviously not possible to do it in a short time, unless he has an opportunity like Fang Tao, then he can consider this.

But fortunately, in his mind, he soon had a thought.

There was an ability that he had never used, and now it seemed that he could think about it.

“Hope it works!”

The voice that was talking to himself spoke, and the next moment, Li Zhen did not hesitate, and a ball of light on his right hand slowly appeared.

The next moment he was directly thrown into the air.

At this moment, a moon-like existence was formed.

That’s right, it’s the moon.

Li Zhenxiang’s method is simple.

Great ape.

Saiyans see the moon on a full moon night and turn into a great ape, but must have a tail. After transformation, it is about 10 times the norm, and the lower and intermediate warriors of Saiyans will lose their minds after transformation, and only Saiyans and superior warriors with royal blood can maintain their will after transformation. The weakness is the tail, if the tail is caught, the whole body will be weak, if the tail is cut off, it will become normal.

With his current combat strength, then his strength will inevitably enter the king realm in an instant.

Although this royal realm will disappear with the transformation of the giant ape, it is enough, he is enough for him to complete the breakthrough in an instant.

And that’s enough.

“Bang bang!”

The clothes were torn in an instant, and the body expanded rapidly to a terrifying degree, and the figure was completely covered in tan hair.

Some of the previous thin images disappeared completely, and it was indeed a huge orangutan as tall as five or six floors.

And Li Zhen’s aura also became extremely violent at this moment.


A huge roar rose, and with a mouth, a huge and incomparable energy beam instantly pierced through the void and shot towards the cosmic starry sky.

Seven thousand and ten times the combat power, that is, seventy thousand, even if most of these seventy thousand forces did not hit, but it was still a terrifying power, the entire planet was violently shaking at this time.


(The same three changes today, Kavin is a little serious!) )

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