When the world thought that this was the end.

But it is.

This is far from over!

With the vibration of the worlds, in the great world, there are constantly great powers that have set their eyes on the five realms.

As the celestial phenomena deepened, an even more terrifying scene appeared.

The Fall of the Imperial Realm.

The leakage of the origin breath will also stop after a period of time.

The vision of heaven and earth will gradually weaken and return to normal.

This process, look at the intensity of the world.

The stronger the world, the faster it will recover.

The worlds that have formed an alliance are the strongest of the thirty-six worlds.

Such a world, logically, should heal quickly.

What is shocking, however, is that.

Until now, the leakage of the Origin Breath was still intensifying!

This means that the powerhouses in this world are falling one after another!

There is an imperial realm, and there is also an imperial level.

The worlds have not seen such a huge tide of fall for many years.

For a while, the sky shook.

Heavenly Reason Realm, Heavenly Fire Realm.

Many great powers are looking up at the sky.

Their world did not show any signs.

In total, there were five emperors from the realm, and one from each of the five worlds.

But not every world’s Emperor Realm powerhouse was sent.

Yes, it is uninvited.

For example, the emperor realm in the Heavenly Sense Realm did not communicate with other imperial realms, and alone led the emperor level under his command to quietly ally ally with the four realms.

“What about Karru, didn’t they go together?” A majestic black-robed man said displeased, “Have you asked me about forming alliances with other realms without authorization?” ”

Don’t wait for someone to answer.

The black-robed man said to himself: “That’s right, he has been suppressed by the half-demon for too long, and he actually wants to take advantage of this time to fish in troubled waters and cultivate for so many years!” I think he has repaired his brain! ”

“My lord.”

An emperor-level powerhouse bowed his head and said: “Lord Karlu, he is just thinking for us, when the realms are not moving, take the opportunity to divide a little origin qi, we will be stronger in the future.”


If you don’t say it’s okay, as soon as you say it, the black-robed man is angry.

The terrifying momentum directly overwhelmed this emperor-level powerhouse to the ground.

“Unless he can swallow a realm alone, what can that bit of Origin Qi do? On the contrary, once he fell, how much would the Heavenly Realm lose! ”

As soon as the powerhouse of the Imperial Realm dies, the Origin Aura will leak a lot, which will directly affect the personality of the world and the speed of cultivation after that.

It was precisely because of this that the black-robed man was so angry.

Now the other three realms are all in a wail.

As long as it is a long-brained one, it is clear in its heart.

They kicked to the iron plate!

And it is also the kind of existence that can make the three imperial realms die instantly!

The fact that the celestial phenomena of the three worlds appeared at the same time is very telling.

The black-robed man didn’t feel at all that the other two imperial realms could survive when they faced such a strong man again.

Even for the sake of this realm, his own Karru can’t die!

After the black-robed man finished his anger, he waved his sleeves and returned directly to the place of cultivation.

Here, in addition to him, there are three peak emperor realms who are in the process of epiphany.

Without disturbing these people, the black-robed man came to a row of uniquely shaped stone statues alone.

These stone statues are all statues of the powerhouses of the Heavenly Reason Realm Emperor Realm.

Among them, there is Karur, and there is his own!

“Success is not enough, more than failure!”

The black-robed man scolded displeased, and then began to practice.

A stream of light filled with mysterious runes opened up from him and disappeared into the statue belonging to Karur.

The reason why the Heavenly Reason Realm is called the Heavenly Reason Realm is because on the road of Heavenly Reason, they are unique and proud of all worlds.

With space, the imperial realm can be broken at will, but it cannot be created.

But for countless years, the Heavenly Sense Realm has created a secret method.

You can use an anchor to communicate with the person under the anchor at any time, and then pull the other person to the statue in an instant.

It’s just that the price is that this statue that spends countless resources and makes the hearts of the powerhouses of the Imperial Realm can be shattered.

But also because of the secret law, the Heavenly Principle Realm has never fallen to an imperial realm for so many years!

The secret spell unfolded.

The black-robed man’s eyes gradually deepened.


Through endless time and space, he connects with Karru!

Just at this moment, he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

The appearance was horrified!

Karru’s injury turned out to be so serious!

“Save me!”

Feeling the greeting of the statue, a glimmer of hope finally appeared on Karrou’s terrified face.

He roared, desperate to get into the tunnel right away.

The black-robed man saw a strange race creature with purple body and large ears through behind Karru.

Under which guy, it turned out to be a bloodstained Heavenly Fire Realm Emperor Realm powerhouse who had lost his breath!

This Emperor Realm powerhouse he knew well fell at the feet of the other party like a dead dog at this moment.

The black-robed man’s eyelids twitched fiercely twice.

Launch an all-out effort to try to pull Karrou back into his homeworld.

“This method is good, but you may also underestimate me.”

Slowly approaching is none other than the god of destruction of the seventh universe, Beerus.

He was in a deep sleep, but was woken up by two slightly larger flies that flew from nowhere.

Just killed one and vented a little anger.

But the other is that he cannot be allowed to escape under any circumstances.

Space broke apart, and a singularity tunnel spanning space and time appeared in an instant.

As long as you step out, you can instantly return to the Heavenly Reason Realm from here.

Seeing hope, Karru didn’t care about the dignity of his imperial realm, didn’t even dare to say more, and got into the tunnel in embarrassment.

Seeing Karru enter the space tunnel by himself, the black-robed man breathed a sigh of relief.

The fourth royal realm is also dead, as long as Karlu does not die, even if they have not plundered the Origin Breath, they are also a big turn!

It may even be a blessing in disguise and suppress the Heavenly Fire Realm.

However, at this moment, half of his body had already entered the tunnel, and Karru, who even appeared next to the statue, changed his face.

In the Dragon Ball universe, Beerus narrowed his eyes slightly.

With a slight movement, this space, with countless galaxies and stars, emitted a huge brilliance, and at this moment, it actually exploded this singularity into ruins!

The black-robed man also spat out a mouthful of blood under the backlash, and the link with the passage was broken.

But he didn’t care about himself, but looked at the statue behind him.

Logically, the person should have been pulled back.

It is also true that people have returned, but only one is left, and it is still empty, and the dead can no longer die.

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