Chapter 85 Terror Three-masted Galleon!!

Four days later, the Sword Spirit gradually approached the Magic Triangle Sea.

Suddenly, a large dark cloud drifted by, and the bean-sized rain sloped down like a waterfall, accompanied by the fierce wind, and the sea surface kept churning.

Green spooky lightning filled the sky.

“Strange, this day has changed.”

Wanda looked up at the sky, one moment it was still clear, the next second it turned into a violent storm.

Bai Luo quickly raised the shield of the Sword Spirit to isolate the wind and rain. Looking at this gloomy weather, stretched.

“It looks like it’s almost here.”

Wanda stood side by side with Bai Luo.

“Captain, is this what you call the Magic Triangle? ~”

“Yes, whatever it is, it will mysteriously disappear here—the Uncharted Sea.”

Bai Luo’s tone was deliberately suppressed, creating a strange atmosphere.

Xiaoyu and Kemi on the side trembled with fear after hearing this, and the two hugged each other tightly.

Although Kemi already has the ability to fruit, his timid nature cannot be changed for a while.

“And, there’s a living skeleton… Wander around! ”


Even Cosette exclaimed.

“Captain, don’t scare us.”

Bai Luoha smiled: “Okay, don’t tease you, but the skeleton thing is true!” ”

“You still say!”

Cosette turned pale, her hands clutched her clothes, and her eyes looked around cautiously, as if skeletons were around.

I don’t know when a fog rose on the sea.

Suddenly, her face froze, her eyes widened, and she pointed straight ahead.

“You… Ghost ship! ”

A scream focused everyone’s attention. Everyone looked ahead.

I saw a tattered giant pirate ship slowly approaching the Sword Spirit through the fog.

The mainsail above had shattered, and the ship’s fallen into disrepair was covered with rust.

“Yo he…”

If there was no singing, it suddenly sounded.

Everyone turned pale, and Xiaoyu buried his head in the long mane of Lion Ah Jiao. Even Wanda, who has always been calm, was frightened by this strange scene.

But instead of being afraid, Bai Luo showed an interested look.

“This song…. It’s really you, Brooke! ”

The ghost ship slowly docked next to the Sword Spirit, and everyone saw a skeleton standing on the deck, holding coffee, and his empty eyes were facing everyone.

Although there are no eyes, everyone feels that this guy is looking at us!

The skeleton kept humming something in its mouth.

On the Sword Spirit, Wanda and the others froze in place.

After a while, the ghost ship sailed past the Sword Spirit and disappeared into the fog again.

Mitsuki Rihe swallowed his spit, turned his neck stiffly, and his expression seemed to be crying and laughing.

“Everyone saw it…”

Kemi clutched her ears tightly: “It must be an illusion, you can’t see or hear..”

Bai Luo looked at her self-deception, and smiled dumbly.

“Okay everyone, keep going, it looks like it’s coming soon.”

Half a day later.

A vast area of dead silence appeared in front of the Sword Spirit.

Dilapidated walls, eerie fog, a giant gate like teeth standing horizontally in the middle.

It was as if sensing the arrival of the Sword Spirit.

The giant door slowly lifted, like a big mouth. Bai Luo squinted slightly.

“Has it been discovered?”

Patting the fence of the Sword Spirit, the Sword Spirit slowly drove in. After the group parked the boat, they set foot on the land.

The fog that drifted from time to time and the ruined tombstones that could be seen around made everyone feel a little uneasy.

Bai Luo scanned the surroundings, and the corners of his mouth hooked.

“Kemi, your ultrasound works.”

Kemi followed Wanda closely, opened her mouth when she heard this, and an invisible sound wave quickly spread out.

Kemi felt the information from the sound waves, and his body trembled even more.

In her perception, the surrounding jungle is full of all kinds of strange monsters.

This frightened her, and she couldn’t speak for a long time.

Bai Luo was a little helpless, “Forget it, let’s open the sights.” ”

Everyone’s eyes flashed red, and the surrounding environment was clearly perceived.

Everyone saw those weird creatures. For a while, there was some consternation.

But before they could react, the sound of a rope was heard in the surrounding cemetery.

One corrupt hand after another broke through the ground.

Bandaged zombies crawled out of the soil. Xiao Yu exclaimed, frightened by this change.

Bai Luo secretly thought in his heart, this is probably the masterpiece of the so-called genius surgeon Hogurk.

Glancing at the expressions of everyone around, sure enough, this atmosphere is not suitable for this group of girls.

Bai Luo coughed dryly: “Wanda, you take them back to the Sword Spirit to guard”

“Remember to open the shield.”

When everyone heard this, they quickly urged Wanda to return to the Sword Spirit as if they were carrying a load. At the very least, the lights on the Sword Spirit can bring them a sense of security in their hearts. Bai Luo waved his hand, and the sword qi formed out of thin air.

The sword qi swept out, and the zombies fell like straw being harvested.

Bai Luo went into the depths of the jungle alone.

The deepest part of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship stands in a tower-like castle building.

At the very top, a tall, devil-like man stood at the window.

His forehead has long horns, sharp teeth, a cross stitch from head to neck, and a black bat collar that sets off his skin more and more pale.

It is the current king Qiwu Hai, Moonlight Moria.

“Hehee, this is the magic realm of the dead, Bai Luo, have nightmares to your heart’s content!”

“Just let me see if you, the Five Emperors, have that strength!”

A sharp voice came from the window, with a hint of madness.

A translucent spirit body suddenly appeared in midair, quietly observing Bai Luo in the jungle.

Bai Luo seemed to be aware of it and raised his eyes slightly.

The corners of his mouth showed a curve.

“Perona is also here.”

After shuttling through the jungle for a while, a gloomy and dark castle appeared in front of Bai Luo’s eyes.

Pushing open the rusty iron door, Bai Lumai walked in. The castle hall was empty, candlelight flickering.

Bai Luo glanced around, and all kinds of strange murals hung on the wall.

In his memory, those murals were scary zombies under Perona’s command, and they were all living creatures that could be drilled out of the paintings.

Seeing this, he showed an inexplicable smile.

And the murals on those walls suddenly raised an uneasy feeling in my heart.

“No, why does this person give me the feeling that has already discovered us!!”

“It’s so weird that I feel that way too.”

Two murals on the side of the wall whispered, the sound faintly audible.

Bai Luo did not debunk it, quietly pulled out a chair after a chair, and sat down. Then closed his eyes.

Secretly, one by one, the bloated guys, wearing net clothes and round eyes couldn’t help but be a little stunned when they saw this scene.

“What is the situation?”

“Doesn’t this guy feel scared at all!”

One of Moria’s three eccentrics, Hogubak muttered.

In the hall, the mural slowly climbed out of the frame as if it had received an instruction.

Unlike the zombies in the jungle outside, these guys are more eccentric. They quietly rushed towards Bai Luo.

After approaching Bai Luo, he roared: “Go and die!” ”

Bai Luo was motionless, but the prison behind him suddenly flew out, a black light flashed, and those zombies were all cut in half.

Then slowly spoke: “Is this how guests are welcomed?” ”

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