There is absolute freedom on the island of greed, where even the crime hunters of the Hunter Guild cannot make arrests.

This is not to cover up the crime, but to let them come here to take refuge.

After being forced into a dead end, it will not have too much impact on the world of ordinary people.

Under such circumstances, there are still people who still want to make waves in the world of ordinary people.

Rocky will let him know, what

is desperate!Rocky and Kim will go out of their way to catch those who make trouble in the world of ordinary people.

Drive all these people to the island of greed.

Except for coercion, of course.

Lure is also needed.

The final clearance reward of Greed Island will be announced once it is announced.

Rocky and Kim believe that no telepathic person is unmoved.

Think of the plan that is about to start.

Even Kim was a little excited.

But the rest of the twelve looked at Jin's appearance.

Completely incomprehensible what made Kim so excited.

Chidor looked at Jin, "Wait a minute, aren't you guys trying to revive Xiaojie, why are you suddenly involved in the telepathic event? What the hell are you doing?"

Chidor's question was ignored.

Rocky glanced at Jin, "I'm going to prepare first, take them there!"

Rocky's figure suddenly disappeared.

Just like a gust of breeze, slowly drifting into the distance.

Rocky's strange way of moving is not new to the twelve people.

There are so many wonderful places on this island of greed.

This should be considered normal operation.

Jin also raised his hand, and the magical light spots converged into strange symbols out of thin air.

Kim operates these strange symbols.

This is the second time the twelve groups of people have seen it.

"Kim, what are you doing"

"This is a control platform that can only be opened as a game maker. Of course, I can only use this ability on the island of greed."

Jin raised his finger and pointed to the small glowing symbols in front of him. "Through these different symbols, I can control everything in the entire island at will."

"For example! Suddenly a monster number 3 is called out in front of me."

After speaking, a furry electric mouse appeared in front of him.

"There are other abilities that I won't show one by one."

"By the way, if you defeat this monster, in addition to getting a tier monster card, you also have a chance to get a tier item card or magic card, which is very useful!"

Now Island of Greed is King's proudest work.

So I couldn't help but introduce it as soon as I had the chance.

Not to mention the twelve, even if Lei Zha a few of them, he has heard Jin countless times introduce the game content they participated in the production of.

It seems that inexplicably, Jin Ae has developed the problem of showing off.

After a brief introduction.

Jin opens a strange rune.

Flick with fingertips.

Just bounce the glowing runes into the distance.

The glowing runes suddenly unfolded to form what resembled a time-space tunnel.

Jin took the lead and stood in front, "Are you ready! There are so many people!"

The crowd followed Jin suspiciously, stepping into the dark time-space tunnel.

It's dark in front of you!A dazzling white light appeared instantly.

Whoa! ! !There was a loud noise.

Chidor opened his eyes slowly.

The scene that caught her eye made her completely stunned.

Looking at the platform below, floating in the surrounding stands.

A crowd of twelve groups of people sitting in a crowd, is this a grand event for those who read the ability!These people are all minds

Chapter 527 Out of Control Scene

Chapter 528 Time is coming

Look around.

It's a huge platform floating in the air.

There are stands of different shapes and sizes all around.

The stands were full of heads rolling.

Roughly estimated, there may be no less than [-] people.

And the most terrifying thing is.

These people all have the fluctuation of thoughts.

In other words these people.

All are minds!Gathered tens of thousands of people with psychic abilities.

This situation is not surprising.

How many people are there in the Hunter Association?

Less than a thousand people.

And there were as many as [-] people with the ability to read.

The grand meeting of those who can read is also worthy of it.

Chidall stared blankly at Kim.

"How did you do it"

How did you get so many minds to gather?

Nearly [-] people!I am afraid that more than [-]% of the minds in the world are present!It is not difficult for a famous telepath to summon them.

It is rare to gather so many people who are not well-known, or even unbelievable.

It's not...easy to do that.

Chidor's question is also the question of the other twelve members.

Jin just smiled.

"Through intelligence sites, all the big and small intelligence sites around the world."

"What kind of information did you release to get so many people to come here?"

Chidor asked next.

"It's very simple, just filming the new look of the island of greed."

Kim is proud.

Just by uploading various videos on the island of greed, I was able to summon so many minds to appear.

Jin was also a little unexpected.

This is Nanica's ability.

At the specified time, let more than [-]% of the minds in the world reach the island of greed.

It's not a particularly difficult thing to do.

After all, it is not to kill them, but to guide them here.

But Kim just thinks that they attracted so many people to promote the video of the island of greed.

Look at the dense crowd.

Chidor saw many familiar faces in the crowd.

There are vicious crimes, and there are celebrities who have lived in seclusion for many years.

There are more people who have never seen it before, but have a powerful aura.

These people looked at the twelve groups of people on the huge floating platform right in front of the platform.

"That's the twelve Earthly Branches of the Hunter Association!"

"The strength is good! The qi is very strong."

"Humph! That's all."

There are people who think that the twelve branches are very strong, and naturally there are also people who think that the twelve branches are not very powerful.

There are tens of thousands of people with the ability to read, and there are powerful guys.

Maybe it's the same as gold.

There was a groan in the sky.

The black giant that appeared before, fell from the sky.

It dances around the platform and the surrounding stands.

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