Zhixi said excitedly, "What a strong power, the president of the Hunter Association, the most outstanding practitioner of the heart, is this his power?"

Yun Gu nodded, "Yes! This is the power of the guild leader, but it's probably not his strongest power."

"The master I know, just a bunch of qi left here, can block so many people with the ability to think at the same time, he is definitely stronger."

The shock and despair on the faces of the players made Rocky very helpless.

Obviously it is not difficult to obtain this item.

Just use the absolute form, walk up and then you can get the props.

As long as you ensure that your own qi is in the state of absolute, you can cast no less than the strength of the horizontal line.

You can get the props safely.

But these idiots released the strongest Qi one by one.

The spring that feels the powerful thought energy will release a stronger thought impact according to the thought energy it feels.

It can be said that the stronger the qi, the less you want to approach it.

Of course, if your chi is strong enough, then no matter what

You can get close to it no matter what.

"It seems that it is impossible for us to obtain this item card this time."

"Go back and find stronger players to attack here."

"Gather more useful information first!"

"To collect information as much as possible, we will organize stronger players to come and attack this item."

Ordinary players, feeling unable to overcome the props, immediately turned their goal into gathering intelligence.

And Ken these powerful teams seem to have made the same decision.

Ken also looked helpless, "Sure enough, such rare item cards will not be easily obtained by players."

"Captain, do we have to give up this operation too?"

When his companion asked, Ken could only nod his head, "No way, if you want to conquer this item, it seems that it is absolutely impossible to do it without reaching certain conditions, so we"

Just when all the players were discussing how to attack this item next time.

Rocky came out.

He walked towards the spring step by step.

The players who were in hot discussion turned their heads one after another.

"What is that person going to do"

"Want to have a hard time?"

"It's stupid to want to attack this item alone, so many of us have failed, what can one person do?"

The players look at Rocky.

Ken was also stunned for a moment, "Mr. Rocky, don't try, you can't stop the impact of that level of thought."

But Rocky didn't listen to Ken.

Still going step by step.

Yun Gu looked at Rocky, and Zhixi stared blankly at the distant Rocky, "Master, is Mr. Rocky still going to give it a try! Obviously everyone has failed! Why do you want to go?"

"Look, Ji Hee, have you noticed any difference between Loki and others."

Yun Gu's words made Zhixi a little puzzled.

What is the difference, what can be different "He is there now"

Hearing this question, Ji Hee instinctively replied, "He is already there"

Saying that, Zhixi also reacted.

"Why did Mr. Rocky enter the impact range of the spring, but nothing happened?"

Other players also suddenly discovered the problem.

They also stepped into the same position as Rocky just now, but they suffered a terrifying shock.

On the other hand, Rocky, nothing happened.

This is why to read the underlined version of the novel, please download the novel of Bo Shi Shuwu

Chapter 561 The card is in hand

Everyone looked at Rocky who kept walking towards the spring without stopping step by step.

"why why is he okay"

Players don't understand, obviously they are close to this spring, why Rocky is fine.

"Are you going to be successful?"

Ken's eyes widened, and he swore that it would not be easy to get close to this spring.

He had personally experienced the power of that... terrifying thought impact.

Rocky's strength is really strong, but Ken doesn't think Rocky will be stronger by himself.

But now why Rocky can easily approach the spring.

And they will cause a thought shock to knock them all flying!Could it be that the power of spring has disappeared? Ken wants to try to see if the power of spring has really disappeared.

However, Rocky has not given him such a chance.

Rocky has come to the front of the spring.

He reached out his hand and gently picked up the spring water that was blooming with blue light.

Bang! !A card appeared in Rocky's hand.

"Card, Fountain of Life."

Rocky turned around casually with the card in his hand.

Look at all the players below.

His calm eyes seemed to be: talking.

You can't do something so simple.

"It really worked"

"Why didn't the thought shock break out, why did he just go up so easily."

Rocky calmly took the props in his hands.

Makes all players unbalanced.

Because this process not only makes Rocky seem mysterious, but also makes other players feel extremely stupid.

Plus now Rocky is alone.

Below is a group of people.

Everyone's goal is this item card.

So Rocky got this item card, but it made it more difficult for other players to accept it.

"He must have found a way, or why didn't he cause the shock of the spring, so he simply obtained the item card."

"Damn, I found a way to get the props, but I didn't tell everyone, everyone worked together to get here, and the information should be shared."

"Not only intelligence, but also the spoils of war."

The mood of the crowd has changed.

Yun Gu looked at the players around him and took Zhixi back two steps.

"Zhixi, let's dodge a little bit!"

Zhixi doesn't understand, why is it not safe to retreat here!Looking at his simple disciple, Yun Gu smiled and you soon understood. "

Every man is innocent of his guilt.

It's better for Zhixi to understand this truth.

The players surrounded aggressively, but when they stepped into the impact range of the spring.

The blue light erupted again.

boom! !A terrifying thought qi impact made all players retreat.

His face was very ugly.

And Rocky standing next to the spring.

Seems to have no effect at all.

"Damn, we can't get close to that guy standing in that position."

Someone pointed at Rocky, "Tell me quickly, how can I get close to that... Spring, otherwise you will never get out of here."

The other players also looked like they wouldn't let Rocky go easily.

Ken also frowned, and now opened his mouth to continue soliciting Rocky, hoping very well.


But the same will also cause the siege of others.

His squad is strong, but it's hard to get away with so many enemies.

Only temporarily wait for other people to be the first bird.

Players with organized teams are of course stronger than unorganized players.

But their numbers are still not as many as the scattered players.

No one is a fool, but everyone wants this card.

Therefore, almost all the player teams did not interject.

Just watching Rocky and the group of ... loose players confrontation.

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