You have to keep trying to figure out how to play the game.

But the players who didn't plan to rest suddenly found that the group of people from Bi Yangde didn't seem to be collecting cards frantically.

They also seem to have just been through a huge disaster.

The rest of your life is ready to relax.

This is a little bit of relief for the other players.

There are too many people than Yang De. If they don't hurry up, even if most of the other people are rookies who have just woken up.

It also puts a lot of pressure on other players.

In a small town tavern, the players drinking and chatting were still talking about the scene when the tsunami hit yesterday.

"That lord is too powerful. In that desperate situation, he was able to save the entire island, and by the way, he also saved one of us."

The player appears to be drunk.

But he was still talking.

"Creating such a magical island, the rewards for customs clearance are completely irresistible. If there is really a god in the world! Then Lord Rocky is definitely the strongest god!"

"Respect! Lord Rocky!"


Players are getting drunk, and it is rare to be so happy in the tavern.

No one was in the mood to snatch cards, or to prevent others from snatching cards.

Tonight is destined to be a pleasant night.

A man suddenly rushed into the tavern.

He looked at the players around him.

These players also looked back at him one after another.

"Mozi! Didn't you decide to leave the game and never come back?"

A player who knew him walked over.

However, the other party was not angry.

Instead, he was breathing heavily.

It was as if he hadn't heard the other person's words.

The other players laughed happily.

"It's a pity that you were my companion before, how come you were targeted by someone and had to escape after you left the game?"

"Do you know that something big has happened?"

The other party suddenly opened his mouth and roared loudly at the whole tavern.

And at the same time it is.

Almost everywhere in the island of greed, the same situation is playing out.

Players who decided not to return to the island of greed, some of them returned to the outside world, and after a day passed, they all came from various channels.

Got about it!about!Lodge

Conflict information with 5.

Nuclear bomb!Spike!Destroy everything!Not only text, intelligence, but even the picture of Rocky's battle appeared on various intelligence websites.

Anyone who watched this video.

No one can remain calm inside.

It was Rocky's miraculous power that killed half of the army soldiers without warning.

The moment of a nuclear explosion.

Horror scene erupted.

Later, Rocky reappeared unharmed, destroying everything.

All the scenes.

It can be said that every minute and every second makes people's heart beat faster.

He opened his mouth and stared at him the whole time, and watched the video of the battle, which was neither long nor short.

such important information.

Combined with the tsunami seen by these players who left the island of greed.

Players will soon understand.

It turned out that the sudden tsunami was caused by this.

So they are back.

Of course to come back.

Rocky could even block the nuclear bomb, and after blocking the nuclear bomb, he protected the island of greed against the terrifying tsunami.

With this kind of power Rocky, they couldn't help but ignite their admiration for Rocky.

read!Practice to the extreme.

Really invincible.

So they came back and wanted to tell this information to the players on the island of greed.

Hence the present situation.

Players returning from the outside on the island of greed are frantically spreading information about the conflict between Rocky and 5.

The players are all minders, and they didn't believe it at first when they heard such information.

But then, under the swearing oath by the informant, they gradually began to believe.

So ever! "That lord is really so strong that he can't even take the most terrifying nuclear bomb, so what other means can he hurt that lord?"

"Injuring Lord Rocky can already be called a god. What else can hurt him, no, absolutely nothing."

"How can the power of Nian be as strong as Lord Rocky?"

Someone couldn't help but ask this question.

The other minds were stunned for a moment.

They patronize and worship Rocky without thinking if Rocky is as powerful.

But someone immediately came forward to answer the question.

"It's absolutely impossible to be as powerful as Lord Rocky, but we thinkers have infinite possibilities, as long as we work hard."

The others nodded.

The man smiled, "Unfortunately, 5 seems to want to kill all the telepathic people because Lord Rocky's power is too powerful. They ordinary people regard us telepathic people as aliens! They want to eliminate them completely."

Hearing this, someone stood up immediately.

"Why do these people do this? Is it because we have power far beyond ordinary people and treat us like monsters?"

See someone angry.

The man continued, "We should follow in the footsteps of Lord Rocky, just like Lord Rocky."

"Lord Rocky has already fought against 5. We should support Lord Rocky and create a world of minds. Lord Rocky is our king, our god."

He suddenly raised his hand and raised his fist high.

"And we, will be the apostles of God."

Chapter 631 Rocky's Status Quo

Chapter 632 Extraction of Shadow Black Style

While continuing to practice the flames of fire.

Rocky also took time to glance at the system.

Threats outside of the game before completing missions.

Got the level reward Rocky has not opened the system.

Take advantage of rest time.

Rocky turned the system back on.

Enter the system interface.

The first thing that pops up is the prompt to complete the task.

It seems that I haven't seen the prompt interface of the system to complete the task for some time.

Rocky still misses it.

But unfortunately, this mission is only a reward for a first-level draw.

Can't let Rocky mention any nature.

Even in the mere draw, Luo didn't hold out much hope.

I just wish I could extract something special.

'Ding'' Threat outside of the mission game complete.

'Bonus level draw one! ''Drawing''Congratulations to the host who was extracted to the Blue Dragon World, the Shadow Black One-Style Mecha Centurion. It takes 24 losses to recover from being destroyed.

''Extracting'' Shadow Black One Mecha Rocky was stunned for a while.

Suddenly, from a corner of memory, I found the memory of this thing.

If it wasn't for the system suddenly extracting this thing, Rocky would have forgotten that there is such a world.

comollon!Also an anime.

It is an adventure story in which boys and girls headed by the protagonist Xiu can control their 'shadows' and fight against Naina who wants to destroy the world.

Control shadows to fight, each shadow has a unique shape.

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