Infighting in front of the enemy is not a last resort, and Nobunaga will not do that.

despair! !Rocky snapped his fingers lightly.

The right hand also burst into flames.

The flickering flames signaled danger.

Looking at the three of them with a smile, "I seem to be underestimated! Do you think you can easily catch me at the beginning of the battle! Don't be too anxious to talk big."

Rocky's smile gave a gloomy feeling.

The three of them all stared at Rocky with all their attention.

Looking at the flames in Rocky's hands.

Feitan drew an umbrella out of nowhere.

"Arrogant guy, I won't give you any chance to attack me again."


March looked at Nobunaga.

Nobunaga, who was accumulating thoughts, suddenly raised his head when he heard Madge's voice.

"Ready! Come on!"

Swish swish!The three figures disappeared instantly.

Running around Rocky very fast.

Rocky held the flame in both hands.

Turning the body and looking at the three people 3.

The three of them all stared at Rocky.

After moving quickly for a few seconds.

March seemed to see an opportunity.

Suddenly, at the moment when Rocky relaxed, he rushed over.

The thoughts in his hands are hidden.

One hand quickly grabbed towards Rocky.

The speed is very fast, like a gust of wind.

At the same time, Feitan was also at the opposite angle, suddenly raised the umbrella in his hand as a long sword, and stabbed directly.

The two attacks arrived at the same time.

With super-fast speed, he brought up a continuous stream of wind-breaking Madge's hands toward Rocky's left arm, but just tilted his head, avoiding Feitan's attack at the last moment.

At the same time, the body turned, making Madge's attack empty.

The moment of lightning and flint.

The three figures staggered.

in an instant.

March and Feitan looked at Rocky and smiled at them.

The danger conveyed in that smile.

Let the two of them freeze.

There was a sudden chill in the back.

Bang bang! !The attack failed, and the two quickly pulled away at the fastest speed.

However, Rocky behind him looked

The two retreated left and right.

The flames in his hands erupted suddenly.

The thoughts on his body swept the air around him.

"God Fire"

Waves of flame spread from his hands.

Rocky closed his eyes slightly.

"I don't know fire."

Booming two flames flew out from Rocky's left and right hands.

He swiftly swept away in the direction Feitan and Madge fled.

A flash of red light.

Almost in the blink of an eye, they came to the back of the two.

A red light glows behind him.

The faces of the two suddenly sank.

'The attack of the flames is so fast! ' Feitan flashed, dodging a flame.

But March was a little slower.

When changing the direction of movement rapidly.

The flames brushed along her waist.


Feitan looked in Madge's direction worriedly.

At the same time, Nobunaga's attack also fell from the sky.

Taking advantage of the moment Feitan and Maggie attacked, Nobunaga jumped up and attacked Rocky from the air.

The thought of the whole body hit the tip of the knife.

The thoughts gathered into one point, if you hit Rocky, it will definitely run through Rocky's body instantly.

Unless Rocky just used his mind to focus on defending the part that was hit.

But when Rocky was using a fire attack.

Thoughts are transformed into flames.

This made Rocky's thoughts unable to effectively defend.

When using a fire attack, Rocky's mind will become weaker.

The stronger the fire's attack, the weaker the body's mind defense.

The members of the brigade knew this all too well.

So Feitan and Maggie's attack was just an opportunity for Nobunaga to make a move.

March, whose figure continued to slide, turned back to look in Rocky's direction.

'Nobunaga's attack appeared in a blind spot, and this blow could never be avoided.

' Feitan looked at Rocky at the same time.

'Even if your thoughts are stronger than ours, as long as you dare to fight back, your defense will drop, and this is a good time for us to attack.

'Looking at Rocky, Feitan had a sharp smile on his face.

He seemed to have seen it.

Under Nobunaga's attack, Rocky was instantly pierced through his arm.

Nobunaga's attack is about to fall.

Rocky didn't look up, but slowly raised the corner of his mouth.

"Is this a joint attack! Somewhat disappointed me."

Bang Nobunaga's attack fell.

But at this moment.

Seeing that Rocky only moved his footsteps slightly.

It directly avoided Nobunaga's attack.

A stab to the ground, making a loud noise.

Nobunaga stared wide-eyed, suddenly raised his head and looked at Rocky in surprise.

'How could he find me attacking, I jumped from a blind spot, how could he still have time to pay attention to me when he was dodging attacks by Maggie and Feitan! 'Bang kicked Nobunaga away.

Nobunaga, who was in the air, couldn't take advantage of it at all, and his body flew upside down for dozens of meters.

Dong fell heavily on the ground in the distance, smashing a huge pothole.

Chapter 124 Complete Suppression

Chapter 125 The Power of Fire Fist

boom! !The flames swept like a raging wave.

Comes in an instant.

In Feitan's eyes.

That fire.

It suddenly expanded in an instant.

Almost in the blink of an eye.

It became like a turbulent sea.

spread rapidly.

Boom boom flame shock.

fall on the ground.

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