Chapter 141

Zhou Yuan came several times, and the little doctors in my obstetrics and gynecology department flew away.

Wei Lili sighed.

It would be nice if I was 20 years younger.

Lu Chenxi continued to report: “During this time, the doctors of the First Obstetrics Department invited the thoracic surgery department for consultation. They controlled the patient’s pulmonary hypertension, and performed comprehensive treatments such as cardiotonic, diuretic, and blood vessel expansion. The function has been improved to a certain extent…”

Patients who undergo heart valve replacement surgery again generally have poor heart function and need to improve heart function.

“What is the patient’s willingness?” Zhou Yuan asked as if he were a chief surgeon.

Some patients or their family members will often refuse the operation because they are worried that the operation will be dangerous and cause greater damage to the heart, which will delay the best time for the operation.

“The patient and the patient’s family expressed their trust in us.” Lu Chenxi said.

This is possible thanks to Zhou Yuan’s previous surgery, which not only saved the child, but also saved Sun Lele.

Otherwise, they will be required to perform valve replacement surgery just after the caesarean section. Few people dare to accept it.

Lu Chenxi continued: “Moreover, because the patients themselves also had other heart problems, we not only improved the heart function, but also provided nutritional support to the patients, alternately using fresh blood, plasma and albumin to adjust Sun Lele’s physical condition. ”

Zhou Yuan nodded, turned on the system silently, and looked at his two junior treasure chests.

Maybe you can just encounter a mitral valve replacement surgery.

“Open the primary treasure chest! Obtain! Energy potion*1!”

“Open the primary treasure chest! Obtain! Master circumcision!”

Zhou Yuan:? ? ?

“System, mom sells batches. Didn’t I just merge a circumcision last time? You gave me another one?”

Even if the hemorrhoid surgery is over, now you still give me a circumcision? !

“System, speak, I cut you off if you don’t speak.”

“I’m not a man.” The voice of the system finally rang.


“Why did you give me a circumcision? I can do this kind of surgery with my current technology. You give me a chicken rib…”

“Before you get the master circumcision, you can build a chicken, and after you get the master circumcision, you can create a phoenix.” The analogy of the system is very appropriate.

Zhou Yuan:?

“What’s the use? Is it to let him go back and compare with other people who cut it nicely?”

System: “Yes.”

Zhou Yuan was silent.

“Zhou Yuan, why are you starting to change your face again?” Lu Chenxi looked at Zhou Yuan worriedly.(Read more @

After a while with a smile and a black face, Zhou Yuan won’t be crazy anymore…

Zhou Yuan came back to his senses, “It’s okay, just now I suddenly realized a new operation.”

Closing his eyes, sure enough, various details about circumcision flashed repeatedly in Zhou Yuan’s mind like a movie.

What traditional circumcision, disposable circumcision and anastomosis, disposable circumcision and suture, etc., can not be forgotten.

“What kind of surgery?” Lu Chenxi and He Jing asked expectantly at the same time.

Regarding Zhou Yuan’s “epidemic”, the two naturally thought they were joking.

Zhou Yuan was silent for a few seconds and said, “Circumcision.”


Lu Chenxi and He Jing both blushed and bowed their heads.

“Director Wei, please help me to pay attention. If your department needs circumcision, please notify me. You don’t need to go to the urology department, just find me.”

Zhou Yuan is thinking about the task of the system.

I performed ten hemorrhoid removal operations last time and rewarded an intermediate treasure box.

Although circumcision is a minor operation, it is much more advanced than sutures, and the reward is not bad.

This operation is also easy, and it is a serious operation that saves small lives. Naturally, Zhou Yuan will not let it go.

Maybe, ten foreskins can be exchanged for an intermediate treasure chest.

Wei Lili said with an awkward expression: “We are the first obstetric department…most of the men who come here have given birth to children. There is no foreskin to cut for you…”

Zhou Yuan: “Then you pay attention to their children.”


Lu Chenxi coughed, “Zhou Yuan, we are here for mitral valve replacement…”

Zhou Yuan reacted, “Which way do you plan to use?”

Generally speaking, the technique of keeping the heart beating or not blocking the aorta can be adopted. This method does not require extracorporeal circulation and can prevent myocardial reperfusion injury. Cardiopulmonary bypass is to directly stop the heart function, using artificial machines to temporarily replace the heart.

Lu Chenxi said, “Isn’t this waiting for you to discuss…”

“I think it is better to have cardiopulmonary bypass……..cold cardiopulmonary bypass.” Zhou Yuan said.

Sun Lele’s physical condition is not optimistic. Heart failure, caesarean section, cardiac pacemaker placement surgery, etc., any of these are factors that are not conducive to the operation. If the autologous heart is used to support the operation until the end of the operation, it will be a great burden for Sun Lele .

Lu Chenxi nodded and said: “My plan is also to perform hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass. If the heart is not stopped, a large amount of blood will return to the left atrium during the operation, which will affect the surgical field of vision. The operation time may be much longer, which is not good for the patient.

Zhou Yuan and several people discussed for a while and simulated the operation steps several times before preparing for the operation.

The patient Sun Lele was quickly pushed into the operating room.

Sun Lele’s family is still anxious at the moment.

Soon after the operation was completed, another operation had to be performed. Anyone would be anxious if they changed it!

“It’s okay! Mom, these doctors only rescued Lele and the baby not long ago. This time they will definitely save us Lele!”

“Yeah! I’ve inquired about this. The mortality rate of this mitral valve replacement operation is only 5%. We are so lucky and we will definitely come out safely!”

Sun Lele’s husband’s younger sister was also comforted: “The doctors here are good at medical treatment, and the people look good, especially that Doctor Zhou, who is handsome and lively, and the sister will definitely get better!”

When everyone in the operating room comforted each other, the operating room was extremely quiet.

Zhou Yuan glanced at Sun Lele who was lying on the operating bed, and said, “Why are you squinting? Are you sleepy?”

Sun Lele raised his hand to block his eyes: “Doctor, the lamp above his head is dazzling…”

Zhou Yuan was taken aback, adjusted the shadowless lamp to make it brighter, and said indifferently: “Surgery requires good light. You will be numb in a while, and it will be okay to glare.”

Sun Lele simply closed his eyes.

“The equipment inventory is complete,” the equipment nurse said.

The anesthesiologist also nodded, indicating that he was also ready.

As a result, the entire operating room fell silent.

It took seven or eight seconds for Zhou Yuan to look at Lu Chenxi with a dazed expression, “You are the chief surgeon, and the operation is announced!”

Lu Chenxi suddenly realized: “I said, why didn’t you announce the start, it turns out that I am the chief sword…”

Sun Lele’s eyes widened when he heard the knife: “Doctor, don’t use the knife, I haven’t been anesthetized yet…”

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