Chapter 163

“Textbook editorial board?”

Zhou Yuan remembered that the previous case of double lung transplantation was sent by Dean Fang to the editorial board as a textbook.

However, there is no news this month.

Dean Fang nodded: “The editorial board attaches great importance to this operation, and it is very likely that it will actually be selected for the next edition of the textbook.”

“Doctoral textbook?”

Dean Fang guessed Zhou Yuan’s thoughts and said: “The new textbooks will not be your turn. University textbooks are changed every few years. Waiting for your double lung transplantation to be included in the textbook. , You may have children.”

Zhou Yuan sighed.

Dean Fang smiled and said: “After the textbook editing committee said, I would like to confirm some details of the operation with you. Some of your operations are not mentioned in the current textbooks, and you need professional explanations.

Zhou Yuan nodded.

It really needs to be explained.

For example, why is the bronchial anastomosis wrapped with connective tissue, why when the lung is transplanted, the external ventilator is directly pulled out after the right lung is completed, and the right lung is used to support breathing while the left lung is transplanted.

These are not understandable only by reading the textbook, which contains the experience summarized by the teacher-level double lung transplantation.

If it is a normal operation, a talented doctor may need decades of accumulated experience in thousands of operations to obtain these skills.

Zhou Yuan hesitated and said, “I don’t have much time… busy with surgery.”

The doctors from the anorectal department and the urology department have been asking Zhou Yuan to have time to perform a few operations on their side recently.

I heard that the chief physician of the anorectal department also had some problems because of sitting for a long time. He has good skills, but he can’t do it for himself…

And the hand surgery side has been busy, and I sometimes go there for surgery.

To be honest, Zhou Yuan has one of the busiest people in the entire hospital.

Dean Fang was taken aback for a moment and said, “In that case… Then I will contact the textbook editing committee and ask them to come and find you.”

Zhou Yuan nodded.

This is a good solution.

Dean Fang was a little helpless, and said, “You are still the first doctor to ask someone from the editing committee of teaching materials to come to your door…Which other people are not looking forward to the teaching materials for their surgery!”

Dean Fang can be sure that the textbook editing committee will not be able to let go of this case of double lung transplantation, and Zhou Yuan’s face will really be great by then.

“Dean Fang, is there anything else?” Zhou Yuan asked.

Dean Fang shook his head: “No, but… isn’t it Sunday today, why are you working? I checked your duty schedule specially, and you are on vacation today.”

Zhou Yuan was stunned.

“I was on duty this morning, why didn’t anyone come to remind me…”

“You are on duty for Director Liu’s consultation class. Director Liu took a leave today.” Dean Fang said after looking at the schedule.(Read more @

Zhou Yuan:…

“President, do I have a salary this half day?”

Dean Fang smiled: “No.”

Zhou Yuan:…

With a sad mood, Zhou Yuan left the dean’s office.

I drank a bottle of energy potion last night and experimented with mice all night, but I forgot that the next day was Sunday…

One disadvantage of the energy potion is that, because it can keep Zhou Yuan’s energy at its best, it feels like the day before after the overnight…

Back in the dormitory, Zhou Yuan fed three little white mice some potato chips, and was about to go out to look at the house.

Before I went out, I heard a knock on the door.

Lu Chenxi and Chu Chu stood at the door, and they stared at Zhou Yuan curiously.

“Zhou Yuan, why did you go this morning? Chu Chu and I have been looking for you for a long time.” Lu Chenxi said.

Chuchu said: “It must be to look at the house! My brother said that he is going to look at the house today!”

Lu Chenxi frowned and looked at Zhou Yuan, “Did you go to see the house in the morning?”

Zhou Yuan didn’t want to tell the truth, “Yes.”

A smile appeared at the corner of Lu Chenxi’s mouth: “Why did I hear the little nurses say that after seeing you this morning, did you give Director Liu the job?”

Zhou Yuan’s expression changed: “Colleagues care about each other.”

“Did you forget?”

With that, Lu Chenxi led Chuchu into the room.

“Speaking of Director Liu, she has recently completed matching her daughter’s bone marrow.”

“Done? When will the operation begin?”

Zhou Yuan has mastered hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Although this operation is not very difficult, many doctors in the hospital can do it, but… it’s really hard to find a master.

If possible, Zhou Yuan would like to help Director Liu and her daughter get a bone marrow transplant.

“Now a one-time whole body irradiation is being performed.”

Zhou Yuan was taken aback: “So fast?”

Before hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, patients must receive high-dose chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and immunosuppressive pretreatment to remove tumor cells and abnormal clonal cells in the body and block the pathogenesis. This is to remove bad cells in the body.

After that, the donor’s hematopoietic stem cells can be transplanted to the patient to rebuild the normal hematopoietic and immune system.

While these chemotherapy or radiotherapy kills bad cells, they also kill the patient’s own hematopoietic stem cells. During this period, the patient has almost no immunity and requires strict sterile care.

The specific steps are:

Ten days before the operation, I started to take the medicine for intestinal sterilization.

Eight days before the operation, a haircut was performed, and after the medicated bath, he entered the sterile room and started a sterile diet.

Intravenous catheters were indwelled seven days before the operation, and six to three days before the operation, strict chemotherapy was performed during these four days. At the same time, water intake, intravenous sodium bicarbonate and oral allopurinol were added to the day of bone marrow infusion.

Finally, a one-time whole body irradiation was performed the day before the operation.

Director Liu’s daughter has reached the final step, and tomorrow is the time for bone marrow transplantation.

“What kind of transplantation method are they doing?”

“The most commonly used peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.” Lu Chenxi said.

“Zhou Yuan, what do you think Director Liu’s family would think? She is in her forties and fifty years old, and her husband has lived with her for ten or twenty years, but suddenly she knew that Director Liu had been pregnant when he was in college. I was pregnant and gave birth to a child…” Lu Chenxi lowered his head.

Zhou Yuan shook his head, “Don’t worry about other people’s housework.”

After changing his shoes, Zhou Yuan walked to the door, “I’m out to look at the house. Do you want to stay in my dormitory?”

Lu Chenxi stood up, “Let’s go together.”

Zhou Yuan hesitated for a moment, and said, “You are with me, and you are still carrying the beginning, which is easy to misunderstand.”

Lu Chenxi looked at Zhou Yuan and said, “What do you misunderstand? I misunderstand that we are a husband and wife. Did you give birth to a cute little girl?”

Zhou Yuan nodded.

Lu Chenxi pushed Zhou Yuan and said, “I’m not afraid, what are you afraid of, a big man, go.”.

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