Chapter 172

If the amniotic fluid is broken, a dangerous situation may occur.

Although Zhou Yuan is not an obstetrician and gynecologist, he still understands some of these basics.

Amniotic fluid is a colorless and transparent liquid wrapped in fetal membranes, which contains small white pieces of fetal fat and lanugo. During the whole pregnancy, the fetus can move freely in the mother’s womb, avoid being squeezed by external forces, and alleviate the impact of external forces, so it has a good protective effect on the fetus.

During labor, as the uterus continues to contract, the fetal membranes at the opening of the uterus cannot withstand greater pressure and rupture, causing the amniotic fluid to flow out of the yin tract, which is the breakdown of the amniotic fluid.

Under normal circumstances, rupture of amniotic fluid is a precursor to labor, but there is also a phenomenon of premature delivery of the fetus. Fetal membranes are the protective membrane of the fetus. It is easy to die after premature birth.

Moreover, there is another situation where intrauterine distress has occurred.

It has not yet reached the labor period, but if the amniotic fluid is broken, the umbilical cord will prolapse with the outflow of amniotic fluid, causing the fetus to be stressed in the uterus, which will cause fetal hypoxia and so on.

When Zhou Yuan arrived at the scene, He Jianyi, Sun Meng, and Liu Kai had already arrived.

Zhou Yuan stepped forward and moved the pregnant woman to the emergency bed together, planning to push it into the observation room for examination.

“and many more!”

At this time, the husband of the pregnant woman was a little unhappy.

“You so many male doctors… can you let this female doctor come?” The pregnant woman’s husband pointed to Sun Meng.

Zhou Yuan was taken aback.

Only the idea of ​​saving people was left in his mind, and he didn’t notice it at all.

“In the eyes of doctors, there is no gender distinction.” Zhou Yuan said slowly.

However, he respected the wishes of the pregnant husband. He Jianyi and Liu Kai helped push the pregnant woman into the observation room, and then waited outside with the pregnant husband.

“If there is any danger, you must let us in.” He Jianyi sighed and said: “Our doctor only sees patients and normal people~ˇ.”

Zhou Yuan thought for a while, stood up, and said, “Teacher, I will go to the obstetrics and gynecology department to see if there is a doctor on duty at night.”

He Jian was taken aback.

Just now I was full of my mind and only saved people, I actually forgot that there are people on the night shift in the obstetrics and gynecology department…

“Go ahead.” He Jian joined.

Zhou Yuan nodded, speeding up his pace.

On the other side, Sun Meng lifted the blanket covering the pregnant woman’s lower body.

Because during pregnancy, a woman’s Yin tract will produce a lot of secretions. Therefore, if there is a suspected amniotic fluid rupture, it is the first time to determine whether the discharge from the Yin tract is amniotic fluid, urine, or secretions.

Mainly to distinguish urine and amniotic fluid.

There is a big difference between the two. The first is the smell. The smell of urine is generally strong and pungent, but the smell of amniotic fluid is very natural and somewhat sweet.(Read more @

Sun Meng moved his nose, and the smell in the air was not easy to distinguish.

This situation is very troublesome. If the smell is pungent, it can be directly judged as urine, but the smell is so weak that it can hardly be smelled. Unless it is tasted, it cannot be distinguished. Because some people’s urine is also tasteless.

“What happens when the amniotic fluid breaks?” Sun Meng can only judge by other phenomena.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, because the bladder is greatly compressed, sometimes it is normal to miss a few drops of urine, and nervous pregnant women often regard this as a rupture of amniotic fluid.

But when the amniotic fluid breaks, it is like running water. Pregnant women can’t control it at all, and it flows out in a few strands. At the same time, the abdomen will feel painful, and the amniotic fluid can feel obviously hot.

In this case, the fetus will be delivered soon.

“I don’t know… where do I remember so much! I remember it broke, my stomach hurts, doctor! Am I going to die!”

Sun Meng smiled helplessly.

It seems to be a novice pregnant woman.

Sun Meng walked out of the observation room, “Director He, please help me get a test paper.”

He Jianyi immediately understood what Sun Meng was going to do when he came over, so he ran to the pharmacy to get some test papers and handed them to Sun Meng.

Sun Meng closed the door again and put the test paper on the outside of the pregnant woman.

The pH of amniotic fluid is about ~7.5, while urine is about 5.5~6.5. If it is amniotic fluid, the test paper will turn dark green.

As soon as it was put on, the dark green appeared.

Sun Meng ran out: “Director He, the patient is giving birth!”


He Jianyi is the deputy director. After so many years in the emergency department, deliveries are still possible. But as soon as he was about to say he was coming, he was interrupted by the pregnant husband.

“Didn’t you have a doctor going to the obstetrics and gynecology department to call for someone! Let the female doctors in the obstetrics and gynecology department come!”

He Jian was taken aback, sat down again, and said: “There are also male doctors in the obstetrics and gynecology department…In addition, you have refused our treatment. You will be responsible for any consequences that occur at that time.”

“What will happen…you don’t scare people!” The pregnant woman’s husband frowned.

Soon, Zhou Yuan returned with He Jing.

It was He Jing who was on duty that night, and there was another old director in his fifties, but because he was a man, Zhou Yuan did not invite him over.

“Doctor, my wife is about to give birth, go and have a look!”

He Jing nodded and glanced at the male doctors like He Jianyi who were surrounding the observation room, and immediately understood what had happened.

“Sister Sun Meng, you come in with me to deliver the baby.”

Sun Meng nodded and said eagerly; “The fetal head has been exposed, so I can’t control so much. I will deliver the baby in the observation room!”

He Jing put on a mask, “Zhou Yuan, can you help us prepare disinfection items, time is too late!”

After speaking, He Jing also walked in.

Although Zhou Yuan didn’t know why everyone likes to ask himself to work, he stood up, took alcohol and so on, knocked on the door after careful disinfection, and handed it to Sun Meng and He Jing inside the door.

The observation room quickly became a delivery room, and suddenly became busy.

The cry of the pregnant woman sounded, and He Jianyi and the others subconsciously covered (Node’s) ears.

Sure enough, the pain of natural childbirth is only comparable to Dan Pain…even more than Dan Pain.

The door of the observation room is not very soundproof, and occasionally the impact of scissors and other appliances can be heard.

“The fetal head is out!”

“Sister Sun Meng, you gently squeeze upwards from the fetus’s neck and chin, and gently squeeze down from the nose to squeeze out the mucus and amniotic fluid in the fetal mouth!”

“The shoulder of the fetus came out… the fetus successfully got out! The scissors were disinfected and the umbilical cord was cut!” This was Sun Meng’s voice.

After a while, He Jing walked out holding the tightly wrapped newborn.

“Congratulations. It’s a boy.” He Jing smiled and said this very familiar sentence.

This is an extremely smooth natural childbirth.

Compared with caesarean section, natural childbirth has more benefits. Therefore, many mothers choose painful natural childbirth for the health of their children. .

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