Chapter 181

Many people know that when suturing, it is not the suture that is most likely to break, but the knot left by the ligation after the suture is completed.

Artificial knotting can never be stronger than a seamless suture.

The muscle tissue itself is a vigorous part, and the tension in the tendon is the smallest. To protect the knots and ensure the effect of suture, you can choose to embed the knots into the surface of the tendon to reduce the tension.

Finally, a muscle suture was completed.

This is only one time… There are a lot of muscles that need to be stitched!

Zhou Yuan did not speak, and continued to stitch.

Dean Fang also put away his mind and stared at the microscope intently.

For tendons with greater tension, the effect of clamping with vascular clamps alone is not satisfactory, so it is necessary to use steel wires to complete the fixation.

Except for the additional two wires, the other steps are similar to suture a normal tendon.

After more than three hours, the suture of the tendon also ended in silence.

Zhou Yuan asked the nurse to wipe the sweat, the lead clothes were soaked.

In order to ensure that the blood vessels of the severed fingers do not spasm, the temperature in the room should not be too low. This time is cool summer again, and the lead clothes on Zhou Yuan weighs more than 20 26 kilograms…

It is not easy to be able to persevere.

Of course, although Dean Fang and Wu Guohui are not the chiefs, but they are old, and they are still awe-inspiring.

Although this is only the most basic quality of a doctor.

“Dean Fang, Director Wu, hold on for a while, it’s almost done.” A smile appeared on Zhou Yuan’s pale face.

Zhou Yuan also needs to conduct a systematic investigation of the entire regenerated finger, including repaired blood vessels, nerves, tendons and so on.

Once any of the problems occur, it will cause the failure of the operation. For example, the reflux of blood and lymph nodes is hindered, and the blood vessels that have spasms are not treated properly, which will cause edema, which will affect the survival of the limbs and the recovery of functions.

The investigation is also to ensure that the first-stage closure can achieve the best results. If there is a problem, a second operation is required, and the impact on the patient is also huge.

“How is the patient’s urine output?” Zhou Yuan asked.

The anaesthetist knew that Zhou Yuan was tired and directly reported the result: “Urine output was normal. There was no abnormal change in urine content, no acute renal failure occurred, and no complications such as acidosis were found.”

“In addition, the patient’s heart rate and blood pressure are also stable.”

Zhou Yuan nodded.

No problems were found with stitching everywhere.

“Start stitching in layers.” Zhou Yuan said.

This is the last step of the operation.(Read more @

It is also the easiest step.

Suture the subcutaneous tissue, suture the outer skin, and then bandage the wound… Zhou Yuan has done it countless times and is already very proficient.

“The suture is complete.” Zhou Yuan completed the last ligation and placed the needle holder on the surgical tray.

He pushed away the microscope, looked at the patient on the bed who was still under anesthesia, and smiled.

This time the operation was difficult, but… it was done after all.

“The operation is complete.”

Zhou Yuan’s voice was a little panting, he took off the mask, his face was pale, his sweat was already soaking the mask.

The breath that everyone had been holding back finally came out, and the atmosphere in the operating room was suddenly relaxed.

Zhou Yuan weakly said: “After the operation, we must analyze the blood loss and fluid supplementation of the patients before and during the operation, and closely observe the vital signs.”

Although no abnormalities were found during the operation, the blood may absorb necrotic cells after the operation, which may cause acute renal failure.

At that time, it is not whether the operation is unsuccessful or whether the regenerated finger can survive, but whether the patient can survive.

“Once there are abnormalities in urine volume, urine specific gravity, blood potassium, and urinary muscles, first consider the occurrence of acute renal failure.” Zhou Yuan is still a little worried.

This operation was performed for the first time in Yanjing International Hospital. There must be some lack of nursing care provided by the nurses, which must be explained by Zhou Yuan one by one.

If acute renal failure does occur, then the only choice is to save the patient’s life and perform distal limb liberation, that is, to cut off the transplanted toe.

Of course, this is the last resort.

The nurses who had been waiting nearby to push the patient to the ward nodded repeatedly.

Zhou Yuan briefly talked about some points that require special attention, and then became a little dizzy, saying: “Anyway, pay attention to anti-shock, anti-vasospasm, anti-infection and anti-thrombosis. Other than that, other things are normal. Surgical care for replantation of severed limbs is similar.”

Dean Fang listened quietly.

He glanced at the time.

Operation time: 12 hours and 21 minutes.

In other words, Zhou Yuan has been on night shift since last night and will continue to work until ten o’clock this evening…

Even with the aid of energy medicine and physical strength medicine, it is very difficult for a person to persist for twelve hours of surgery.

“Help Zhou Yuan,” Dean Fang said.

The young nurses hurried up to support Zhou Yuan, took him away and left the operating room.

As soon as they came out, Zhou Yuan, Dean Fang and others immediately took off the heavy lead clothes-lead clothes must be worn in the operating room. Many of the instruments in the operating room have radiation. Doctors, if you don’t wear lead clothes, you’re looking for death.


Zhou Yuan suddenly felt a lot more relaxed after the lead clothes fell on the ground.

“Then it will be the patient’s recovery…” Dean Fang limped forward, patted Zhou Yuan on the shoulder, and said.

Zhou Yuan turned his head and looked at Dean Fang.

Only one voice was heard.

“Congratulations to the host, get the approval of the superior! Get the advanced treasure chest*1!”

Zhou Yuan smiled with joy.

Dean Fang froze for a moment: “What are you laughing at?”

Zhou Yuan came back to his senses: “I hope everything goes well.”

“Well, no matter whether this operation is successful or not, your thoughts that have been put into practice will also surprise the medical community…”

During the entire operation, Zhou Yuan’s operation was without any errors. Even the smallest knot can be called a textbook operation.

In addition, although the patient has not yet woken up, and there is no way to know the post-treatment conditions, etc., according to the current operation, the connections of blood vessels, nerves, tendons, bones, etc. are all established in theory!

Moreover, this is still a theory that cannot be easily replicated!

Who can have Zhou Yuan’s precise operation, such a stable technique, and…twelve hours without any wrong operation!

Perhaps, when this theory is really put into practice, it is truly capable of completing the re-verification. I am afraid that only Shenyuanjing, the top experts in the field of replantation of severed limbs in hand surgery…

In other words, Zhou Yuan is already at the pinnacle of hand surgery and replantation of severed limbs! .

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