Chapter 190

Then, Lin Meixin ran to the other side and marked the walls of 706 and 705.

Here she intends to open up the wall.

The seventh floor itself is a very good location, and these rooms are kept by Lin Meixin herself and have not been rented out.

After a while, Lin Meixin stood in the empty room with her hips akimbo, scanning every corner of the room.

Although it is not as big as the place where I lived before, the light is very good.

Although there are tall buildings around the Guangrong Building, this side happens to be unobstructed, and the geographical position is very superior.

“You have to buy some furniture, and you can move in in a few days.” Lin Mei thought.

Zhou Yuan next door collapsed on the sofa and turned on the system again.

“System, open the intermediate treasure chest.”

There are four intermediate treasure chests, and three are enough for emergency response.

“Open the intermediate treasure chest! Get it! Master-level heart bypass surgery!”

The voice fell, Zhou Yuan closed his eyes, and a lot of knowledge about heart bypass surgery poured into Zhou Yuan’s mind.

Heart bypass surgery, commonly known as coronary artery bypass surgery, is internationally recognized as the most effective method for the treatment of coronary heart disease.

When one or more coronary arteries are severely blocked or the blood supply is very insufficient, heart bypass surgery, coronary artery bypass grafting or heart bypass surgery are often performed at this time.

To put it simply, it is to remove a blood vessel from the patient, connect it from both ends of the blocked coronary artery, and bypass the blocked coronary artery like building a bridge, thereby restoring a good blood supply to the heart to achieve treatment The purpose of coronary heart disease.

This is similar to the vascular transplantation previously mastered by Zhou Yuan. Moreover, the vessels that can be used can still be prioritized to choose the great saphenous vein with suitable lumen thickness, flexible control of length, simple acquisition method, and fewer collateral branches.

Although it is called heart bypass surgery, which is closely related to the human heart, it is actually not very difficult.

Heart bypass surgery is performed on the surface of the heart instead of dissecting the heart. The damage to the heart is minimal, and the risk of heart bypass surgery is not high. The current international success rate is as high as 98.5%.

Of course, the risk of bypass surgery is related to the patient’s age, gender, and physical condition. Once the operation is improper, it may still cause important organ dysfunction or failure, as well as postoperative complications such as acute myocardial infarction.

However, due to the development of science and technology in recent years, stent technology, as a rising star, has been favored by more patients due to its minimal trauma and has largely replaced heart bypass surgery.

According to data from the medical department of country M, in 2006, about 365,000 patients received bypass in country M, a decrease of one-third from a decade ago. However, the number of patients receiving stents and other technologies has soared, exceeding one million. .

Although stent technology is better than heart bypass surgery in some aspects, bypass surgery also has its own advantages.

Stent technology is mainly for some mild coronary heart disease, and severe coronary heart disease, or need to deal with three or more blood vessels, or the degree of vascular stenosis is very serious, this time must use heart bypass surgery.

After absorbing the knowledge of heart bypass surgery, Zhou Yuan turned on the TV and lay back on the sofa.

In the TV series, the male and female protagonists exude the sour smell of love.

Zhou Yuan watched happily, eating potato chips and biting chicken feet.(Read more @

Until the heroine planned to plant strawberries on the actor’s neck, Zhou Yuan immediately became alert.

“…Don’t bite, this is the internal carotid artery. If you plant strawberries, the lining will be damaged and thrombosis will occur…”

“Can you divide your body for a kiss in the future?” Zhou Yuan frowned.

Soon, work time was approaching, Zhou Yuan stretched out, packed up and went out.

In the next room, the sound of an electric drill came.

“Hit the wall… Do you use an electric drill?” Zhou Yuan frowned.

Don’t electric drills drill holes?

After arriving at the emergency department, Zhou Yuan, Haiyang, He Jianyi and others became busy again.

This day is extremely boring.

Sun Meng and Lu Chenxi, these beautiful female doctors, are on night shifts, and only a bunch of male doctors are left.

Zhou Yuan sighed.

Suddenly miss Lu Chenxi and Sun Meng…

Moreover, there were no emergencies today. Zhang Ling, who likes to shout “Doctor Zhou is not well” on weekdays, did not come. She has been busy giving patients fluids and blood draws.

After Zhou Yuan greeted the waves of patients, the night gradually fell.. ……

Finally, the day’s work is over.

Zhou Yuan stood up, Lu Chenxi and Sun Meng were waiting at the entrance of the clinic at the same time.

“Do you miss me?” Sun Meng said in a lively tone.

Zhou Yuan walked out the door silently, “Do you have a night shift tonight?”

Sun Meng shook his head: “No! Yesterday I just took a break and helped others to get a shift. I haven’t had a night shift recently.”

Lu Chenxi said: “I don’t have a night shift either.”

“Then what are you doing here…” Zhou Yuan was taken aback for a moment.

“Come and see Chuchu.” The two said in unison.

Zhou Yuan nodded and glanced at the two of them: “What about Chuchu?”

“Isn’t it too late! Can’t you come and see you first?” Sun Meng said.

After a while, he ran over from the intensive care unit at the beginning and threw himself on Zhou Yuan’s lap.

“Brother!” Chu Chu’s tone was a little excited.

Zhou Yuan touched Chuchu’s head. “School will start soon.”

Chuchu smiled, “Yes! I have bought a new schoolbag!”

August is coming to the end soon. There are still a couple of weeks before the beginning of school.

Counting it down, I should have already published the paper at that time, and wait another month or two to know if the paper can be published.

Zhou Yuan went to the locker room to change his white lab coat, and left the hospital with Sun Meng and Lu Chenxi in their early childhood.

“Zhou Yuan, I might move this Sunday…” Lu Chenxi said suddenly.

Zhou Yuan nodded: “Okay, I’ll help you move then…Where are you moving?”

Sun Meng was stunned for a moment.

Lu Chenxi is moving? !

I’m only happy that Zhou Yuan moved out of the dormitory. Lu Chenxi and Zhou Yuan don’t live so close anymore. Did Lu Chenxi move with Zhou Yan?

“Where are you moving?!” Sun Meng also asked immediately.

Lu Chenxi smiled provocatively at Sun Meng: “Glorious Building.”

Sun Meng’s eyes widened, and he looked at Lu Chenxi angrily: “Why are you like a worm!”

Lu Chenxi turned her head and said, “What happened to I want to live in a different place?”

Sun Meng gritted her teeth, she couldn’t hold back.

“Let me tell you, Lu Chenxi, Zhou Yuan has already been slept by me!” Sun Meng said in a loud voice, showing off. .

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