Chapter 208

Zhou Yuan glanced at Dean Fang and others.

Although what Zhou Yuan needs to do now is to rush out to save people, all the big names in the medical field, including Lu Shao, are the ministers of the Ministry of Education, but today they can personally talk to Zhou Yuan about double lung transplantation. The technique shows that he does have certain attainments in medicine.

If you are not accomplished, you can’t talk about it at all.

If Zhou Yuan ran out directly, Dean Fang and the others would lose face. After all, Zhou Yuan is just a resident, and he still needs to understand the most basic life.

“Don’t hesitate, go out and save people immediately!” Dean Fang said decisively.

Zhou Yuan nodded and ran out after Zhang Ling.

“Is there an operation?” Lu Shao said with excitement.

Can watching the operation video be the same as watching the operation on the spot?

Lu Shao’s biggest purpose this time is not actually a double lung transplantation, nor is it Zhou Yuan’s finger reconstruction technique, but to understand Zhou Yuan’s operation with the naked eye.

Just like watching a small movie, watching it 11 million times, it’s not comfortable to come here once.

Lu Shao’s current state just wants to see Zhou Yuan cut the skin of a real person.

Dean Fang glanced at Lu Shao and saw the latter’s excitement, and said, “I don’t know what the situation is. Pregnant women, abdominal pain…Is it about to give birth?”

“Go and see.” Lu Shao stepped out of the conference room in the first place.

Emergency department lobby.

Lin Wen held the baby-faced pregnant woman in a panic.

“Don’t worry, the doctor will be here soon!”

Zhou Yuan quickly walked over.

Seeing the baby-faced pregnant woman’s belly, she was startled and said: “Is going to give birth? This should go to the obstetrics and gynecology department…”

Zhou Yuan did a thrombin hemostasis last time. After all, he still has no experience in delivering babies!

Why hasn’t he met pregnant women at every turn since He Jing came?

Zhou Yuan strongly suspects that the system will not give herself a chance to deliver a baby.

“Did you make a mistake? This is the emergency department. You should go to the obstetrics and gynecology department…” Lin Wen was also puzzled.

If it’s late at night, pregnant women will choose to come to the emergency department if they are too late, but now the obstetrics and gynecology department normally goes to work. In terms of delivery technology and experience in handling pregnant women, it must be countless times better than the emergency department.

“No… yes! It’s not the abdominal pain of labor!” The baby-faced pregnant woman gritted her teeth and said.

Zhou Yuan and others became serious.

Abdominal pain that is not part of the delivery…It is indeed an emergency.

“Zhang Ling, you go to the obstetrics and gynecology department and call someone. Lin Wen, you help me send the patient to the observation room!” Zhou Yuan said.(Read more @

Lin Wen nodded and immediately took the pregnant woman to the emergency bed.

In the observation room, Zhou Yuan didn’t dare to move after experiencing the pregnant woman who suffered heavy bleeding during the operation last time.

The group of doctors, who are not medical students, the corpses that were dissected back then were male and female. When treating a disease, doctors did not distinguish between men and women. The most important parts of the body were just cold after all.” “Birth, reproduction, organs” only.

What they see is more of the tissues, glands, etc. contained in it, without so much beauty.

However, most people look at them with tinted glasses, so that many doctors can’t face them calmly.

This is the reason why obstetrics and gynecology departments are basically female doctors, and why the nurses must have a small number of male nurses.

Zhou Yuan said: “I can do a basic checkup for you, but if you find it inconvenient, you can wait for a while. There will be a doctor in the obstetrics and gynecology department soon.”

The baby-faced pregnant woman didn’t think so much, and simply said: “Doctor, help me check it!”

Zhou Yuan nodded.

“Pick up the clothes.” Zhou Yuan said.

He put on a mask and gloves.

“You don’t need to lift too high, just expose your abdomen.” Zhou Yuan reminded.

The clothes were slowly pulled up, Zhou Yuan was startled by the baby-faced pregnant woman’s belly.

The belly under the clothes is huge, but this is not the point… Zhou Yuan found a bulging belly!

“It’s He Lili?” Zhou Yuan asked after taking a look at the registration list of the baby-faced pregnant woman.


“Have the inspection been done?”

“I have done it, everything is normal for the baby, there is no problem at all, and they are twins!” He Lili seemed a little proud when she spoke.

Similarly, there are concerns.

Zhou Yuan squatted down and carefully pressed a bump in the middle of his abdomen, and said, “Does it hurt?”

“A little……”

Zhou Yuan nodded and checked carefully.

The lump was very smooth, and there was no gap around the lump, and the skin completely collapsed. This caused the lump to appear to be fixed on the abdomen and couldn’t move at all.

“Apart from abdominal pain, are there any other symptoms, nausea? Vomiting?”

He Lili hurriedly nodded: “Yes, when I was pregnant, I only felt vomiting for the first few months. I thought it was over, but I started to vomit again recently!”

“And recently, I feel that walking is getting heavier and heavier, and I can’t move my feet!”

Zhou Yuan frowned: “How long has it been?”

“More than a month!”

He Lili said: “Especially at night, it feels uncomfortable to lie down, and I feel that I can’t breathe.”

Zhou Yuan frowned, and several similar symptoms appeared in his mind.

The most likely is liver cirrhosis.

Liver cirrhosis will produce liver ascites. A large amount of ascites can cause abdominal distension and shortness of breath. In severe cases, it can even threaten the patient’s physical and mental health. It is more difficult to treat, and it is easy to relapse.

“You lie down.” Zhou Yuan said, standing up.

People with large amounts of ascites have an obvious feature, which is a frog-shaped belly.

When there is a large amount of fluid and ascites in the abdominal cavity, the abdominal wall relaxes in the supine position, and the ye body sinks on both sides of the abdominal cavity, resulting in a flat and wide abdomen, which is a frog-shaped abdomen.

Clinically, it can be found directly lying flat on inspection.

He Lili lay down, but the tumor on the abdomen was still smooth and there was no dent. There was no accumulation of ascites on both sides of the abdomen, and the abdomen was still the same as before.

Not cirrhosis!

Zhou Yuan’s face was hard to look.

If it’s not cirrhosis, then it’s probably a tumor…

At this time, tumors are likely to affect the fetus, or even cause miscarriage.

Look at He Lili’s belly, at least eight months old. If an eight-month-old fetus has a miscarriage, it will be very harmful to the mother.

Let alone massive bleeding, a series of complications such as acute endometritis, if not treated in time, may even develop into sepsis, pelvic inflammatory disease, adnexitis and so on!

After the abortion, the mother’s body is very weak, coupled with these diseases, the life of the mother will be greatly threatened!

“Doctor, what’s the matter with me?” He Lili suddenly panicked when she saw Zhou Yuan’s face was wrong.

Zhou Yuan recovered, was silent for a while, and said, “have your family members come?”.

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