Chapter 214

Zhou Yuan almost laughed and said, “Don’t worry, so many doctors are watching, how could they forget the anesthesia.”

“Because of the large number of people! Everyone thinks that they will not forget the anesthesia, maybe they will forget it?”

Zhou Yuan reluctantly explained: “Now this operation is before the anesthesia, and it needs to be done with the strength of your vocal muscles. I haven’t operated yet, why are you anesthetized so quickly?”

“It’s done.” Wei Lili took out the palace expansion stick and said.

Zhou Yuan nodded and glanced at the anesthesiologist.

The anesthesiologist came up with three needles in his hand.

He Lili, who was lying on the operating table, was actually a little excited.

“Aren’t you afraid?” The anesthesiologist was taken aback for a moment.

It was the first time that he encountered a patient who had seen him bring a needle~ to come so excited.

He Lili smiled reluctantly: “I’m not afraid, my stomach hurts now. If you numb me, I won’t-it hurts.”

This sentence made everyone in the operating room a little distressed.

Pregnancy itself is painful, plus a huge fibroids… How did this get through!

It’s no wonder that Wei Lili felt that He Lili’s uterus has such a large tumor, and it hasn’t affected the fetus.

The anesthesiologist put the suspension needle X into Wei Lili’s blood vessel, and then used three fine needles to inject liquid into the upper drip tube one by one.

He Lili was stunned: “Just a little bit of medicine, can it numb me? Will it hurt me suddenly and I wake up?”

The anaesthetist smiled confidently: “Don’t worry, it’s absolutely fine! If you wake up midway, there will be a medical accident, and I won’t even have to eat by then!”

He has done anesthesia for pregnant women many times, and the dosage of the anesthetic is accurate to ml. He has absolute confidence in his technique.

“Remember to add an analgesic pump to me!” He Lili suddenly remembered something and said.

Analgesic pump is a liquid infusion device that can maintain a stable concentration of drugs in the blood, which can help achieve better analgesic treatment with less drugs. This thing can be used for postoperative analgesia and cancer pain. , Labor analgesia, etc.

During surgery, patients are usually allowed to press themselves to add an additional infusion dose based on the continuous infusion volume, which can make the treatment more personalized and conform to the characteristics of different people’s sensitivity to pain.

Therefore, He Lili’s initiative to ask for an analgesic pump is nothing.

The anaesthetist was a little strange: “You still know an analgesic pump.”

“I heard from my sister that the postpartum pain will die. Adding an analgesic pump can reduce the postpartum pain a lot!” He Lili smiled.

“I’m a little dizzy when it’s over.”

After He Lili hurriedly said this sentence, she rolled her eyes and fainted due to numbness.

“So fast?” The anesthesiologist was taken aback for a moment.

He has not yet performed gas-assisted anesthesia…

After breaking off He Lili’s face, the anesthesiologist buttoned the mask on her face before she withdrew.

“The anesthesia is complete.”

Zhou Yuan nodded, “The operation has begun!”(Read more @

“Perform venipuncture and arterial puncture first!”

He Jianyi immediately came up for venipuncture.

Zhou Yuan punctured the more difficult arteries.

When discussing the surgical plan, Zhou Yuan really amazed everyone when he proposed two punctures.

Normal myomectomy or cesarean section does not require puncture at all, so everyone did not understand what Zhou Yuan wanted to do.

In fact, Zhou Yuan is worried about accidents during the operation, such as massive endometrial bleeding.

So, be prepared in advance.

Deep venipuncture is for massive bleeding during the operation. The venous channel is opened in advance, and fluid can be refilled immediately in case of massive bleeding. Arterial puncture is mainly used to detect arterial pressure and to clarify the patient’s heart function, physical condition, and so on.

The venipuncture went well, but Zhou Yuan had trouble with the arterial puncture.

The blood vessel used for arterial puncture collapsed due to the influence of the tumor.

The front and back walls of the blood vessels are under negative pressure. They are not flattened due to lack of blood flow, but are squeezed together. The needle tube cannot enter the blood vessel lumen at all, and the arterial pressure cannot be measured based on blood flow…

Zhou Yuan tried twice without success-this is not a technical problem, who can put a pin X between two pieces of paper that are completely glued together?

Zhou Yuan frowned and glanced at the instrument.

“Can’t wait any longer, just disinfect and start the stage.” Zhou Yuan said quickly.


Zhou Yuan took the scalpel and skillfully cut the skin on his abdomen.

Before, He Jing and Wei Lili had detected the approximate location of the tumor from He Lili’s Yin tract. Combined with the imaging results of angiography, CT, etc., Zhou Yuan drew several lines on He Lili’s abdomen.

It’s the incision.

It can perfectly avoid tumors and babies, and complete the exposure of the abdominal cavity.

·········Ask for flowers···········

Soon, dense blood beads emerged from He Lili’s cut skin.

Then Zhou Yuan carefully dissected the uterus.

After a while, the uterus was opened, revealing the fetus inside and the huge fibroids next to it.

This step is the most dangerous. If you are not careful, the tumor may rupture and enter the fetus.

“Teacher, help me fix the tumor.”

With that said, Zhou Yuan made another opening in the internal iliac artery.

“Vascular clamp.”

After blocking the blood flow of the internal iliac artery, the tumor lost its blood supply.

Zhou Yuan quickly revealed the broad ligament areas on the left and right sides of the isthmus of the uterus, found the parts without blood vessels, and opened small openings respectively.

“Hose tourniquet.”

Zhou Yuan introduced a rubber tube tourniquet into the incision, ligating all the uterine arteries and veins in the isthmus of the uterus, temporarily blocking the blood supply to the uterus.

……… …. 0

The time of cesarean section is very tight. Because the blood supply of the uterine and internal iliac arteries is blocked, the fetus must be taken out within five minutes, otherwise it will be dangerous.

If there is a uteroconstrictor, everything will be much simpler, but now He Lili’s situation cannot be administered.

“Perform uterine cavity tamponade!” Wei Lili said quickly.

He Jianyi carefully fixed the tumor to separate it from the fetus so as not to affect the work of the cesarean section.

He Jing filled the gauze into the cavity and carefully pressed the uterus to promote contractions.

After a while, the fetal head came out first.

Wei Lili dragged her head up in surprise, and carefully pulled it out.

When the fetus’s shoulder came out, Wei Lili quickly cleaned the mucus and foreign bodies in the fetus’s mouth and nasal cavity.

The cesarean section was very smooth, and Wei Lili was also very skilled. The fetus was separated from the womb shortly afterwards, and only one umbilical cord remained connected to the mother’s body.

“Cut the umbilical cord!” Wei Lili’s tone was relaxed.

To be able to complete such a cesarean section is also a thing to be proud of for her.

With a click of the scissors, the newborn has come into this world completely.

There was a loud cry.

This fetus has been developed for nearly nine months. Although it is considered premature, it is far better than Sun Lele.

The fetus has no problems at all.

Before everyone in the operating room had time to be happy, He Jing, who was dealing with the placenta, suddenly turned pale! A.

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