Chapter 217

“Zhou Yuan, do you have any ideas to go to the Z Medical Association?”

Zhou Yuan was stunned when he heard Lu Shao’s playful sentence.

Such a big organization… just play around?

State Z Medical Association is a voluntary association formed by medical science and technology workers in State Z. It is an academic, public welfare, and non-profit legal person association. It has a high status in State Z and is an important society for the development of medical science and technology in State Z. power.

There are 83 branches alone, and there is also one in Yanjing City, called the “Z State Medical Association Yanjing Branch”. The number of the entire society is about 500,000.

Of course, because it is a social organization, the threshold of the Z Medical Association is not very high, but the senior level can directly communicate with the national academy of medical sciences, which indirectly enhances the style of the Z Medical Association.

In other words, in addition to the national medical organization of the Z State Academy of Medical Sciences, which has a very high threshold, the highest level organization in Z State is the State Z Medical Association.

Lu Shao asked Zhou Yuan to participate in the National Z Medical Association, obviously wanting to support Zhou Yuan to the top, so as to use the power of the Medical Association to influence the medical process of the entire Z country.

As for the Z National Academy of Medical Sciences… Of course, Lu Shao also wanted to get Zhou Yuan over.

However, there are always academicians in the Z State Academy of Medical Sciences. There are many big names in the medical field, and academic leaders are all over the street. Lu Shao is not sure to keep Zhou Yuan in.

What’s more, the National Academy of Medical Sciences is too official, and the atmosphere there is definitely not suitable for Zhou Yuan, a person who specializes in medical skills.

“Zhou Yuan, it’s not a problem to keep hiding in the operating room. If you have a good knife, you should get out of the sheath and you should show up. The National Z Medical Association is a good opportunity.”

Lv Shao was afraid that Zhou Yuan would refuse, so he persuaded him again.

Zhou Yuan smiled and nodded: “Okay, join in.”

He Jianyi next to him stared at Zhou Yuan with a helpless expression.

Although the threshold of the Z Medical Association is not high, it is not low…

To pass the assessment of the Z National Medical Association, an exam must be taken first. Liu Kai and Haiyang both tried it, but they didn’t make it.

Zhou Yuan directly asked the Minister of Education to invite in.

The gap between people is too big…

“Don’t tell me, the effect of the anesthetic is about to pass. If He Lili wakes up and sees herself still lying under the shadowless lamp, she will think that my anesthetic hasn’t been put on the result and wake up during the operation and complain to me…~ˇ…” The anesthesiologist stood up silently and said.

Zhou Yuan smiled, preparing to walk out of the operating room with He Jianyi and others.

Suddenly, he remembered the tumor on the surgical tray.(Read more @

This is the first time Zhou Yuan has seen a football-sized tumor…Even the two directors of the oncology department and obstetrics and gynecology tumors who have been dealing with tumors all the time have rarely seen such a large tumor.

“Take a picture?” Zhou Yuan said suddenly.

After completing this operation, Zhou Yuan also feels fulfilled in his heart.

The procedure of the operation is very simple, which is to remove the attached tumors in various parts of the uterus in turn. However, the structure of the human body is so complicated. There are a large number of blood vessels and nerves in each part. Any carelessness will be fatal.

Every knife made by Zhou Yuan can be said to be robbed of death in the hands of death. If it is right, it will temporarily save its life. If it is wrong, it will be life-threatening.

Moreover, other people are not really exposed to the tumor, so it is not clear about the danger.

There are many blood vessels on the tumor, which adhere to the surrounding tissues. Fortunately, Zhou Yuan successfully peeled off the tumor’s capsule layer by layer, and ligated the blood vessels on the tumor one by one, so that no drop of blood came out. He Lili does not have any remaining tumor cells in her body.

This is definitely something to celebrate.

“Come on!” He Jianyi hugged Zhou Yuan’s shoulder and said.

The crowd in the operating room gathered around the tumor, and they smiled brightly and took a photo of the celebration.

The equipment nurses and others are continuing the aftermath of the operating room.

Since the operating room still has equipment to clean up after the operation is completed, and equipment for the next operation to be prepared, the equipment nurses usually leave the operating room one or two hours at night than the surgeon.

Outside the operating room, He Lili’s mother was standing there, her hands clasped together, and her mouth kept praying.

Seeing Zhou Yuan and others come out, of course He Lili’s mother cried…

After a while, He Lili’s mother ran over and asked in a panic: “Doctor! How is my daughter!”

As a mother, she cares more not about the child in He Lili’s belly, but her daughter, He Lili.

“Don’t worry, the operation went well.” Zhou Yuan smiled.

He Lili’s mother was stunned, wrinkles all piled on her face, showing a big smile.

“Thank you! Thank you!”

He Lili was quickly pushed into the ward. After repeated thanks, He Lili’s mother rushed to take care of her.

Zhou Yuan and others changed their clothes, drank some sugar water, and returned to the ward.

Since He Lili is not a simple cesarean section, she needs some extra care.

There are many complications in the myometrialectomy.

The most common are bleeding, hematoma, and uterine adhesions and adhesions in the pelvic and abdominal cavity within one or two weeks after surgery.

These are hard to avoid.

After all, there was a football in the stomach. The blood vessels have adapted to supply blood to this big football. If it is suddenly removed, it is bound to have a certain impact.

There is also the recurrence of uterine fibroids.

The formation of uterine fibroids is very complex, involving the complex interaction between normal myometrial somatic cell mutations, sex hormones and local growth factors.

The principle of generation is that the smooth muscle cells of the uterus have abnormally increased value, and a small amount of fibrous connective tissue is used as supporting tissue, thus forming a tumor together…

Since He Lili’s uterine environment can cause uterine smooth muscle cells to produce tumors the size of a football, it is difficult to say that there will not be a second time.

Therefore, regular inspections must be done.

Uterine fibroids are only benign tumors. When the tumors are relatively small, there are no symptoms or complications. At this time (Nuo Li’s) has no effect on health. As long as regular inspections are performed, drugs are used to control uterine fibroids when they just appear. , Elimination, can prevent the generation of uterine fibroids.

Most patients with uterine fibroids are the same as He Lili. Unless they develop huge fibroids, which seriously affect their health, they will think of going to the hospital for examination. At that time, the drugs are no longer useful and can only be operated on.

Of course, He Lili is a special case… A normal woman would definitely check her belly when she saw her belly start to grow bigger. He Lili happened to be pregnant, so even if her abdomen bulged, she didn’t think much about it.

All in all, as long as women who are not menopausal are likely to suffer from uterine fibroids, the survey report shows that 20% of women over the age of 30 suffer from uterine fibroids, and the proportion of women in their twenties is lower. Only about 10% quality.

So… it is necessary for women to get a test for uterine fibroids. .

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