Chapter 255

“Okay, I won’t tease you anymore!” Zhang Ling laughed.

Zhou Yuan is a doctor, how could he care about this kind of thing.

“By the way, what happened to Duan Hongwei? He was the perpetrator of the car accident.” Zhou Yuan suddenly remembered this and asked.

Duan Hongwei’s situation is more dangerous than Zhao Han’s. Whether he can be saved is a matter of luck.

“The director of brain surgery and the orthopedic doctor have both gone to the joint consultation.”

Zhou Yuan nodded: “How was the result?”

“I just got out of the operating table. Director He was called over. I don’t know if the operation failed.” Zhang Ling’s tone was flat.

Zhou Yuan nodded and was about to go over and take a look. Several family members of the patients came over.

“Dr. Zhou, can you go and see my child? After a simple treatment, he was sent to the observation room and told us to wait two or three hours before leaving. Not long after returning home, he said that his stomach hurts. We remembered what your nurse said If you have dizziness and stomach ache, report it immediately and send it as soon as possible!”

It was the mother of the child, the father of the child, the child’s aunt, the child’s grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, and uncles…

A group of people looked at Zhou Yuan with worried and serious eyes.

Zhou Yuan immediately felt the pain of the pediatrician… No wonder there are fewer and fewer pediatricians.

It’s really hard.

Zhou Yuan hasn’t seen a doctor yet, it’s just that the child has some problems, and he will suffer from these gazes. If something happens, these eyes alone can stare people to death…

“Take me to take a look.” Zhou Yuan can’t manage that much anymore.

Stomach pain after a car accident is indeed a very dangerous symptom.

After arriving in the observation room, a ten-year-old boy was lying on the bed, clutching his stomach all the time.

Zhou Yuan put on a mask and gloves, and opened the boy’s stomach, ready to check the pain in his abdomen.

But at this time, he saw a wound on the boy’s abdomen, which was obviously an old wound from the operation.

“The child has had an operation?” Zhou Yuan asked.

“Yes, this child had a stomachache before, so we took him for an examination. During the colonoscopy, we found that he had some polyps in his intestines, so he had a colon polypectomy.”

Zhou Yuan nodded, pressing on the boy’s abdomen.

“Does it hurt here?”

“It doesn’t hurt.”


“It doesn’t hurt.”

Zhou Yuan pressed against the intestines.

The boy almost jumped up: “This is it! It hurts to death!”

Zhou Yuan breathed a sigh of relief: “It’s not internal bleeding. Let’s go for a colonoscopy. It is estimated that the intestinal polyp has recurred.”

Several family members hurriedly took their children for colonoscopy.

Zhou Yuan was a little surprised.

Intestinal polyps at such a young age…

Intestinal polyps are abnormally growing tissues on the surface of the intestinal mucosa. They are collectively referred to as polyps before the pathological properties are determined. Its incidence increases with age, and it is more common in men.

A ten-year-old child has intestinal polyps… the intestine is a bit bad.(Read more @

After a while, the boy came back, holding the colonoscopy result in his hand.

“Well, intestinal polyps grow and need to be surgically removed again.”

Zhou Yuan opened an order and said, “Go to the anorectal department with an enema and then perform an operation.”

After that, he was about to leave, but was held back by the boy’s mother: “Are you Zhou Yuan?”

Zhou Yuan nodded.

“Can you operate on my child! I heard that you are particularly good!” the boy’s mother asked expectantly.

Zhou Yuan was stunned for a moment.

Polypectomy is only a minor operation, and it is not difficult, and it can be done, but… he has just finished a major operation and is now a little tired.

“Other doctors can also do…” Zhou Yuan felt helpless.

“No! I want you to do it! We can rest assured if you do it!”

The boy’s family members gathered around: “Yes! Doctor Zhou, let us have an operation. Only if your medical skills are good, our child can be guaranteed!”

“What should I do if other doctors have problems!”

Zhou Yuan’s face was a little awkward.

What should I do if other doctors have problems… As these words say, once there is a problem, I am afraid that not only the chief surgeon, but also Zhou Yuan will have to be treated…

“Okay, you go to enema, and then come to me. I have surgery.” Zhou Yuan sighed.

The family members happily took the children to the enema.

The stout boy father stayed here, as if he was afraid that Zhou Yuan would run away.

The process of enema is painful, especially the process of waiting. The enema fluid in the intestine compresses the anus.

Defecation will become stronger and stronger over time. Anyone who has held a bowel movement knows that at this time, one second is more difficult than an hour… painful.

However, for the effect of the enema, it is necessary to let the enema fluid stay as long as possible, otherwise there will be stools in the intestines, and the polyps cannot be clearly seen, nor can it be removed.

After almost half an hour, the boy went to the toilet ten times and finally went to the operating table.

Removal of polyps is performed in an endoscopic operating room.

Zhou Yuan changed into the surgical gown and entered the endoscopy laboratory.

Sure enough, the boy’s intestines were not emptied. Zhou Yuan spent a long time in the ileum, and the intestines were filled with slimy stools…

Zhou Yuan called the doctor in charge of the enema and said, “Your intestinal preparation is so bad, it’s full of stool, and you can’t do it.”

The enema doctor froze for a moment, and looked at the endoscope: “No, this intestine is okay, where is the stool?”

Zhang Ling who came to help was also a little puzzled…

Although the intestinal tract is indeed not very good, it is not to the point where surgery is impossible… What’s wrong with Zhou Yuan?

Zhou Yuan looked serious and waved his hand to send the boy back to the ward, “Polypectomy will be done tomorrow. I can’t do it today.”

After the boy left, Zhang Ling also looked confused.

“You did an enema, right?” Zhou Yuan looked at the enema doctor.

“Yes, it’s me, obviously no problem, are you looking for the fault!”

Zhou Yuan’s face was serious, “Do you know that this boy almost died just now…”

The enema doctor was dumbfounded: “What do you mean!”

“Did you enema with Kaisailu?” Zhou Yuan asked.

“Yes, what’s the matter…”

“Kaisailu is composed of glycerin, which belongs to alcohols. Alcohols will decompose with bacteria in the intestines to produce methane and hydrogen. Both of these are combustible gases. The removal of polyps during surgery requires electric resection. It will cause an explosion… the intestines explode!”

The enema doctor turned pale: “I forgot!”

“This was mentioned in the enema course. If you do it today, once it explodes, your life will be over…” Zhou Yuan stared at the enema doctor.

“I’m sorry…” The enema doctor looked guilty.

Just now, because of his negligence, he almost pushed the patient to death, and almost ended his career with Zhou Yuan…

Zhou Yuan didn’t say much, and left with Zhang Ling.

“Zhou Yuan, you are really amazing…” Zhang Ling was still in a daze.

Zhou Yuan smiled: “These are all the knowledge in the book… Let the doctor pay more attention tomorrow, this is not a trivial matter.”

With that said, he thought of Duan Hongwei again, and planned to ask He Jianyi.

At this time, He Jianyi’s call happened to call.

“Teacher?” Zhou Yuan picked it up.

“Come here and have a look, come to my office.” He Jianyi said quickly, with a serious tone.

Zhou Yuan nodded, realizing the seriousness of the problem, and immediately rushed to He Jianyi’s office.

“Teacher, what’s the matter?” Zhou Yuan knocked on the door and entered the office.

He Jian walked around the office anxiously, and when he saw Zhou Yuan, he felt a little relaxed.

“I want to talk to you about the magnificent thing.” He Jianyi spoke very quickly.

“The perpetrator? Did his operation succeed?” Zhou Yuan was a little puzzled.

He Jianyi: “You sit down first.”

After the two sat down, He Jianyi’s expression became more serious, and said: “The patient’s operation was a fluke success, but we found something while performing the brain surgery on him…”.

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