Chapter 274

How many people are selfish and narrow-minded who can truly reach the pinnacle of academia?

A person’s strength is weak, and it is almost impossible to climb the peak of medicine alone.

Of course, except for those who have the system.

Shen Yuan Jing, Richard, John Joe, and Dean Fang, undoubtedly did not regard academics as the supreme ideal, as other things are not so important. ,

Zhou Yuan surpasses them academically, and they can admire Zhou Yuan, regardless of age and seniority.

It stands to reason, it makes sense to get a high-level treasure chest…

“Why not?”

Zhou Yuan’s tone was as if the system had embezzled hundreds of treasure chests from him, just wanting to kill.

The system was silent for two seconds, and said: “How do I know, this is the first time I have encountered such a big speech.”

Zhou Yuan:? ? ?

“The last time I asked you how to get the high-level treasure chest, you didn’t know. I asked you what is in the high-level treasure chest-you don’t know?”

You are afraid it is a fake system.

The system chose to ignore Zhou Yuan’s questioning and fell silent.

Zhou Yuan sighed.

Playing the game at the beginning, suddenly turned his head to look at Zhou Yuan, “Brother, I really want a kitten!”

Zhou Yuan looked over and was playing Tom Cat in the beginning.

Zhou Yuan just wanted to say that he could buy one. He pursed his lips and said, “I will go back and let my mother give me a kitten!”

Zhou Yuan was silent for a moment, and said: “This is a bit difficult…”

Chuchu stood up, akimbo, “Everyone else has kittens, it’s easy!”

Zhou Yuan: “…”

It seems that x education really needs to be popularized…

“Go to sleep, you have everything in your dreams.” Zhou Yuan yawned while lying on the bed.

Chu Chu looked at Zhou Yuan suspiciously: “Brother, do you dislike me for being annoying!”

Zhou Yuan shook his head: “No.”(Read more @

At the beginning, I laughed, especially sweet, jumped onto the bed, “Sleep! Brother, let’s go see the teacher tomorrow, okay? The teacher must have woken up!”

Zhou Yuan was taken aback, a little worried.

Whether Zhao Han can wake up, Zhou Yuan is not absolutely sure.

His ability and task are only to do the operation and repair the brain damage.

Zhao Han’s brain was injured. If he did not move, he would become unconscious and become a vegetative person. In fact, what Zhao Han did in the end would depend on his fate.

Zhou Yuan has tried his best. The master-class craniotomy of the posterior fossa, plus the additional operation of the system, has increased the success rate by 5%. If this is not saved, Zhao Han will also be difficult to save…

Again, manpower is exhausted. Zhou Yuan has done what the doctor should do, and the rest is left to the patient and his destiny.

Human will is sometimes more useful than doctors. Incurable diseases are suddenly cured, and countless patients who cannot survive a year or a few months from a medical point of view, and finally live for decades. These are all that cannot be explained by the current technology. of.

“Let’s go see Teacher Zhao tomorrow morning.” Zhou Yuan agreed.

At the beginning, this smiled contentedly.

Zhou Yuan turned off the light, the bedroom went dark, and the world became quiet.

The breathing of the two men gradually became even.

Emergency Department of Yanjing International Hospital.

The entire emergency department was completely cold and lonely after the heat of the day boiled, and it felt quite desolate.

“The tea is cold…” Zhang Ling said boredly, rolling her eyes.

Lin Wen smiled and comforted: “I didn’t come to see you anyway, what’s so sad!”

Zhang Ling sighed: “Then Zhou Yuan is also our friend! Isn’t there a saying to call it… One person can ascend to heaven!”

Lin Wen was amused by Zhang Ling: “There is indeed such a sentence, and what you said makes sense. Zhou Yuan is so amazing that all the people in our department follow.”

Zhang Ling nodded: “That’s right! When Zhou Yuan is famous, no one will be able to interview him by that time. The reporters will come to us for help. We are his friends anyway. Then we will tell Zhou Yuan’s glorious history. We can also write history books!”

Lin Wen looked at Zhou Yuan in surprise, and was pleasantly surprised: “What you said makes perfect sense! Why are you so careful about this kind of thing?”

Zhang Ling turned her pen boringly: “I thought about it a long time ago. Someday I ask Zhou Yuan to help me sign a few names, or write a few cases, and collect them, and they will be worth millions in a few decades.”

Lin Wen’s eyes were brilliant: “Zhang Ling, I will call you Sister Ling from now on!”

Zhang Ling snorted, and was amused by Lin Wen’s solemn expression, and said: “Don’t kid me!… By the way, Zhao Han hasn’t woken up yet. Zhou Yuan’s operation was very successful. How could there be a little movement? nothing……”

·········Ask for flowers···········

Lin Wen sighed: “No way, Zhao Han damaged his brain. There were a lot of functional areas in that place. If he accidentally damaged it, he was in a vegetative and disabled state.”

“You won’t really become vegetative! How sad Zhou Yuan and Chuchu are!”

Zhang Ling was a little worried: “Besides, Zhao Han is still such a good teacher. She has saved several children… If you can’t wake up, there will be one less good person!”

Lin Wen frowned and said, “Don’t be afraid, it’s only two days, nothing is wrong. Generally speaking, it is possible to become a vegetative without waking up for half a year.”

Zhang Ling curled her lips and said, “Sister Lin Wen, I came two years later than you. I still know this! You can be judged as a vegetative if you don’t wake up for more than a month, within one to six months. Everyone has a 50% chance of waking up. Once six months have passed, they will basically be unable to wake up.”

……… ……… …….

According to the medical explanation, the longer the coma is, the more dysfunction the patient will have, and the consciousness, attention, memory, perception and thinking ability will also be affected with the time of the coma.

Thinking of this, both Zhang Ling and Lin Wen were a little sad.

Because these medical laws are based on the countless number of silent deaths of patients.

Sister Zhang Ling lowered her head and asked, “Sister Lin Wen, what do you think it is like being a vegetable? Do they really have no ability to think independently?”

Lin Wen shook her head, frowning and said: “Vegetables cannot communicate with us. According to the vegetatives who wake up, they are indeed unaware in the vegetative state… It is also possible that they have forgotten. Anyway, medical students think that vegetatives do not. Anything you feel.”

Lin Wen nodded, “How does it feel to become a vegetable?”

Lin Wen stretched out her hand and said helplessly: “How would I know. Maybe…just like in the dark space, the surroundings are dark, you can’t see your fingers, there is no gravity, no matter how you move, you can’t feel anything. , Can’t touch his body?”

Zhang Ling shivered. “It’s horrible… I can’t hold back alone in the dark room, and I’m so depressed! If I become like this, I might as well die!”

“Sister Lin Wen, have you ever taken care of a vegetative, or have you encountered a case where a vegetative wakes up?” Zhang Ling suddenly looked at Lin Wen with some expectation. A.

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