Chapter 277

When Zhao Han was still wondering what happened, Chu Chu quickly took out the mask from his little nurse and covered his face.

Tian Liang almost laughed aloud by Chuchu’s teasing.

Soon, a bunch of reporters who heard that Zhao Han woke up squeezed to the door.

“Zhao Han woke up! The most beautiful teacher woke up!”

“I heard that the city has planned to award you a medal for bravery! Zhao Han, can you accept our interview?”

Zhou Yuan glanced, and there were at least a dozen reporters outside. However, they became more sensible and knew that the ward should not be rushed, especially the intensive care unit, so they just looked through the window.

Of course, if they found out that the doctor inside was Zhou Yuan, they might not have been so conscious…

Zhou Yuan whispered: “I cannot accept interviews for the time being. Try not to have too many talents coming in, otherwise it will not be conducive to your recovery.”

Zhao Han nodded, feeling a little dreamy.

She is just an ordinary people’s teacher. At that time, the subconscious reaction of her mind was to save people. She never thought that one day she would become a topical figure…

Tian Liang went out and explained the situation to reporters outside before the ward became quiet again.

“Take a break for now, and the brain surgery doctor will give you an initial assessment tomorrow.”

Craniocerebral injury is no more than other, and there are more tests after surgery.

The evaluation of the state of consciousness, the evaluation of motor function, the evaluation of sensory function, the evaluation of speech function, the swallowing function, the cognitive function, or the mental, emotional, psychological state, etc., almost all human functions are tested.

“Let your mother pay attention, keep the morning urine when you wake up every day, and give it to the nurse. Also, for routine blood tests, liver and kidney function, electrolytes, blood glucose, blood lipids, and coagulation function need to be checked in sequence.”

Zhao Han felt a little dizzy, “Doctor Zhou, can you say it again, I didn’t remember…”

Zhou Yuan was silent for a moment before saying, “I will write out the doctor’s order and give it to your mother~”.”

After the examination, it was confirmed that Zhao Han had no other sequelae for the time being, and Zhou Yuan was relieved.

Such a smooth postoperative recovery is definitely related to the “5% reduction in postoperative complications” given by the system.

Zhou Yuan returned to the clinic and continued to see the doctor.

People in the security department have increased their vigilance, and the emergency department has strengthened police to prevent reporters from coming in.

Zhao Han is in the inpatient department, so reporters can enter.

The emergency department looks the same as usual, that is, there are many more patients at the entrance of the clinic, but at this time, the outside world has set off a big storm.

Zhou Yuan had previously given all the materials for the first phase of the reconstructed finger to Dean Fang and others. After obtaining Zhou Yuan’s consent, Dean Fang gave it to Lu Shao. The Ministry of Education immediately selected the toe transplant and reconstructed thumb into the teaching material.(Read more @

Baidu Encyclopedia, Sogou Encyclopedia, Google Encyclopedia, Wikipedia, etc., almost all encyclopedias immediately included the entry of toe transplantation to reconstruct the thumb.

Toe transplantation reconstruction thumb: alias free toe transplantation thumb reconstruction surgery, reconstruction finger surgery.

Classification: Orthopedics/Hand Surgery/Late Repair of Hand Injury/Reconstruction of Thumb and Fingers/Reconstruction of Thumb and Finger with Free Toe Transplantation.

ICD code:

Introduction: Toe transplantation and reconstruction of the thumb is a new technique for replantation of a severed limb pioneered by Zhou Yuan, a scholar from Z country. It is suitable for: simple thumb defect with more than second degree and the severed finger cannot be replanted; congenital thumb loss; age 3-50 years old In between, the whole body is in good condition, and the appearance and function of the first to third toes are normal.

Anatomy…Pre-operative preparation…Anesthesia and posture…Surgery steps.

Almost overnight, all information about reconstructive finger surgery has spread throughout the academic world.

What surprised Zhou Yuan was that the toe transplantation and reconstruction thumb surgery actually obtained the ICD code…

The Chinese name of the ICD code is the International Classification of Diseases code, which is a system that classifies diseases according to the characteristics of the disease and according to the rules, and uses the coding method to express it.

It is very troublesome to evaluate this thing. It must be judged according to the cause, location, pathology, clinical manifestations of the disease, including symptoms, signs, staging, classification and other factors, but I did not expect it to be completed.

What surprised Zhou Yuan even more was that on the night of the academic exchange meeting, Country R completed the second toe transplantation and thumb reconstruction in the world.

I don’t know if it was the gang’s credit, or just a coincidence.

However, the doctor in charge of the surgeon is not an unknown person. Her technique is definitely not enough for this operation, and she may be able to master it after a few years of studying with Shenyuan Jing.

Shenyuanjing is also unlikely to participate in the operation due to personal reasons.

Country R did not announce the specific personnel involved in the operation.

The next day, this morning, John Joe, who had retreated behind the scenes, led the team to complete the third finger reconstruction operation. Almost at the same time, Richard also completed the operation.

The successively reported successful cases of finger reconstruction are undoubtedly announcing one thing: the era of replantation of severed limbs has opened a new chapter…

Zhou Yuan is not sure how many failed cases in private. At least, these successful operations can be seen. Zhou Yuan’s perfection of the operation has indeed reduced the difficulty, allowing doctors with real materials to operate.

On the international front, a series of reports have also begun to be published.

“¨ˇR country overcomes the difficulty of toe transplantation and reconstruction of thumbs! The next stage will comprehensively cultivate new-style talents!”

“Country M has successfully mastered the finger reconstruction technology, and the field of hand surgery replantation of severed limbs has taken a step forward!”

“Country Y…”

These news made Zhou Yuan a little uncomfortable.

The meaning of these countries is obvious. Although I cannot be the first person to be an imitator, as imitators, they have to surpass the pioneers.

This is certainly not what Shen Yuanjing, Richard and others meant. They are all antiquities in academia, and they don’t even bother to participate in this kind of struggle.

Like Zhou Yuan’s thinking, academics know no borders, and medicine knows no borders. Even if they acquire this technology, they will not hesitate to push the results to the world.

This medical result is meaningful only if it really benefits patients.

“It seems that we must find a way as soon as possible to improve the level of Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hand Surgery, otherwise it will really catch up with the people behind…” Zhou Yuan said helplessly.


At 17:55 pm, Yanjing National Medical Obstetrics Department.

A pregnant woman was sleeping. Suddenly, she felt that her lower body was wet and moisturized, and she was awakened immediately, waking up her husband who was accompanying her on the bed.

“Husband! The amniotic fluid is broken! The amniotic fluid is broken!”

The pregnant husband slept in a daze, was suddenly awakened, and was shocked. He hurriedly looked on the ground and found that there was a puddle of water.

He ran out immediately and returned soon, with a mop in his hand.

Pregnant woman:…


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