Chapter 287

Zhou Yuan sat in the consulting room without looking up.

The patient has the right to choose a doctor. She does not want Zhou Yuan to see a doctor, and Zhou Yuan has no choice.

“okay then……”

The woman walked in reluctantly.

“Hello, Doctor Zhou!”

The man was very enthusiastic and took the initiative to chat with Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan looked over and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“The stomach hurts, it hurts especially…” the woman gritted her teeth and said.

Zhou Yuan frowned, “When did it start?”

“It’s menstrual cramps. I get menstrual cramps every time I have menstruation. I’m used to it.”

Zhou Yuan glanced at the woman. The latter’s complexion was a little pale, and her hair was stuck to her face because of sweat, which made her look very bad.

“I had menstrual pain before? Then why did you visit the doctor specially this time?”

The woman shook her head and said: “I used to take painkillers, but this time I don’t know why it’s useless, so I want you to prescribe better painkillers for me.”

Zhou Yuan nodded, “Is menstruation coming?”

“Here, menstrual cramps don’t come, how can menstruation hurt?” The woman became a little impatient.

Zhou Yuan was silent for a moment.

The woman’s face looks very wrong, not like simple menstrual cramps.

“You wait.” Zhou Yuan stood up, walked to the observation bed, pulled up the curtain, and sent a message to He Jing.

In front of the patient, he gave him a feeling of insecurity with his hands, so Zhou Yuan hid.

As for why it is called He Jing, He Jing is better at dealing with women, and this woman is reluctant to talk to herself because of her gender.

Without accurate information, he cannot easily make a diagnosis because there are too many causes of abdominal pain in women after marriage, such as abnormal pregnancy, accidental miscarriage, and so on.

Zhou Yuan sat down again and said, “Are there any men and women living recently?”

The woman was taken aback. “How do you ask this kind of question!”

The man is very simple and honest, and said with a smile: “The doctor is also for your illness! No, I’ve been on a business trip recently, and I don’t have time for that kind of thing to happen~ “.”

Zhou Yuan nodded silently.

The woman tugged at the man next to her, and said, “Husband, don’t talk to him so much! If you have abdominal pain, I will ask about this kind of personal matter!”(Read more @

Two minutes later, He Jing rushed over.

Zhou Yuan greeted He Jing, who was standing behind Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan asked again: “You said there was a history of dysmenorrhea before, so apart from the pain this time, is there any difference in menstrual volume, or color?”

With that, he looked at He Jing.

She must be judged in this respect.

The woman thought about it, nodded slowly, and said, “It’s really a bit different. This time the color is lighter and the amount is less.”

He Jing lowered his head for a moment and asked, “Do you usually have regular menstruation? Are these few days your usual menstrual cycle?”

The woman shook her head: “It’s not regular, this time it’s more than ten days in advance…”

He Jing was stunned for a moment, and was about to speak, but was held back by Zhou Yuan.

“Patient husband, can you go and wait outside the clinic? The female doctor and I still need to do some tests on your wife.”

The man smiled honestly and was about to go out, but was held back by his wife.

“Husband, don’t go! Is there any checkup that can’t be done in front of my husband! You can call a female doctor if you are alone! Is it okay?”

The man was a little pleased when he heard this.

It seems that she no longer regards herself as an outsider.

Zhou Yuan frowned, staring straight at the woman who had been holding her belly, and said, “I advise you to let your husband go out. I am thinking of you.”

He Jing’s complexion was a little surprised, but he quickly understood Zhou Yuan’s intentions.

After the man left, only Zhou Yuan, He Jing and the gorgeous woman were left in the consulting room.

“He Jing, what do you think it is?”

He Jing took a deep look at the painful woman and said, “Ectopic pregnancy.”

Ectopic pregnancy, medically called ectopic pregnancy, refers to the abnormal pregnancy process in which the pregnant egg implants and develops outside the uterine cavity.

The most dangerous part of ectopic pregnancy is here. Generally, rupture occurs in the forty days of pregnancy, which leads to severe internal bleeding and a very high mortality rate.

The woman who was still complaining about Zhou Yuan was stunned. A few seconds later, she panicked and said: “What kind of ectopic pregnancy! My husband has been on business trips these months. Where do you want me to get an ectopic pregnancy? come out?”

Zhou Yuan said lightly: “If you’re afraid your husband won’t be able to hear it, just shout louder.”

Hearing these words, the woman immediately became dumbfounded, clutching her aching belly, and looking at the two Zhou Yuan angrily.

“You can lie to your husband and other people, but you can’t lie to the doctor. We don’t know if there is anything to do. What we see is this result.”

Zhou Yuan’s words had a determined tone, his expression that was still angry immediately changed, and he panicked instantly.

“¨ Doctor, don’t talk nonsense! I only have my husband and a man! You didn’t do any examinations, so you decided that I was an ectopic pregnancy. What about my reputation!”

Zhou Yuan and He Jing looked at each other.

Zhou Yuan said: “What you said makes sense. This is just our subjective judgment. That’s good. Let’s have a chorionic gonadotropin test. You will know if it is an ectopic pregnancy right away.”

Chorionic gonadotropin is a glycoprotein hormone secreted by the placental syncytial trophoblast cells, also known as HCG. The chorionic gonadotropin test refers to the detection of the HCG level in the serum to diagnose early pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, and grapevine. Fetus, incomplete abortion, spermatogonia testicular cancer and other diseases related to HCG.

For men and non-menopausal women, the test results should be (good) 0~5U/L, for menopausal women, 0~10U/L.

If it is a normal early pregnancy woman, HCG will be produced from the 5th to 6th day after ovulation, and reach the peak value at 8-10 weeks of pregnancy. The value of HCG is as high as 15000~200,000 U/L.

And if it is an ectopic pregnancy, the content of HCG is significantly lower than that of normal pregnancy, which is easy to judge.

The woman froze for a moment, her expression very tangled.

“Doctor, give me some better painkillers, I won’t check it!”

He Jing shook her head and said: “No, you are completely suffering from ectopic pregnancy symptoms, you’d better stay.”

“I’m dead! Can’t it be done!”

With that, the woman was about to get up and leave.

Zhou Yuan glanced at it and said: “The development limit of ectopic pregnancy is 40 days. If it is not treated in time, it will rupture in the later stage, and the mortality rate is very high.

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