Chapter 292

It’s not an exaggeration, this sentence directly shocked Dean Fang.

Ten cases a day?

Replantation of severed limbs lasts for seven or eight hours, and ten hours are common.

The tiny blood vessels, nerves, various tendons, and the separation of adhesive muscles that need to be anastomosed are terribly troublesome.

But the more troublesome it is, the faster you can’t be. Instead, you have to step by step carefully.

Therefore, this ten-hour operation is not just a mere boil of time, it also consumes a lot of energy.

It is impossible for a normal person to do two consecutive replantation of severed limbs. Not only is the energy unable to keep up, but the eyes are blinded by staring at the small blood vessels in the microscope.

Sometimes when I do it, I get confused and think I’m ramen noodles.

Of course, Dean Fang has never done this kind of thing, but some of his colleagues did go crazy after surgery. He used tweezers to pull the blood vessels to both sides and shake them. After that, he was demented and sighed with emotion. …

Even if Zhou Yuan has the energy to distinguish between noodles and blood vessels, he will definitely not have enough time.

No matter how simple it is to replant a severed limb, it takes an hour. Toe transplantation to rebuild the thumb will only take more time. Three operations a day is the limit.

Dean Fang thought about it for a while, and then felt that Zhou Yuan was not a person who likes to joke, so he asked: “You don’t want a few of us to beat you, do you take turns in each operating room?”

Although Dean Fang, Wu Guohui and Director Wang were unable to undergo toe transplantation to reconstruct the thumb, the basic replantation of the severed limb can still be done.

The toe transplantation to reconstruct the thumb is actually a branch of the replantation of the severed limb.

Although the toe and finger anastomosis is performed later, the previous steps are not very different from the replantation of the severed limb.

If all these tasks are given to Dean Fang and others, it will save Zhou Yuan about four or five hours.

Thinking of this, Dean Fang was silent.

Zhou Yuan is not a joke.

“Ten stations are still too many… Few more stations~”.” Zhou Yuan thought for a while and said.

He rushed to the surgery on thirty machines.

This is the most terrifying task Zhou Yuan has encountered so far.

In one month, as long as 30 operations are completed, all the energy potions that were consumed before will be returned, and an extra high-level treasure chest and an intermediate-level treasure chest will be given away.

The big head is only after 30 units, one operation is a treasure box, and ten operations are a high-level treasure box…

Up to now, Zhou Yuan has only obtained three high-level treasure chests, one is a supernatural small blood bank, and the other two are also a bit illusory, but at least there is scientific evidence that “the success rate of surgery has increased by 5% and postoperative complications have been reduced by 100 Five points”, and “Language affinity increased by 10%.”(Read more @

Zhou Yuan is basically certain that the high-level treasure chests usually have abilities that are against the sky, and generally they cannot be obtained through training.

For example, language affinity improves.

This is simply to make Zhou Yuan speak with affinity, rather than using any language skills.

In other words, even if Zhou Yuan is swearing, the other party can still feel a 10% increase in affinity.

If you were beaten with three beer bottles in the past, you might use more expensive beer or red wine after you increase your affinity.

Therefore, Zhou Yuan was completely rushing to the high-level treasure chest this time.

He counted his reserves.

Eleven bottles of energy potions and three bottles of physical potions.

This means that Zhou Yuan can perform surgery for at least eleven days overnight. In this case, Zhou Yuan’s bottom line for surgery this month should be around fifteen.

Zhou Yuan couldn’t really keep doing it, it would be too conspicuous.

A normal person would suspect Zhou Yuan is abnormal.

Zhou Yuan’s plan is to have at least one a day, and when it comes to something that is easier to deal with, take drugs to get one more, or take advantage of the fact that Dean Fang and others don’t pay attention to change to another team and continue to do it…

Naturally, Zhou Yuan couldn’t let Dean Fang, Wu Guohui and others help him deal with the broken limbs, and finally did the toe and finger anastomosis.

The completion of the operation stated by the system cannot be performed by Zhou Yuan. Zhou Yuan must perform the entire operation. If the work performed by the surgeon is replaced by someone else, this surgical system will not be counted.

“Zhou Yuan, what are you in a daze? You don’t really want me, Director Wang and Wu Guohui to debride your limbs, do you?” Dean Fang felt a little faint.

Zhou Yuan dared to do it, but he is already in his fifties, and a complete major operation is not enough to persist, how can he keep up with Zhou Yuan…

Fortunately, Zhou Yuan shook his head: “I’ll do it.”

Dean Fang was silent again.

“What was your salary last month?”

Zhou Yuan: “More than 60,000.”

Dean Fang was silent for a moment, and then calculated, “The replantation of severed fingers basically costs more than 10,000 yuan. Like Wang Dong, his toe transplantation rebuilds the thumb. The final cost is 42,000 yuan. I waived him half as promised…”

“¨ The cost of 42,000, excluding all kinds of materials, medicine, nursing and other miscellaneous expenses, the operation fee is 23,000.”

“Surgery expenses are allocated to the hospital first, then allocated to your department, and then allocated to the doctors involved in the operation. You are the chief surgeon. One person takes half. Others, assistants and nurses take the other half together. Your commission for that operation is Five thousand yuan……”

Dean Fang counted and took a deep breath.

He is an assistant himself, and finally got more than 600 yuan…

It feels that Zhou Yuan’s salary surpasses himself is just around the corner!

After finishing the calculation, Dean Fang took another look at Zhou Yuan and asked, “You plan to do a toe transplant to reconstruct a thumb… You don’t want to do all these 13 patients in one month, right?”

Zhou Yuan shook his head slowly.

Dean Fang was about to breathe a sigh of relief, and Zhou Yuan calmly said: “Thirteen is too few, and the other six patients will be brought over. I plan to complete at least 30 units this month.”

Zhou Yuan had to vaccinate Dean Fang in advance.

After all, although he is currently known for (the Zhao), there is still no better network resources than Dean Fang. If you want to find so many patients who are willing to come to Yanjing Chinese Medicine as a task item for Zhou Yuan, you need to rely on Dean Fang. the power of.


Dean Fang is now confused and completely overwhelmed by Zhou Yuan.

“No… you can’t work so hard for the money for an operation of 5,000 yuan! Your health is the most important thing.” Dean Fang didn’t know what to refute.

If Zhou Yuan does 30 units, Zhou Yuan’s bonus will be 150,000 before tax this month…

Zhou Yuan curled his lips nonchalantly, and then took out the card with one million deposits from his arms.

He held the bank card, tapped it gently on the table, and asked, “Do you think I am short of money?”


That… school started yesterday, so it’s hard to guarantee the ten change. I can only talk about doing my best. At the moment, the sophomore, the medical dog, is so busy as soon as he goes to school, forgive me! .

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