Chapter 297

Morimoto looked around for a week and counted: “You, Director Wang and Director Wu, just happen to be missing one three help…”

Zhou Yuan pushed the ocean.

Haiyang immediately understood, took a step forward, and said loudly: “Hello, my name is Sansuke…Ah, my name is Haiyang. I am Zhou Yuan’s Sansuke.”

Zhou Yuan looked at Hikaru Morimoto again: “What did you just say?”

Hikaru Morimoto coughed, looked around pretending to be silly, and said, “Handsome man, have you eaten yet?”

Hikaru Morimoto, who thinks he is handsome, can be called handsome boy Zhou Yuan. It is conceivable that Zhou Yuan announced the success of the toe transplantation and reconstructed thumb surgery. After he became the father of reconstructed fingers, Morimoto was hit hard.

He didn’t have any principles in life, he just wanted to learn some skills. At that time, he looked down on Zhou Yuan because his master Shen Yuanjing didn’t think about making fingers again.

But now, Shen Yuanjing can only bow his head in front of Zhou Yuan. He, a disciple, really needs to be called according to his seniority, and he has to call Zhou Yuan the ancestor master.

Grandpa can’t be called out, so he retreats to be called a handsome guy next.

Zhou Yuan ignored Morimoto Hikari, but looked at Director Wang and said, “Director Wang, how many doctors in our department are free now?”

Director Wang pondered for a while, and said, “Apart from Wu Guohui and Hikaru Morimoto, there are five other hand surgeons on duty. Some of the other hand surgeons have gone out, and some have gone abroad to study.”

Wu Guohui curled his lips on the side, “Leave a fart to learn! Now a lot of foreigners want to come to our Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine and Zhou Yuan to learn technology, the top spot in hand surgery is in our department, and they are still going to study abroad…”

Had it not been for the presence of outsiders and he was the deputy director, Wu Guohui would almost have been swearing.

Director Wang had a dark face: “At that time, you ran with a shy face to ask for funds from Dean Fang, and gave our talents to study abroad at public expense…”

Wu Guohui waved his arms and shouted: “Zhou Yuan, let’s start the operation soon, it’s getting late!”

Director Wang:…


Zhou Yuan nodded.

Time can’t be lost, countless treasure chests are beckoning to himself.

For the first time in so long, the system has issued such good benefits. It is not easy to grasp it. If the task of 30 operations is not reached, Zhou Yuan will have nothing next month.

The minimum standard is thirty, to earn back the consumed energy potions.

“Go and see the patient~” Zhou Yuan said.

Wu Guohui immediately went ahead and led the way.

Director Wang sighed.

This hand surgery… how can Wu Guohui take over?

This is really a shit!

“Patient Yang Yongxin, he was electrocuted while playing online games, and was opened by his parents with a stick. As a result, he accidentally broke his finger. The stump of the finger was still left near the power source, severely burned, and all the internal nerves and blood vessels melted. Can give up replanting.” Wu Guohui introduced.

Sitting in front of Zhou Yuan is a seventeen or eighteen year old boy.

“Lord Thunder…” Zhou Yuan whispered.

Yang Yongxin looked back: “Huh?”(Read more @

Zhou Yuan ignored him and walked over to check the injury: “How long has it been?”

“It’s been four days… Doctor, I feel that after I was shocked, I felt like an epiphany… I always feel that there is a golden core in my body!” Yang Yongxin said divinely.

Zhou Yuan gave Wu Guohui a suspicious look.

Wu Guohui took out a film: “It’s a kidney stone.”

“You are young, your kidneys are not good.” Zhou Yuan said casually.

He removed the compression bandage, and pus had appeared on the severed finger, and there was a disgusting smell.

“Where did you deal with it?” Zhou Yuan frowned.

Debridement and disinfection are not enough…

Yang Yongxin: “Small clinic.”

“Doctor, that’s not a kidney stone. I know that this is a golden pill made of condensed gong power! As long as this golden pill is cultivated into a naive infant…”

Zhou Yuan interrupted him, “Director Wu, have you taken him to a psychiatric doctor?”

Wu Guohui: “We haven’t had time yet. He is the most suitable patient for the reconstruction of the finger. We plan to perform the operation on him first, and we will talk about it after the brain problem.”

Zhou Yuan nodded: “That’s all right… Push to the operating table now. Has the preoperative check been done?”

“It’s all done. Just waiting for your surgery.”

Zhou Yuan nodded, staring at Yang Yongxin’s head for a while, and finally decided not to have the skull open, and remade the fingers with peace of mind.

Operating room.

Yang Yongxin, lying on the operating bed, was quite proud. In addition to the chief surgeon Zhou Yuan and a few assistants, there were also circles of doctors onlookers.

These are doctors in hand surgery.

Although it is difficult to reconstruct finger surgery, after Zhou Yuan’s improvement, it is not a technique that only top experts can master.

As long as they are willing to learn, a little talented person can barely get started in the end.

Hmm… at least Zhou Yuan thinks so.

He really couldn’t understand why Dean Fang and Director Wang still couldn’t do it.

Isn’t it just suturing a muscle and suturing hundreds of blood vessels? That’s it!

“Zhou Yuan, how do I feel that you are thinking of something strange?” Wu Guohui spoke as the second assistant.

Zhou Yuan shook his head and said solemnly, “¨ No. Anesthesiologist, get ready to start anesthesia.”

Yang Yongxin stared at the shadowless lamp on his head, a little excited: “Like a bath tyrant at home.”

“Doctor, is this operation a catastrophe? Will I be able to break through Yuan Ying if I survive it?”

Zhou Yuan nodded silently: “Yes.”

“Great… By the way, doctor, I suddenly didn’t want to play online games after I was shocked.”

Yang Yongxin felt the needle enter his body, and said: “I used to be an internet addicted teenager. I don’t know why. After being electrocuted this time, I suddenly didn’t want to play on the computer. Do you think it’s OK to get an electric shock? Get rid of internet addiction? I want to try again in the future!”

Zhou Yuan glanced at the anesthesiologist and urged: “Hurry up. Hit harder.”

Why does this person talk so much?

Does Raiden have the effect of adding TB attributes?

“Doctor, what are you talking about?” Yang Yongxin’s expression stunned.

Zhou Yuan shook his head gently: “It’s nothing. You can try it, don’t try it on others.”

Yang Yongxin was stunned. “I just want to open an internet addiction removal center to help countless teenagers who are addicted to the Internet like me!”

Zhou Yuan hesitated.

Do you want to repair this hand?

“Oh, cool…”

When the effect of the anesthetic came up, Yang Yongxin shouted intoxicatedly before he became unconscious.

The anaesthetist wiped his sweat, and looked at Yang Yongxin with some fear: “It should be enough. I guess most of this anesthetic has gone to numb his mouth.”

Zhou Yuan sighed. “Surgery first. Be sure to take him to the psychiatric department for a look, thinking that it is not a small problem that he is going through the catastrophe.”

What if you want to fly up to find fellow Daoists when there is a thunderstorm?

A joke, the Thunder Tribulation of Fellow Daoist is what Yang Yongxin, who is in this golden period, can help?

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan was silent for a few seconds.

“The system…why do I think that there is really a Daoist who is going through the catastrophe?”

The system smiled slightly, and then a whistling voice resounded in Zhou Yuan’s mind. .

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