Chapter 311

Chapter 309 The first stage of cosmetic reconstruction after finger transplantation!

In one month, Zhou Yuan completed a total of 35 operations.

Sure enough… In addition to 30 surgeries, it is as difficult to get a high-level treasure chest by accumulating ten surgeries…

Let alone forty operations, Zhou Yuan’s life is almost gone after these thirty operations.

Eleven bottles of energy potions and physical potions were all consumed. In addition to Zhou Yuan, the entire operating room team also changed for two rounds.

Dean Fang and others simply couldn’t understand how Zhou Yuan persisted…

It is impossible for a normal person to work continuously and overload like this!

However, Zhou Yuan persisted for so long…

Hand surgery, emergency department, and various departments are all confused.

On the other side, Dean Fang also suppressed his fatigue and quickly arranged for someone to release the news.

Thirty days, thirty-five operations…not to mention the very difficult toe transplantation to reconstruct the thumb, even if it is an ordinary operation, few people can survive, right?

And 26 doesn’t mean that you will be resurrected with full blood after a nap the next day. If you do vigorous exercise or leap more than ten meters, your feet will be soft for three to five days, let alone surgery?

And…don’t forget, the final success rate of these 35 operations is—100%!

This means that every operation in this month was completed with quality and quantity!

The hospital staff in charge of this aspect immediately ran to the inpatient department of the hand surgery department, and they almost had better contact with the patients than the reporters.

Zhang Tingting is a young patient who completed the operation early. She is only sixteen years old and a girl.

Wu Guohui and others recommended hospital reporters to interview her, not only because she had recovered the best, but also because of one thing… Zhou Yuan found that Zhang Tingting was very suitable for post-finger transplantation, so he tried it on her!

In the end, although it was not completely completed, there is already a prototype of finger modification…

“Guess that finger was transplanted?” Zhang Tingting blocked the wound on her palm, showing off somewhat proudly.

The hospital reporter looked at Zhang Tingting’s fingers. The five fingers are all beautiful, they are pretty girls, and they look the same whether they are fingers or nails.

“Is… the index finger?” The reporter from the hospital was also from a hospital, so he could still see that the index finger had been cut.

Zhang Tingting nodded: “Right!”

Zhang Tingting is very happy now.

At the age of seventeen, it was when the young girl loved beauty the most, she suddenly suffered a blow, and her index finger was cut off by a kitchen knife. It was a devastating blow to her…(Read more @

Fortunately, Zhang Tingting’s mother accidentally saw the statement issued by Dean Fang while browsing the relevant literature of hand surgery, and finally succeeded in obtaining a place for toe transplantation and thumb reconstruction!

You know, only the Yanjing Chinese Medicine family can carry out tissue transplant operations at present!

After Zhou Yuan officially announced the toe transplant and reconstructed thumb operation, the National Medical Association of Z directly approved Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine to carry out toe transplantation and reconstructed thumb surgery. Except for Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine, no other hospital in the country has the capacity. Unfold!

In the end, the lucky Zhang Tingting successfully completed the operation, and Zhou Yuan had plastic surgery on his toe. The transplanted toe is not much different from the original index finger, and you can’t tell if you don’t look closely.

“How is this done…” The hospital reporter was a little surprised.

Wu Guohui, who was next to him, replied: “It’s very complicated, bones, joints, skin, flesh and blood, blood vessels, nerves, etc., all need to be corrected… She is regarded as a successful case of the first stage of modified reconstruction after finger transplantation!”

Zhou Yuan was too tired, and Dean Fang would definitely not want Zhou Yuan to accept these troublesome interviews, so he directly pushed all the pot to Wu Guohui.

It is obviously most appropriate to let Wu Guohui, who is the closest to Zhou Yuan and has learned the most, to replace Zhou Yuan.

“Doctor Wu, can I take a photo with Doctor Zhou!” Zhang Tingting said happily.

Before pushing onto the operating table, Zhang Tingting was still very nervous, and finally calmed down with Zhou Yuan’s comfort, and she was not afraid at all.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Tingting remembered Zhou Yuan’s name.

Wu Guohui looked distressed: “Dr. Zhou has been operating for 30 days in a row. I am afraid that he will not come to the hospital in a short time. He needs to rest.”

Zhang Tingting’s expression turned sad for an instant, but she quickly raised her head and said, “Doctor Zhou must pay attention to your body!”

A reporter from the hospital recorded the conversation between the two and asked: “Zhang Tingting, what do you think about Dr. Zhou’s toe transplantation and thumb surgery? What do you want to say about Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine?”

Zhang Tingting thought for a while, then laughed, and said, “It is not so much that Dr. Zhou, Yanjing Chinese Medicine gave me this perfect finger, it is better to say that Dr. Zhou and this hospital gave me a second life. He is not only saving me. , And my family, countless patients and families who are waiting for toe transplantation to reconstruct the thumb!”

Wu Guohui nodded solemnly.

Indeed, Zhou Yuan’s operation is very likely to save a family.

Hand surgery and foot surgery, patients in these two departments are generally young adults and children.

The former is engaged in heavy labor and is prone to labor injuries, while the latter is physically fragile, and some children even have congenital deformities, such as born missing fingers.

In other words, these people who come to hand surgery are either the pillars of the family or the hope of the family, saving one person, perhaps the whole family.

The hospital reporter wrote down Zhang Tingting’s words in full, and ran back in a hurry, ready to edit and release.

After more than an hour, the ten-person team completed the integration of all the information.

Finally, it will be reviewed by Dean Fang.

Dean Fang thought for a moment, then took a few more lines.

“The tension between doctors and patients has been a problem that has plagued the medical profession in recent years. Many people think that doctors are cold-blooded and indifferent, and do not trust doctors at all. honor……”

“However, there are still many doctors who stick to their inner conscience and moral bottom line, silently saving the wounded at their posts, and doing their best!”

Dean Fang sighed.

I hope that Duan Hongwei’s matter can be suppressed by these few words.

Regardless of whether Duan Hongwei can wake up or not, at least, first relax the doctor-patient relationship, otherwise if this incident breaks out, not only He Jianyi, the director of brain surgery and others, but also the entire Yanjing Chinese Medicine…

“Ding! Complete thirty operations! Get high-level treasure chest*1! Intermediate-level treasure chest*1! Return all the potions consumed within one month! (Physical potion, energy potion, concentration potion)!”

Zhou Yuan curled his lips.

This thing didn’t include the excitement potion, so Zhou Yuan didn’t dare to use it rashly. If it was wasted, Zhou Yuan would die of distress.

“Ding! Complete five additional surgeries and get a junior treasure chest*3! Get an intermediate treasure chest*2!”

Zhou Yuan grinned.

His eyes fell directly on the shining high-level treasure chest.

This time… what is the advanced treasure chest? .

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