Chapter 323

Zhou Yuan only briefly introduced a few words before the operation. At the time, the situation was critical and Zhou Yuan could not explain clearly to his family.

And, even if you really want to explain it, how many people understand it?

This is the case in the medical field. Outsiders don’t understand at all, and few insiders can understand…

The human body is so amazing, any cell or tissue can surpass the most sophisticated human machine to date by countless times.

Even Zhou Yuan can’t say that he fully understands a disease, and there is a 100% chance that he can be cured.

“Patients with incontinence, abrasions on the parietal lobes on both sides of the skull, sunken posterior side, blunt injuries, no blepharoplasty and hyperemia in both eyelids, unequal pupils, 5 mm in diameter on the left and no light response on the right, 2.5 mm in diameter The photoreaction is slow, and there is no abnormal secretion in the nasal cavity and bilateral external auditory canal. Nervous system examination shows that the physiological reflex exists, the bilateral Babinski sign is positive, and the GCS score is 4 points…”

Knowing that the operation has been successful, Lu Yongsen’s wife is frightened, but she feels relieved a lot.

Although it is so serious, but… life is saved!

“CT of the brain showed an epidural hematoma on the left temporal roof, shifted midline to the right, brain herniation, brain contusion and laceration, and left parietal fracture. ECG, sinus rhythm, and myocardial ischemia. Blood glucose was shown after laboratory tests. MMOL/L, blood routine, white blood cell 11.5*109/L, hemoglobin 140G/L……”

Zhou Yuan recalled Lu Yongsen’s symptoms and diagnosis, and described them one by one.

The most basic skill of a doctor is to memorize medical records. The medical records of dozens of patients cannot be mentioned casually. Don’t even think about being a doctor!

“…We performed subarachnoid hemostasis, posterior fossa craniotomy, and spinal reconstruction on the patient. At present, the patient’s life has been saved, but…” Zhou Yuan paused here and gave Lu Yongsen Time buffered by the wife.

Lu Yongsen’s wife obviously understood Zhou Yuan’s intentions. After a few seconds of silence, she took a breath and asked courageously: “Doctor, you say!”

Zhou Yuan slowly said: “The patient’s injury is not light. He fell from such a high place and hit his back… If it is a young guy, it may not be so serious but the patient is over forty years old. It can’t be too much impact.”

The structure of bone is different at different ages. Bone components can be roughly divided into two types: organic and inorganic.

Organic matter is responsible for bone flexibility, and inorganic matter is responsible for bone hardness.

In childhood, bones have more organic matter and less inorganic matter. The bones and flesh are characterized by low hardness, flexibility and elasticity. In adulthood, inorganic matter increases, while organic matter decreases. The bones are both strong and elastic.

Gradually, there are more and more inorganic substances and fewer organic substances. At this time, the bones will become hard and brittle, and the elasticity will be very small. This is why the elderly will fracture when they fall, but the children will not happen anyhow. The cause of severe bone injuries.

Obviously, Lu Yongsen belongs to the third situation. The hardness and brittleness of the bones are high, but the flexibility is not enough.

“If the healing is not good, the patient may have severe dysfunction from the damaged part of the spine, or even directly become paralyzed. If the healing is good, the patient can live like a normal person, but the back cannot bear weight or stand for a long time. .”

Zhou Yuan specifically put the serious consequences first, so that the patient’s family can more easily accept the latter situation.

Zhou Yuan is confident that the patient can heal well. If he can’t even do it, he can only say that Lu Yongsen’s fate is not good, it is destined to be so…(Read more @

Sure enough, Lu Yongsen first heard that he was paralyzed and his face turned pale in fright. When he heard the back, his face looked better.

“Then it depends on the patient’s postoperative recovery. His bed is a rigid bed, which is conducive to the recovery of the waist, but I suggest that you add an additional air cushion that can prevent pressure sores.”

Zhou Yuan emphasized a few more words, and went back to the office with He Jianyi and others.

Both He Jianyi and Zhou Yuan had independent offices, but Liu Kai pitifully returned to the public office separated by a partition.

After Lu Yongsen’s surgery was over, reporters had already approached the door.

Previously, Lu Yongsen and the school bastard had been hyped up by unscrupulous media, and they were all eye-catching news headlines, such as “The teacher of Shicheng Middle School abused students”, “The unscrupulous teacher opened cram school privately to make money” and so on.

Facts have never been the focus of the news media, although before entering the journalist industry, all journalists swear to respect the facts and pursue the truth.

However, these people were all driven out by Zhang Ling and Lin Wen. Not to mention that Lu Yongsen is not awake yet, even if he is awake, the patient needs to rest, how could it be possible to let these sloppy characters make trouble.

It’s just that I don’t know what this matter will become.

Although Zhou Yuan had never been in contact with Lu Yongsen, he learned from his conversations with He Jianyi and Liu Kai that Lu Yongsen had also been to the hospital for examination before, and he was suffering from a spondylopathy.

He is said to be a polite person, much like an old gentleman, elegant and easy-going, but there is a meticulous smell all over his body, even if he has a backache, he sits upright on the chair in the consulting room.

Would such a person abuse students? Will privately run cram schools to collect black money?

Zhou Yuan didn’t believe it.

The temperature gradually dropped in the afternoon.

Soon, the sun sank to the other side of the high-rise building, and the end of school time for the students was approaching.

Zhou Yuan did not have an operation in the afternoon, so he stayed in the office all the time.

“Doctor Zhou, it’s not good, it’s good!”

Zhou Yuan stood up, grabbed a banana from the fruit basket next to him, and walked to the door.

I don’t know who is so caring. Seeing that he has so many fruits, he sent a fruit basket specially.

Zhou Yuan opened the door and handed a banana to Zhang Ling.

Zhang Ling was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zhou Yuan’s desk, “This…I gave you the banana, and you sent it back to me, isn’t it good?”

Zhou Yuan thought about it, it seemed to make sense, and he was about to take it back, but Zhang Ling hurriedly withdrew her hand.

“No! It’s for me!”

Zhang Ling said, peeling the skin and biting off its head in one bite, “It’s delicious. Who bought it, it’s super delicious!”

Zhou Yuan:…

“Zhang Ling, what happened?”

Zhang Ling took a bite of the banana and said, “The seven-bed patient is in a certain condition, can you follow me to see?”

Zhou Yuan thought for a moment.

Seventh bed is also a patient who had Zhou Yuan’s operation, named Qian Wei.

It was the man who fainted suddenly at the bus stop and turned out to be an acute myocardial infarction.

“What happened to him?”

Zhou Yuan frowned. Qian Wei’s operation was very successful at that time, and his recovery these days has been in a normal state.

Moreover, even if there are complications, it will happen within three days after the operation. It has been more than a month, what else can happen?

Zhou Yuan’s face became serious. The longer the delay, the more serious postoperative complications…

Zhang Ling laughed when she saw Zhou Yuan’s solemn expression. .

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