Chapter 345

It is impossible for Zhou Yuan not to panic.

Politicians kill people with no blood. Although this student may not have any malicious intentions, Zhou Yuan’s words may cause serious consequences.

Zhou Yuan doesn’t think he has the ability to deal with these complex problems perfectly, he is just a doctor.

Fortunately, after Zhou Yuan answered this question, Wei Wende stood up and said, “The students will ask medical questions.”

Wei Wende actually understands the questions of white students better and has better answers.

Country Z has to fight for the first place, why? It’s not because of being poor.

The international environment of country Z is not good, and there are many countries that are not friendly to country Z.

Take equipment and technology for example.

Decades ago, or even more than ten years ago, many countries sold high prices to country Z. These products were not all new products, and some were second-hand or backward products because we could not make them ourselves.

For some advanced products, the West has imposed an embargo on Country Z. The West only wants Country Z to become a cheap manpower factory and place those industries that eliminate backward and polluting industries in Country Z. They don’t want to see a powerful country Z.

Ordinary people are exposed to some consumer products, and there are many commercial and industrial equipment that have been caught in the neck by the West. Although at the beginning, it will face many difficulties to build a national enterprise by itself, and the products just come out are not very ideal, but Z state has so many domestic demand markets, and it will slowly catch up.

But in general, these national enterprises can lower the prices of foreign products. Some products are related to social and economic stability and national security. From the interruption of the GPS signal in the Taiwan Strait crisis to the suspension of Huawei’s supply, it is just a microcosm.

The rise of country Z will inevitably break the Western world as a big family, and many Western countries will prevent the rise of country Z’s monopoly.

In fact, the environment in which everyone lives today is not peaceful. Once there was no gunsmoke industry and a technological war has already started, but we don’t know anything about it. And Wei Wende came from that era, so he has a deeper understanding and experience.

In fact, the medical industry is the same. If people have high-end equipment and monopolize them, they will always have the right to speak. Step by step is step by step.

That’s why, a Zhou Yuan just came out of Country Z, and the whole country moved because of Zhou Yuan.

The Ministry of Education issued textbooks, the “Z Country Medical Journal” immediately launched an exclusive interview, the university immediately opened courses, and invited Zhou Yuan to give a speech…

All this is not accidental, but because country Z has been behind in the medical field for too long, no one is willing to give up this opportunity to rise!

The previous statement made by the principal, Ma Xueyi, is indeed correct.

Zhou Yuan is a person who can change the opinions of the old school, and is also a person who is qualified to speak. Everyone was frustrated for too long, and experts from country Z were absent for too long at the international medical conference.(Read more @

But it’s useless for everyone to be anxious, technology can’t keep up, and international conferences can’t give you a place. But now Zhou Yuan has appeared, and obviously, Zhou Yuan is the one who can represent country Z in international conferences.

Of course, the medical strength of country Z is not so unbearable. It is impossible to exaggerate that no one is capable of speaking at international conferences. The place Ma Xueyi and Wei Wende say is enough to attract everyone’s attention.

It is as if a certain country proposed to cancel the one-vote veto power of the fighting nation in the United Nations and was vetoed by the one-vote vote of the fighting nation.

What country Z needs is that a person has the right to veto one vote on behalf of the country at an international conference!

It can also be called…Dinghai Shenzhen.

Although the country has not made any obvious moves and has not performed in any respect, many signs can actually be seen.

For example, the Ministry of Education faintly began to raise Zhou Yuan, and the Z National Academy of Medical Sciences was also busy dealing with international organizations. With Zhou Yuan’s toe transplantation and reconstruction of thumbs, it gradually increased its influence in the international medical community. , The state is secretly arranging awards.

These are all carried out behind the scenes, Ma Xueyi is also the principal of a top university anyway, and some wind can be heard. After all, except for Lu Shao in the education circle, he and the president of Shuimu University are carrying the banner.

With Wei Wende’s reminder, the problems that followed became more normal.

The lecture gradually came to an end after more than ten minutes of questions.

In fact, many students at the scene still have some ideas. Zhou Yuan’s age is there, so the lecture is not pedantic, very lively, there is no generation gap with everyone, relaxed and happy.

However, after I first discovered that the students of Yenching University listened to Wei Wende’s words, I began to pester Wei Wende to make him end the lecture soon…

Wei Wende also has a little granddaughter at home, and she feels relieved when she sees the look of expectation at the beginning of the year.. ……

Children are often the most effective weapon against the elderly. ,

After Zhou Yuan answered another question, Wei Wende stood up and stopped the endless questioning.

Zhou Yuan stepped off the stage and walked to Chu Chu.

Wei Wende glanced at the eager crowd behind him, and whispered: “You leave first, we will let the students leave when you leave…Remember, be careful when you leave.”

This tone is just like Tuogu…

There is a feeling that the strong man is gone forever.

Zhou Yuan was startled and looked at the enthusiastic classmates.

Indeed. If you let yourself go with them, you will definitely be surrounded.

Academic star chasing is much more terrifying than ordinary star chasing.

Zhou Yuan walked through the front door with Chu Chu. The students’ eyes were focused on Zhou Yuan, and they wanted to chase him out to sign.

Seeing so many fiery gazes, Wei Wende was immediately relieved: Fortunately, let Zhou Yuan go ahead of time, otherwise it might be messy.

The host took over Zhou Yuan’s microphone and continued to speak on stage.

It’s nothing more than a generation of talents from Yenching University, who will definitely develop better in the future.

Of course, there are some things that can’t be said on the table, but everyone is very clear in their hearts. The emergence of Zhou Yuan may completely break the deadlock between Yenching University and Shuimu University for so many years.

These two top universities have always been fighting, and they have never distinguished between the winner and the loser. No one is convinced, but… Zhou Yuan may be the one who broke the balance!

Can a person’s power affect the ranking of a university? Can’t.

But Zhou Yuan is a student of Yenching University, which means that medical students here will be exposed to the most direct top medical education! This will bring a large number of high-tech talents to Yenching University!

This is what makes Yenching University surpass Shuimu University!

Wei Wende looked at Zhou Yuan who was going away and couldn’t help feeling a little bit emotional.

It turns out… a person’s power can really be so powerful. .

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