Chapter 347


The patients who were waiting for the number to call immediately turned their eyes to Zhang Ling, one by one, like a leopard guarding the food, with bright eyes.

After waiting for so long, a nurse came in. The tone was obviously to call Zhou Yuan away! Who will treat them?

Of course, although the patients are very anxious, they also know their priorities. Most of them actually have headaches and fevers, and they can bear it, but it must be fatal for the nurses to run in such a panic.

Therefore, everyone has given way.

Zhou Yuan, who was listening to the patient, frowned. At this time, the patient took the initiative to say: “Doctor Zhou, go and see first. This nurse seems to be very anxious.”

He knows that Zhou Yuan is a doctor in charge of life-saving surgery, and perhaps there is a life waiting for him to save.

Zhou Yuan nodded and said, “You can go to the next clinic to see a doctor. Other doctors are no worse than mine.”

What Zhou Yuan did not expect was that almost everyone shook their heads: “No! We will wait for Doctor Zhou to come back!”

Zhou Yuan:…

He took a look, at least there were more than 30 patients.

Sighing, Zhou Yuan looked at Zhang Ling and followed her out of the clinic, “What’s the matter?”

Zhang Ling hurried to the inpatient department with Zhou Yuan and said, “Something happened!”

Zhou Yuan did not speak.

Zhang Ling continued: “Zhou Yuan, do you remember Qian Haobo?”

Zhou Yuan thought for a while, and then it took several seconds to think of it.

Qian Haobo was the patient who ate three Viagra in a row before and accidentally induced an ischemic stroke when he woke up the next day.

Zhou Yuan was in charge of this patient at first, but after Zhou Yuan prescribed the medicine, Qian Haobo’s wife felt that the medicine he prescribed was too cheap and definitely useless, and asked for expensive medicine…

To be honest, Zhou Yuan is the first time he has encountered such a good-money master. Doctors prescribe medicines, and most people follow the most suitable ones, and they rarely consider the price. Naturally, Zhou Yuan does the same.

As a result, they still feel that the medicine is cheap and not easy to use…

So in the end this patient was handed over to He Jianyi.

Zhou Yuan actually felt that the entire hospital seemed to be beginning to maintain Zhou Yuan, carefully protecting him.

The operation that other people can’t do is Zhou Yuan, but if there are any thorny problems, such as disturbances by the patient’s family, such as a controversial and risky operation, He Jianyi and others will help Zhou Yuan. Put Zhou Yuan out of danger.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan felt a little warm in his heart.

“What’s wrong with Qian Haobo~”?” Zhou Yuan asked.

“Suddenly unconscious, the doctor over there has thought of various ways, but they can’t save it!”(Read more @

Zhang Ling said: “I called as soon as the accident happened. The inspections are still in progress and there are no specific results!”

Zhou Yuan nodded: “Did the teacher go?”

Zhang Ling was taken aback, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

Looks like… the bed doctor in the inpatient department called himself not to ask him to find Zhou Yuan, but to He Jianyi, who is in charge of Qian Haobo!

Zhang Ling was a little embarrassed and quickly dialed He Jianyi’s phone: “Director He, Qian Haobo has a sudden disturbance of consciousness. Come and see.”

There was silence for a second and it seemed to be thinking about something, but then another low voice came: “Come right away. By the way, remember to notify Zhou Yuan and let him go too.”

Zhang Ling glanced at Zhou Yuan next to him, “Okay…”

Can I say that I almost forgot to notify you, so I went to Zhou Yuan directly?


The elevator stopped.

Zhou Yuan and Zhang Ling stepped out of the elevator door and walked towards the rescue room.

When Qian Haobo’s accident happened, Lin Wen was doing a routine check. She had been waiting at the elevator door. Seeing Zhou Yuan’s arrival, she felt a little more relaxed.

But at this time, Lin Wen received another call. In an instant, her face was completely pale, and she looked at Zhou Yuan in panic.

“What’s wrong?” Zhou Yuan felt a little bad.

“Death time, 17:03…”

Zhou Yuan’s face sank.

died? !

He quickened his pace and ran towards the rescue room where Qian Haobo was.

Zhou Yuan remembers clearly that he prescribed aspirin and some other thrombolytic drugs at that time.

Qian Haobo was the first onset of ischemic stroke, and Qian Haobo himself was in his prime and had no other complications, so choosing ordinary thrombolytic drugs can solve it…

But what happened later? What medicine did they use later and why did they die?

Zhou Yuan has too many questions.

After rushing to the rescue room, Zhou Yuan saw Qian Haobo lying on the hospital bed. The latter’s face was pale, not like a normal person’s face.

Sitting next to him was Qian Haobo’s wife, covering her mouth and crying, looking very painful.

Zhou Yuan walked up.

This was the first time he faced a living corpse.

At the beginning, my father was different. At that time, he was undergoing an operation, and he felt that Zhou Yuan was not just a corpse, but just an organ donor.

But Qian Haobo is a complete and fresh corpse. He was still watching TV just half an hour ago, cursing that the current movies are getting more and more ugly and thoughtless, but now they are separated forever.

Zhou Yuan hesitated, finally raised his hand and gave Qian Haobo a final check.

He opened Qian Haobo’s eyelids and illuminated his pupils with a flashlight.

Dilated pupils are one of the manifestations of brain death. If a person is still active, the pupil will be stimulated by light, and the pupil will subconsciously contract.

However, the light reflection of the dead will disappear, and the pupil diameter is greater than five millimeters, which is an important test content for judging death.

The final inspection result of course verified Lin Wen’s previous news-Qian Haobo is dead.

The doctor next to him reported on the rescue situation during his lifetime, saying: “The patient suffered from acute shock and cardiac arrest ten minutes ago. We immediately carried out rescue. On the way of CPR, an adrenal gland and an atropine were supplemented as a paired tonic… …”

Zhou Yuan was silent, listening to the doctor’s report.

At this time (good Zhao), He Jianyi, who also received the news of his death, rushed into the rescue room and looked at Qian Haobo, who had been cut off from his life lying on the hospital bed, and he couldn’t believe it.

“Teacher, the patient fell into a deep coma. The brainstem response disappeared, spontaneous breathing stopped, and reversible coma of various reasons was basically discharged. It can be determined that brain death has occurred…” Zhou Yuan was silent for a moment and said.

Upon hearing these words, Qian Haobo’s wife cried again.

In medicine, death can be judged by heart death, brain death, and so on. Brain death is the irreversible termination of all brain functions including brainstem function, and the respiratory center is in the brainstem. If the brainstem is structurally damaged, it will cause the respiratory function to stop.

Therefore, no matter what medical measures are taken at this time, the patient’s life cannot be saved. In the eyes of doctors, brain death is more scientific, more reliable, and standardized than heart death. After all, even the breathing function is lost, and it is impossible for humans to survive. .

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