Chapter 35

Faced with so many big names in the medical profession, such as the director of Yanjing Department of Thoracic Surgery with a knife, and the director of Yanjing Department of Hand Surgery with the handle Zifang, the intern Li Li shivered with nervousness.

Zhou Yuan sat on a chair, swept over the crowd, and just took the position of an intern under review out of the summit stage.

“The head is full.” Dean Fu did not praise him stingly.

Dean Fang glanced at Li Li, “Your interns are also good, suitable for going to the cafeteria to cook food.”

I have never seen such a shake.

Dean Fu frowned, “Li Li is a high-achieving student. He returned from studying abroad and his father is the director of a hospital. How could he be so nervous?”

Dean Fang thought of the replantation of severed limbs that read “Chief Surgery: Zhou Yuan”.

He shook his head: “It may not be nervous, but frightened.”


“Lao Fang, should I discuss something with you?” Dean Fu suddenly whispered.

“Discuss things?”

“Aren’t you interested in some of the doctors in our hospital before, and you said you want to go to your hospital for training?” Dean Fu smiled.

Dean Fang was taken aback and glanced at the calm Zhou Yuan, and immediately understood what dirty things Fu Bowen was thinking.

“No, no,” Dean Fang said.

“We have been in friendship for many years, so I don’t want to fiddle with you. I’ll give you two deputy chief physicians! Change Zhou Yuan!”

Dean Fang: “It is impossible for Zhou Yuan to give it to you. If you really want it, I have a solution.”

Dean Fu Yixi: “Say!”

“It won’t be enough for your Renhe Hospital to be the affiliated hospital of our Yanjing International Hospital. By then, Zhou Yuan will be yours and ours.” President Fang smiled kindly.


Dean Fang laughed a few times, looked at the time, and the meeting was about to begin.

“Everyone be quiet.” He knocked on the table.

“Not much nonsense. This time the interns exchanges between our two hospitals have also come to an end. Apart from President Fu and I, there are also the directors of related departments and the doctors from each hospital who have been in close contact with the two interns. Let’s make a point now,” Dean Fang said.

Lu Chenxi, Hou Liang and others looked at each other, and they already had scores in their hearts.

Haiyang, Sun Meng and others looked at each other, and they really felt that Li Li was too far away from Zhou who had been sent for the exchange.(Read more @

After comprehensive evaluation, the final score:

Zhou Yuan: 100 points.

Li Li: 70 points.

However, everyone in the room knew that Zhou Yuan could get 100 points because the full score was only 100 points.

If the judging standard is the level of the chief physician, Zhou Yuan may still have a score of 100, and Li Li may only have a score of seven.

“Let’s end the meeting, let’s end the meeting!” Dean Fang smiled. If it weren’t for the Dean’s identity, he would want to hang back with Zhou Yuan.

Lu Chenxi was a little bit reluctant to leave Zhou Yuan, but due to the large number of people, he couldn’t express it. He just watched silently as Zhou Yuan was surrounded by the ocean and Sun Meng, and was sent to the Yanjing International Hospital as if protecting a national treasure.

Dean Fu was stupid when he saw the special car.

Does this old thing like Lao Fang use a special car?

Why did the former interns of Yanjing International Hospital not receive this treatment!

A burst of exhaust gas spewed out, and the special car sped away, leaving the people at Renhe Hospital who were regretful and sighing.

On the contrary, the emergency department of Yanjing International Hospital is beaming.

Hearing that Zhou Yuan is coming back, the young nurse Zhang Ling happily put on a new white lab coat, Lin Wen bought a new stethoscope, but if the nurse could not wear accessories, they all wanted to put on the wedding dowry.

In an atmosphere of joy, the sound of the ambulance rang.

Zhang Ling and others immediately stood up and waited.

“Clear the passage! Don’t let people get in the way!” Tian Liang, the head nurse, resolutely.

Various emergency medicines were quickly prepared, and they were pushed to the emergency department hall.


The dashing brakes sounded, and a scorched tire was once again added to the door of the emergency department.

The doctor in the car opened the door, and the nurses and doctors hurriedly pushed the emergency bed down.

“I want Zhou Yuan! I want Doctor Zhou to see a doctor!”

Before I heard the painful roar, this voice sounded from the emergency bed first.

Zhang Ling and others were a little surprised.

This is the first time that the emergency department has named a doctor by name.

“Doctor Zhou is still on the way, we will arrange someone else for you!” Tian Liang said urgently.

He briefly checked the injury and estimated that the opponent’s leg was broken.

“No! I want Doctor Zhou! I bear it, I won’t die!” The patient yelled, tearing his nose and tears.

Zhang Ling and others were embarrassed.

At this time, He Jianyi walked over quickly, glanced at the injury, and whispered: “Let Zhou Yuan and the others hurry up.”

Lin Wen also leaned over and glanced at the strange patient with a broken leg.

“Hey, why do I think you are a bit familiar?” Lin Wen was full of question marks.

“Nurse Lin? This is Wang Shengli! Wang Shengli who came to your hospital for stitches before!” Wang Shengli shouted.

Lin Wen: “It’s you! Didn’t you say that you should not let the intern see you even if you die?”

Wang Shengli was silent for a second, and severe pain came from his lower limbs again. “Oh, my leg is broken! I want Doctor Zhou! I want Doctor Zhou!”


Thank you everyone, everyone is really enthusiastic, continue to code words! .

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