Chapter 387

It was a strange feeling, and He Jianyi couldn’t explain it, but suddenly felt that his CPR was really a trick in front of Zhou Yuan.

At this time, Zhou Yuan’s attention was all on his hands.

He straightened his arms and, with the help of his upper body, pressed the lower part of Zhao Qiang’s sternum in a rhythmic manner with the direction of his spine.

Zhou Yuan’s strength is very delicate. If there is a ruler at this moment, then you will find that every time Zhou Yuan presses, the breastbone sinks by 4 cm, which is not bad.

At the moment when the breastbone sinks, the heart is under pressure, and the blood in the heart is completely emptied. Zhou Yuan relaxed the oppression again. The sternum is restored to its original position by the elasticity of the ribs and costal cartilage on both sides, and the heart is relieved of compression at the same time.

At the same time, the negative pressure in the chest increased instantaneously, and venous blood poured from the blood vessels back into the atria, refilling the ventricles.

“Twenty-four minutes.” Zhou Yuan glanced at the time on the instrument.

A strange feeling came from the hands that were pressing. The perfect cardiopulmonary resuscitation gave him an unexplainable intuition. It is impossible for Zhao Qiang to be rescued by chest compressions!

“Prepare to open the chest!” Zhou Yuan said categorically.

He Jianyi and the others were all stunned.

“Are you going to open the chest and press the heart?!” He Jianyi asked.

Directly opening the chest cavity to press the heart requires countless times higher skills than chest compressions. Once a little bit more vigorously, the heart may be damaged, and the strength is small and useless. General doctors would never choose to open chest compressions. !

Zhou Yuan nodded.

Zhang Ling asked immediately: “I will prepare the second operating room…”

Zhou Yuan interrupted her: “No, just do it here! Prepare the equipment immediately!”

Now Zhao Qiang is connected to the ventilator, and there is a venous tube on his body, so he cannot move easily. Moreover, the current situation is extremely dangerous. For Zhao Qiang, a delay of one second may lead to direct death!

At this moment, Zhou Yuan has only four words in his heart, racing against time!

Naturally, it doesn’t matter whether the rescue room is in a sterile environment, whether or not to wear surgical gowns, etc. Compared with the infection caused by these small details, the consequences of delaying time are extremely serious!

He Jianyi walked up and tore off two pairs of medical gloves. He put on the new gloves and gave Zhou Yuan a pair, saying, “Put it on~ “.”

After Zhang Ling prepared the surgical instruments, she also tore open a medical mask.

Zhou Yuan was not involved in the rescue just now, so he has not worn a mask, but it is impossible to do the operation without wearing a mask…Should I wear it for him?

“Help me put it on.”(Read more @

Seeing that Zhang Ling was distracted, Zhou Yuan reminded.

Zhang Ling blushed, and walked over quickly, standing on tiptoes a little, and looking at Zhou Yuan up close, the latter’s serious expression was particularly attractive.

However, Zhang Ling only lost her mind for a moment, and soon put on a mask for Zhou Yuan, and then stood by as an instrument nurse.

“Disinfect.” Zhou Yuan said immediately.

At the same time, he picked up the scalpel and quickly marked Zhao Qiang’s chest with the other hand, choosing the location of the incision.

He Jianyi looked at Zhou Yuan’s movements and his mouth grew in surprise, “Such a small incision? The surgical field would be very poor!”

Zhou Yuan shook his head and said it was OK.

Zhang Ling: “Regular disinfection?”

“Simple disinfection. Don’t worry about anything, wait for the heart to re-beat before adding disinfection and spreading towels.” Zhou Yuan replied immediately.

Zhang Ling quickly scrubbed the area marked by Zhou Yuan with alcohol cotton. After a few seconds, the disinfection was completed, and Zhou Yuan immediately dropped the scalpel.

Zhou Yuan chose the position from the left edge of the sternum to the position along the fifth intercostal space along the anterior axillary line. After cutting into the thoracic cavity from here, there was almost no bleeding.

Since Zhao Qiang’s heartbeat has stopped, there is no bleeding after cutting the blood vessel, which means that hemostasis is not needed, that is, there is no need to expand the incision to install the hemostatic forceps.

“The chest cavity automatically pulls the hook.”

In a few tens of seconds, Zhou Yuan had already opened the chest cavity, and immediately took the automatic retractor that He Jianyi handed over, pulled the incision and fixed it, and then put his hand into the incision and performed directly on the heart. Press.

Although behind the gloves, Zhou Yuan immediately felt the abnormality of Zhao Qiang’s heart…

The heart of a normal person is about 50 millimeters, but Zhao Qiang’s heart is obviously much larger. Zhou Yuan estimates that it is about 70 or 80 millimeters, which is a huge heart.

“Can you press it?” He Jian saw Zhou Yuan fell silent and asked worriedly.

Zhou Yuan nodded and closed his eyes.

If one feeling is lost, the other feelings will be enhanced accordingly. Zhou Yuan closed his eyes in order to put all his attention on his hands… There is no need for eyes when he opens his chest and presses inside the chest!

In other words, Zhou Yuan does not need eyes. He had chosen a small incision before, and he could barely allow two hands to reach in and press, but the surgical field was not good, and it was the same if you didn’t see it.

If you change to He Jianyi, you must choose a large incision and perform chest compressions under the condition of ensuring the surgical field, but… Zhou Yuan has the perfect cardiopulmonary resuscitation!

The perfect compression hemostasis method made Zhou Yuan’s fingers come alive. He could feel the pulsation of blood vessels only by the touch of the finger palm prints, thereby judging the bleeding position and finding the best hemostasis point.

Similarly, as long as Zhou Yuan reaches into the patient’s chest cavity, Zhou Yuan can feel like a fish in water. In his own territory, Zhou Yuan can immediately touch the heart and quickly find the best pressure point for the heart.

“¨ˇ Found it.” Zhou Yuan was overjoyed.

At this time, Zhao Qiang’s heart has expanded further. The ischemia and loss of pumping have made the heart dark red, and the myocardium is trembling irregularly.

Zhou Yuan didn’t hesitate anymore, placing his right hand behind his heart, and (good money) his left hand pressed against the front edge of the heart.

He chose the two-handed pressing method, which is suitable for pressing abnormal big hearts, such as Zhao Qiang at this time.

Twenty-eight minutes have passed since Zhao Qiang’s heart stopped beating.

The rescue room has been sealed off, and it is impossible for outsiders to come in during the operation. Li Li was already crying outside.

People who have no common sense know how dangerous it is to not recover half an hour after a cardiac arrest…

At this moment, the door of the rescue room suddenly opened.

Zhang Ling walked out with a serious expression, closed the door and blocked the door to prevent Li Li from entering, saying, “You follow me.”

Li Li was completely numb, and followed Zhang Ling to the rest room not far away.

Zhang Ling left the room, and almost a minute later, she returned to the lounge with two more documents in her hand. .

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