Chapter 390

The results of Zhao Qiang’s heart report are very clear. Zhou Yuan also felt it when he performed chest open chest compressions. The heart of a normal person is only about 50 millimeters, which is similar to a human fist.

But Zhao Qiang reached seventy centimeters.

There are two main types of cardiac hypertrophy, namely cardiac enlargement and cardiac hypertrophy.

The expansion of the heart is relatively slight, the heart muscle is not thickened, and sometimes there may even be a thinning of the heart muscle. The cause of enlargement is usually that the heart muscle loses its original elasticity, and the increase in volume and pressure causes the heart to expand.

The latter is more serious. Cardiac hypertrophy generally refers to the thickening of muscles, which may compress the heart cavity, resulting in narrowing of the heart’s exit and entrance. In severe cases, it may even lead to a significant reduction in the amount of blood transfusion in the heart.

There are many reasons for this disease, such as high blood pressure, myocardial infarction, mitral valve regurgitation, aortic stenosis, etc. Zhou Yuan and others have not had time to conduct further examinations, so they are temporarily unable to determine the cause of the patient’s cardiac hypertrophy And type.

However, according to the recommendations of the imaging department and the examination doctor, the patient should have a relatively severe cardiac hypertrophy with thickened myocardium, and the predisposing factor is heart failure.

And this time the sudden fainting is caused by acute heart failure. As for the cause of acute heart failure, this is the problem that needs to be resolved at this meeting.

After Jiang Xiaoqi finished speaking, the conference room fell into silence for a while.

“Did the patient undergo surgery during this period?” Zhou Yuan asked.

He was only busy rescuing at the time, so he did not know the specific medical history of Zhao Qiang.

He Jianyi shook his head: “No. Injections, skin cuts, and allergies can all be ruled out. It is not the acute heart failure caused by them.”

There was also a cardiac surgery doctor present. Zhao Qiang’s acute heart failure has been handed over to the cardiac surgery to take over according to the past practice, but since Zhou Yuan came, this practice has been broken.

At this moment, a cardiac surgeon looked a little serious and said: “I think we should think about how to deal with this patient…”

The Deputy Chief Physician of Cardiac Surgery is 45 years old. At the age of seeking stability, he has experienced more things, so the angle of view is different from Zhou Yuan and others.

Young and capable doctors such as Zhou Yuan and Jiang Xiaoqi only think about how to save people back, but he and He Jianyi and others have actually considered some more complicated issues…(Read more @

The Deputy Chief Physician of Cardiac Surgery said in a low voice: “You have seen the age of the patient Zhao Qiang. He is in his thirties, who happens to be a mature man. At this time, the man is the backbone of the three families. I adjusted Zhao Qiang’s files. He is the only child. Zhao Qiang’s wife is also the only child.”

“In other words, this is a family of two only children… If Zhao Qiang falls, I am afraid that all three families will be hit. The current environment is also clear to everyone. It is good to be able to protect yourself clearly if Zhao Qiang is not treated. After saving it, it should be clear to those who are there as a doctor…”

Although the words of the Deputy Director of Cardiac Surgery are ugly, they are practical.

A lot of this kind of things have happened in recent years. Many doctors are trembling at their posts. They dare not accept operations that are too difficult unless they are immediate family members!

The difficulty is high and the success rate of the operation is low, but the families of these patients can’t see it. They only know whether they have been rescued, and it’s the doctor’s job to come back. If they don’t, it’s the doctor’s technical problem. There may be a fishy smell!

Zhao Qiang’s heart examination report showed that he was in extreme danger at the moment. Although he was rescued, he had suffered a cardiac arrest and his body must have been injured. In this case, if the operation is performed again, the success rate will drop a lot.

The man who was the head of the family fell down, and there was a high probability of medical disputes.

Hearing this, Zhou Yuan was silent for a moment and looked at He Jianyi.

Seeing that He Jianyi didn’t say anything, Zhou Yuan stood up and said, “If even our Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor is afraid to accept Zhao Qiang, other hospitals will never accept Zhao Qiang. This basically means that Zhao Qiang has been sentenced to death…”

He Jianyi thought for a while, nodded and said, “Don’t mention this matter again. Our task is to find the cause of acute heart failure, and then treat Zhao Qiang. We will do our best to give the result to God!”

After experiencing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, he advised Zhou Yuan to give up the rescue. Now He Jianyi has undergone some changes.

What the hospital needs most is the kind of doctors with courage in their 20s and 30s, technical and theoretical experience in their 50s and 60s. He Jianyi achieved the latter, but lost the courage and determination when he was young. It is also fortunate for Zhou Yuan. I woke up today, otherwise he will be struggling with this issue for a long time.

The heart surgeon wanted to say something, but he glanced at Zhou Yuan with blinking eyes, suddenly relaxed, sat down, and said, “Yes, you are here…”

The question of not being saved was finalized. Zhou Yuan sat down and continued: “Now, the only clue is diarrhea. The patient had no other abnormalities before the acute heart failure. Diarrhea needs to be highly vigilant.”

Also participating in the discussion were Sun Meng and Liu Kai, both of whom looked dumbfounded.

What is the relationship between acute heart failure and diarrhea? Can diarrhea still pull the heart out of position? !

However, in such a serious meeting, the two of them will certainly not be ignorant of their remarks. After all Zhou Yuan’s remarks came out, the several deputy chief physicians present were all lost in thought. Obviously Zhou Yuan’s guess is reasonable, but The medical skills of the two of them have not yet reached this level, so they don’t understand.

A few minutes later, Zhang Ling came back.

As the nurse who is directly in charge of Zhao Qiang, she completed all the procedures during the beginning of the meeting. By the way, she learned about Zhao Qiang’s situation.

Every trivial matter may have a hidden cause, and the cause is the key to saving Zhao Qiang, so Zhang Ling dare not sloppy.

It wasn’t until Zhang Ling was seated that the meeting was completely started…

Zhang Ling pointedly said: “The patient Zhao Qiang had a heart operation when he was ten years old. A re-examination was performed three years ago. It was found that the aortic valve was insufficiency. At that time, Zhao Qiang’s career was on the rise. In order not to affect his promotion, he passed The medicine has been under control, and the operation has not been performed for a long time…”

When Zhou Yuan heard this, his eyes lit up.

“That’s the problem here. It’s no wonder why the patient has been unable to figure out why the patient suddenly causes acute heart failure! His cause should not be considered in terms of acute heart failure!”‘

Zhou Yuan said excitedly: “Because Zhao Qiang’s basic illness is not heart failure, but infective endocarditis!”.

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