Chapter 397

In fact, compared with Li Li’s father, the honest and honest Zhao Qiang’s father is not like a farmer. If it weren’t for the dark skin of Zhao Qiang’s father and the old body with visible traces of sturdiness, I’m afraid others would think that Li Li’s father who was swearing in his mouth would be more serious. In line with the image of rural people.

“Our son can’t drag your girl-girl down.”

Li Li’s father stared at the distance and whispered: “Fight? What happens after the fight? Are you divorced?”

Zhao Qiang’s father nodded silently.

“Divorced from him. If divorced, my daughter will be a divorced woman. It’s too ugly.” Li Li’s father cursed softly.

“Divorced women are always better than widows…”

However, before Zhao Qiang finished speaking, Li Li directly pressed the cigarette out and threw it to the place where cigarette butts were thrown. He turned and walked back to the hospital. “The children are all grown up. Neither you nor I can do it for them. Decided.”

Zhao Qiang was stunned. He and Li Li’s father were no longer the father who could make decisions for Zhao Qiang and Li Li. Now that the children have grown up, the two of them would stand behind them and make suggestions.

It doesn’t matter whether they are beating or not beating their children, or whether they are divorced or not. This is a matter for Zhao Qiang and his wife.

It turns out that they are all grown up…

Zhao Qiang’s father looked a little dull, he also put out the cigarette, and returned to the hospital.

In both the ward and the operating room, the shadowless lamp is very light, and the entire operating area has been illuminated.

The brightness of the shadowless lamp is very large, and the maximum brightness is close to the brightness of the sun in a sunny summer. Of course, it will not be adjusted to such a high under normal circumstances, but even this is not tolerable by ordinary people.

Moreover, surgical instruments are all made of alloy, and most of the instruments are reflective, which can cause glare and affect vision and vision. Zhou Yuan and others often stay in the operating room, so they are used to it, but Zhang Ling is different.

She is an emergency doctor, and she is rarely involved in operations. Most of the time, she stays at the nurse’s desk in the emergency department lobby to guide patients, but Zhang Ling feels a little bit spent in front of her for only an hour.

Zhang Ling couldn’t rub her eyes at this moment. She stared at Zhou Yuan. Zhou Yuan was directly under the shadow of the shadowless lamp. However, Zhou Yuan opened her eyes wide and looked extremely focused, as if she was not affected by the shadowless lamp at all!

“It’s amazing…”…” Zhang Ling exclaimed.(Read more @

“Check.” Zhou Yuan put down the needle holder, breathed a little, closed his eyes, and said.

It is impossible for the shadowless lamp to have no effect on Zhou Yuan. Because of the particularity of Zhao Qiang’s operation, the shadowless lamp’s light is very strong.

Normal surgery only needs to be adjusted to 10% of the maximum brightness, but this aortic valve replacement surgery is more complicated, plus Zhao Qiang has a heart disease, and sufficient light is necessary to ensure a good surgical field.

During this hour, everyone in the operating room was basically staring at the ground under direct sunlight… Zhou Yuan was a little tired of vision at the moment.

Others are not the chief surgeon, and don’t need to keep staring at the surgical area to perform operations. Even because Zhou Yuan himself does not rely much on his assistants, Lu Chenxi and others can go away…They are not affected much.

“The examination is over.” The deputy director of cardiac surgery said quickly.

Zhou Yuan has completed the fixation of the artificial valve seat ring. After that, acute knotting is required. Before the knotting, the opening of the left coronary artery must be checked above the artificial valve annulus.

Zhou Yuan nodded, picked up the forceps and the needle holder again, and carefully pulled the artificial valve in the opposite direction. The opening of the left coronary artery was suddenly revealed.

He clamped the wall of the aorta with forceps, checked the right coronary valve and the non-coronary valve again, confirmed that the seat ring was firm, and started tying the knot.

Zhou Yuan must be cautious in this step. If the artificial valve is found to be incompletely fixed to the seat ring after blindly knotting, the knotted suture must be removed and re-suturing. This additional operation will prolong the aortic block time and increase the myocardium The ischemia time affects the recovery and postoperative recovery of the heart

Zhou Yuan tied knots at the corresponding 3 junctions and fixed 3 points, then removed the valve holder, and tied the knots one by one.

When tying the knot, Zhou Yuan pulls each suture slightly upwards. This is to avoid the occurrence of paravalvular leakage or acute valve dysfunction due to the loose thread remaining under the suture ring being pressed by the suture ring.

At this point, the operation is basically over.

So far, Zhao Qiang has not had any accidents. If the operation goes well, after the knot is completed, even if the aortic valve is completely replaced, the acute heart failure caused by aortic valve insufficiency can be alleviated.

As for infectious myocarditis, because Zhao Qiang suffers from acute heart failure and cardiac arrest, his life is in danger at any time, and all doctors put life first, so infectious myocarditis can only be treated after the operation is completed. The stage just controls not to let it erupt.

Compared with surgery, infectious myocarditis is much easier to resolve.

“Hope everything goes well.” Zhang Ling prayed in a low voice.

“3-0 non-traumatic polyester thread.” Zhou Yuan said.

Hearing this voice, everyone in the ward’s originally depressed mood suddenly cheered up the dog.

The 3-0 non-traumatic polyester thread is used to suture the aortic incision. Zhou Yuan needs this thread to show that he has completed the valve replacement at the most dangerous and difficult point!

In the end, you only need to complete the suture of the aortic incision, and the operation is complete!

Zhou Yuan glanced at the monitor, the data on it still remained unchanged, and he looked at the anesthesiologist again.

To be honest, in addition to placing high demands on his own chief surgeon, this operation is also a huge test for the anesthesiologist!

The ward is inferior to the operating room. Some small instruments can be used by those who make do with it, but what about large objects such as multi-function control panels, gas terminal control boxes, or heat preservation cabinets and cold storage cabinets?

(Promise)    The task of the anesthesiologist is to contact the patient’s pain and ensure the patient’s comfort, but the most important point is that there are many factors during the operation and the anesthesia recovery period, such as surgical factors, anesthetic factors or the patient’s primary Changes in important life functions caused by diseases are monitored, diagnosed, and treated accordingly to ensure the safety of patients during the perioperative period.

There is nothing in the ward except monitors and shadowless lamps. The ventilator is barely a device. This is not good for the anesthesiologist to judge the patient’s life function changes, but there is no way. The anesthesiologist can only use the existing Several devices use the data displayed by these devices to infer other vital signs.

“The patient’s vital signs are stable and the operation can be continued.” The anesthesiologist thought Zhou Yuan came to ask about the situation, so he immediately replied.

Zhou Yuan nodded silently, and a short needle entered from both ends of the incision and began to cross stitch. .

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