Chapter 404

Lingling’s parents stood up immediately, panicking.

Even Lingling’s grandma, who had been sluggish, had clear eyes at this time, standing still, staring at the doctor nervously.

There was no movement when Lingling was sent in. At this time, after more than an hour of rescue, the critical illness notices were delivered one after another. The final result made everyone afraid…

“How is it? Doctor, speak up!” Lingling’s mother roared.

The doctor standing outside the operating room kept his head down, and his expression was very serious.

Lingling’s father was trembling at the moment, and she held back tears and asked, “Doctor, what’s going on?”

They still hold the last glimmer of hope in their hearts.

After a sigh, the chief physician walking in the front sighed in a low voice: “I’m sorry, we have done our best.”

If Lingling’s parents were struck by lightning, the old man suddenly pumped and fell to the ground.

A group of doctors who had just finished the rescue immediately rushed up to give the elderly cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

After a while, the old man finally woke up and began to breathe quickly.

After the old man was sent for examination, Lingling’s parents couldn’t accept the bad news, and her mother, Xiao Mi, had already cried into tears, watching the bit by bit with her daughter recorded on the phone.

The more she looked, the more turbulent her tears became.

On this day, Lingling’s family stayed up all night, and many relatives came to comfort them.

When I went to collect the body the next day, when Xiao Mi and her husband were passing by the intensive care unit, they suddenly heard crying in the corridor.

“Comrade, is there no liver source yet? Please, my daughter can’t hold on anymore!”

Mi looked over.

It was a man in his forties, with vicissitudes of wind and frost on his face. At this moment, because of his daughter’s late stage of cirrhosis, this strong man could not wait for the source of the liver to pierce the lungs.

Xiao Mi was stunned. After losing her beloved daughter, she felt the same feeling for this man at this moment!

“What’s wrong with him, what liver source?” Xiao Mi asked.

The doctor next to him sighed and said, “A nine-year-old girl with advanced liver cirrhosis, no one knows how to get liver cirrhosis. If there is no liver source to transplant her, I am afraid it will not last this month!

Xiao Mi was taken aback, and squeezed her husband’s hand tightly.(Read more @

She suddenly made a decision, turned her head and said to her husband solemnly: “Husband, let’s let Lingling continue to live.”

It took a long time for the husband to react to Mi’s meaning, smiled and nodded, and said weakly, “Okay.”

At 3 pm that day, Lingling’s parents signed their names on the organ donation registration form.

At five o’clock in the afternoon, the little girl was pushed into the operating room. At this moment, the one-year-old child was asleep, with naturally curly hair and long eyelashes. It was very beautiful.

If she can open her eyes, then these big eyes must be very lovely.

“Silence for three minutes.” The chief surgeon lowered his head and said.

Silence is not a procedure in organ donation, but for such a little girl, she has to leave before she can see this beautiful world. These doctors who are accustomed to life and death will also feel sad.

Three minutes later, the ding-ding-ding of instruments rang.

Lingling’s body was cut open with a sharp scalpel. This delicate body will save the lives of at least six people.

“Teacher, is the death rate from traumatic brain injury very high…” Yisuke asked.

The main knife nodded silently, and then said: “The brain is the core of the human body. If the heart stops beating, there is a chance to save it, but once the brain goes wrong, the damage caused is irreversible…”

“This is the youngest donor in our province… Do you remember the scene before entering the operating room? Lingling’s parents touched her face over and over again and said,’My child, the decision made by mom and dad for you must be your wish. , Your life will continue in another way, son, don’t be afraid, mom and dad will always love you…'”

The doctors in the operating room fell silent again.

They carefully removed Lingling’s pair of corneas, liver and kidneys on both sides, as well as the functioning lungs.

In a one-year-old child, the organs in the body are basically fully developed and can be transplanted.

“Life does not end by death, love can be continued. I wish you well in heaven!”

The doctors took care of Lingling’s body, covered it with a white cloth, and said in silence.

Soon, the fresh organs were sent to the Red Cross, after which they were appraised by the Red Cross before being distributed.

At six o’clock that evening, the daughter of the man in his forties received a liver transplant at the Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine.

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This nine-year-old girl had three operations in the hospital because of biliary atresia, but the progress of liver cirrhosis was not controlled, but it became more serious, so that today, there has been liver decompensation, and her life is at stake.

The family members who had to wait at least a month to learn about the liver source had even begun to prepare for funerals. The family cried dimly, but at this moment, Lingling’s liver matched her successfully!

The liver of a one-year-old girl was just transplanted into the body of a nine-year-old girl. At 6 o’clock the next day, the liver transplant operation was successfully completed, and the liver provided by Lingling had functioned in the body of the nine-year-old girl and began to function.

At the same time, another hospital in Zhejiang Province also successfully completed two kidney transplant operations.

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Although a normal person has two kidneys, only one kidney is needed to maintain vital functions. For a scarce kidney source, it is impossible for the patient to receive two kidneys from the donor. Therefore, Lingling’s kidney was allocated to two successfully matched patients. .

This means that these three people will live together in this wonderful world with Lingling’s organs.

After the three patients woke up, they strongly demanded to see Lingling’s parents, but this was not in compliance with the regulations. It was impossible for the recipient and the donor themselves and their family members to meet. Finally, the patients wrote a thank-you letter, which was handed over by the hospital Lingling’s parents.

At half past six, the lungs sent for matching finally found a suitable recipient in the Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University.

The recipient is a patient suffering from a purulent lung infection. This is a serious lung disease. The cause is that pathogenic bacteria invade the human blood circulation, grow and multiply in the blood, and produce toxins, which can cause severe lung infections. Symptoms and symptoms of poisoning.

After more than a month of treatment, the patient did not get better, but the lungs had lost all functions, that is, at this moment, Lingling’s lungs were successfully matched with him.

However, the success of the matching did not make the doctors at the Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University happy. Because of the patient’s own reasons, in addition to pulmonary purulent infection, there are many factors that make lung transplantation extremely difficult!

“What to do?!” The lung transplant expert at Zhejiang University was stunned.

At this time, the voice of an attending physician rang. “Director, have you heard of Zhou Yuan?” Shao.

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