Chapter 413

This in itself is a matter that is not accepted by the public.

The concept of brain death was first proposed by a small number of medical professionals in the West. It has only been widely used in the medical field in recent years. As for its acceptance, it is only limited to some practitioners in the domestic medical industry.

The vast majority of brain-dead family members do not admit to death, do not agree to donate organs, and ask to stay alive in the ICU all the time. There is still a heartbeat in the early stage of brain-dead patients, which will give the family an illusion that the patient is still alive and saved.

However, this will miss the golden age of organ transplantation.

There is another reason that will lead to huge obstacles to brain death legislation. In recent years, some miracles seem to show that brain death is not enough to prove that a person is really dead, or that there is a probability that this kind of brain death can regain spontaneous breathing and even consciousness.

Of course, there are also people who think that these people who awakened after the judgment of brain death are because the doctor’s judgment on brain death is not strict enough. In fact, they are not brain death in the strict sense.

Just like vegetatives, in theory, it is impossible for vegetatives to wake up. However, whether it is a TV show or in real life, although examples of vegetatives waking up are rare, they are not uncommon.

Humans do not know much about the brain, so even those countries that recognize brain death as the basis for death still retain the traditional “stop of spontaneous breathing, cardiac arrest, dilated pupils, zero blood pressure, etc.” as the criteria for judging death. It is heart death.

And brain death is only an aid in judgment.

In the past few years, the VIA Brain Death Law drafting team set the domestic brain death standards: deep coma, all brainstem reflexes disappeared, no spontaneous breathing such as maintenance by a ventilator, or apnea test showed positive.

Moreover, after the first diagnosis of brain death, the patient’s observation for twelve hours does not change to finally confirm the brain death.

Zhan Ting’s proposal is not unreasonable. In the eyes of doctors, brain death is equivalent to the death of all the major components of the brain. The respiratory center and brainstem lose function, the patient’s spontaneous respiration disappears, the motor center cerebellum is dead, and the patient loses exercise capacity and sense of balance. Wait.

In this case, other organs and tissues of the body will gradually lose their functions due to lack of oxygen supply.

How is it possible to survive?

Zhan Ting believes that patients who wake up from brain death are actually misdiagnosed. It is not uncommon for some wealthy families to buy mental illness certificates because of their property. It is not too difficult to buy a brain death certificate.

At least, in his more than 30 years of medical experience, he has never heard of anyone who finally recovered from brain death.

The two of them were thinking. At this time, the other doctors exclaimed: “It’s done!”

Yuan Shao came back to his senses and said in a low voice: “This matter is not discussed for the time being. Wait a few days for your brain surgery and thoracic surgery experts to hold a joint meeting. Most countries have not passed this legislation. As for us, we can If it can’t be done, it still depends on the opinions of the people.”(Read more @

“I used to be a doctor in the front line and participated in heart transplantation. I have seen too many examples of heart donors who have waited too long after brain death and missed the best time for transplantation… I personally agree with you very much. ”

Zhan Ting nodded silently, and did not answer any more.

“Do you remember the lung transplant patient from Zhou Yuan last time?” Zhan Ting said, looking at the screen.

The scene in the operating room is displayed on the screen. Zhou Yuan and others have completed the operation and are now finishing up and organizing the equipment.

Yuan Shao nodded: “Of course I remember that I have been to Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine, and I have been in contact with my mother at the beginning. Her recovery is very good, which is different from that of ordinary people. Although I used to do heart transplantation, I did lung transplantation. I have heard of it, but I have never seen a patient whose mother recovers so quickly!”

Zhan Ting looked excited: “Don’t you think that Zhou Yuan can see an era in him!”

“An era in which the medical field of our country Z becomes an international medical pioneer!”

Yuan Shao was startled.

He didn’t expect Zhan Ting to give Zhou Yuan such a high evaluation. Zhan Ting is the Minister of the National Health and Family Planning Commission. He has seen too many talented doctors, but it is the first time he has given such a terrifying evaluation!

Zhan Ting clenched his fists and looked at Zhou Yuan who was stitching his chest on the screen, and said: “I have never seen such confidence in a doctor. You may not have noticed it, but I have entered the operating room from Zhou Yuan to the beginning. Observation began after the operation. As soon as he touched the scalpel, his eyes changed, just like…opening up!”

If Zhou Yuan were here, maybe he would say silently: “I’m really going to hang up.”

But Yuan Shao and others didn’t know that what they saw was Zhou Yuan’s superb medical skills.

“Those who are not close to the Buddha cannot be doctors, and those who are not as good as the immortals cannot be doctors. Have you heard this sentence, but throughout the ages, how many people are worthy of the words Buddha and Immortal? Bian Que who scrapes bones and heals is one… …”

Before Zhan Ting could finish speaking, Yuan Shao interrupted him with a black face: “Hua Tuo was the one who scraped the bone and healed…”


Zhan Ting was a little bit frustrated, “The mouth is coming soon. What I want to say is Hua Tuo and Bian Que. Both of them are considered to be real doctors, but after all, they are legendary characters. They have been deified. But today I saw a living doctor…”

“Perhaps it is too early for a major doctor, but if a major doctor in our country is born in this era, it must be Zhou Yuan!”

Yuan Shao was silent for a long time and asked, “What honor do you plan to give Zhou Yuan?”

Yuan Shao is naturally referring to the National Health and Family Planning Commission and the Ministry of VIA.

Zhan Ting nodded, looking a little embarrassed, and said: “There must be national rewards. The father of toe transplantation and thumb reconstruction is worthy of the country’s commendation, but we are still considering what is most suitable for Zhou Yuan. ”

Yuan Shao frowned and said, “He doesn’t care about the title. The rewards that you give with a substantial effect may make Zhou Yuan more happy. He can refuse even the invitation of Sante Hospital, and he is capable of staying in Yanjing National Medicine. I do the surgery with my heart, and don’t care about things that are empty.”

“Give it money, no one will refuse money…” Zhan Ting said with a headache.

Yuan Shao’s expression solidified: “You are ruthless…”

“Pleural drainage tube.”

Only Zhou Yuan’s voice remained in the quiet operating room.

The other doctors, including Jiang Li, were all dull at the moment.

This nearly ten-hour operation gave them a great shock. Regardless of the location of the operation, the selection of the surgical field, the vascular anastomosis, and the docking of the trachea and bronchi, Zhou Yuan was in place at one time. It was extremely smooth and was rated as a textbook!

Until now, they have not been relieved. .

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