Chapter 417

The harm of nuclear leakage is limited, and if protective measures are taken, the local government can control and protect it.

Take the worst and most tragic Chernobyl nuclear accident in history. More than two million people were affected by the incident, and most of the people who were exposed to nuclear radiation have undergone mutations.

This is undoubtedly a human tragedy, but thirty years after the disaster, the city has revived. Although in the next 20,000 years it will not be suitable for human habitation due to radiation problems, but trees and weeds can Grow.

But compared with the explosions at the virus institutes and vaccine stations, these may be far less than…

We must know that there are many virus specimens in vaccine institutes and viruses, and they are still active, and there must be a lot of chemical agents in these places.

If after the explosion occurs, various viruses are fused under the action of chemical reagents, and finally a super virus is born… Is it possible for humans to resist?

If this kind of thing happens, then this is not a human tragedy, but the end of humanity.

Of course, this is the most extreme situation.

Zhan Ting’s face was serious, and he obviously had the same concern, saying: “The explosion occurred in the only two laboratories in the world that contained live variola virus and Ebola virus. The cause of the explosion was natural gas.”

Yuan Shao’s face turned pale in an instant.

“Smallpox?! Mao Ziguo National Virus and Biotechnology Research Center exploded?”

Maoziguo National Virus and Biotechnology Research Center is one of the two laboratories in the world where variola virus and Ebola virus are stored.

Now that the explosion has occurred, is the smallpox virus stored in the research center safe and sound? If it has been destroyed, has it leaked, or even more terrifying, has it merged with other viruses?

Zhan Ting smiled reluctantly: “Mao Ziguo’s official statement stated that the explosion was caused by natural gas. Research Zong Xin received no structural damage. Only one employee was injured. It is said that the virus in the institute did not leak.”

Yuan Shao smiled bitterly: “At the World Health Assembly in 1958, the people of Mao Ziguo proposed to completely eradicate the variola virus. Only then did the people from Mao Ziguo give them the live variola virus for research. In the human community, I am afraid it is the biggest irony in history…”

Zhan Ting couldn’t laugh, and said: “If it is really leaked, mankind may have no history.”

Yuan Shao’s expression also became serious.

Smallpox virus…(Read more @

This is a virus that has become a god of death.

Although Ebola is terrible, it is like a joke compared to smallpox…

How terrible is smallpox? The number of people killed by the smallpox virus is more than that of all wars in human history. In the last century alone, about 500 million people died of smallpox. It is even more presumptuous to say that the medical technology is more backward in ancient times.

In history, no one can escape the claws of smallpox, from the nobles to the flat-headed people. It possesses more destructive power than a nuclear bomb.

The former Minister of Homeland Security of Country M once said: Smallpox virus is a weapon of mass destruction in the 21st century. If you put half a pound of smallpox virus powder in your briefcase and release it on the subway, the history of mankind will be affected by this. change.

There is no exaggeration in this sentence, and it can even be said that smallpox is more terrifying than he described.

The smallpox virus multiplies very fast, and it spreads through the air. The speed of transmission is amazing. If the smallpox virus from the National Virus and Biotechnology Research Center of Maoziguo is exposed, and humans have not been vaccinated for smallpox for a long time, they have no immunity to smallpox. This kind of virus disaster will be unbearable for mankind!

Yuan Shao didn’t dare to continue thinking about it.

“Is Mao Ziguo’s statement credible?”

“Who knows it’s not credible! When the Chernobyl nuclear accident happened, didn’t the government at the time also tried to cover up the truth and claimed that it was just a small explosion? The result?”

Genting’s voice was trembling, and said: “As a result, everyone in the city of Chernobyl has been affected. The original prosperous city has become an empty city, and it cannot be settled for 20,000 years! Now Chernobyl Bailey has become the top ten scary locations in the world with such places as Mary King Street, Easter Island in Chile, and Winchester Mystery House!”

Yuan Shao shook his head and rubbed his head: “Did the country intervene?”

“Well, our country, as well as country M, country R, ​​and country Y, a total of forty-two countries have sent representatives to Mao Ziguo to prepare for an international conference.”

Yuan Shao smiled bitterly: “I said it was an international conference. In fact, I still don’t worry about Mao Ziguo. I will check it out personally.”

Zhan Ting nodded: “I’m waiting for the result now. The big explosion happened yesterday. Last night, various countries sent people over at night. Several medical experts here were called in.”

“¨ Dean Fang of Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine was also sent over. Not long after Zhou Yuan’s forefoot left, Dean Fang received a notice from the VIA Department. He and the Dean of Modu Concord, as well as several research scholars Visit as a representative of country Z.”

Yuan Shao was silent for a long time, and finally sighed in a long sigh: “If something like that happens, we can only pray… The power of mankind is still very small in the face of natural creation. Medicine has never been developed enough. Not afraid of the extent of the disease.”

Zhan Ting nodded in agreement, and the conference room returned to silence.

“Efforts to cultivate Zhou Yuan. Regardless of whether the country has the will to give Zhou Yuan the title of national treasure and academic master, but you and I know that Zhou Yuan is a genius, let alone a hundred years, ten thousand years will not come across… ”

Zhan Ting still didn’t say a word.

If human beings really get to a certain point, and everyone suffers from diseases, will Zhou Yuan easily solve the diseases that have harmed mankind as it is today?

After leaving the meeting room, Zhou Yuan returned to the hotel arranged for him by Jiang Li and others.

This time, Zhou Yuan received exactly 10,000 yuan in labor fees, which is not a lot, but it is definitely not a lot.

Moreover, this 10,000 yuan is just a simple remuneration, and all travel expenses, food expenses, etc. are reimbursed by the Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University.

This time the flying knife was invited by Jiang Li and Zhan Ting in the name of the Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University. If they don’t come up with some decent remuneration, it would be impossible to justify.

Of course, the hospital is only responsible for the travel expenses, which is regarded as personal compensation to Zhou Yuan. The rest of the expenses are naturally paid by the family members of the patients who have agreed to the flying knife.

After taking a shower, Zhou Yuan’s sleepiness finally came up. He fell asleep as soon as he lay down on the bed.

After five hours of exhaustion and ten hours of high-intensity surgery, Zhou Yuan was already exhausted without the supplement of energy medicine and physical medicine. .

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