Chapter 428

Emergency department staff will soon be in place, ready to deal with upcoming patients.

The observation room has been cleaned up, and the operating room that Zhou Yuan is most familiar with is also ready. At the same time, for insurance, Zhou Yuan has also contacted the doctor from the brain surgery department to come to the joint consultation.

Soon, the car whistle rang, and the blinking ambulance quickly drove into Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine.

This is the ambulance of the prison hospital.

However, ambulances in prison hospitals generally do not run out to save people, but pull people into the car and send them to other hospitals for treatment.

The nearest Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine is their first choice.

The rear door opened, and the doctor with the car immediately lifted the ambulance down.

The people in the emergency department who had been waiting hurriedly put down the wheels of the ambulance, took over the ambulance, and pushed Yang Lin to the observation room under the command of Zhou Yuan.

“The patient started experiencing severe headaches this morning. The exact time of the attack is unknown, at least from 5:30. At that time, the prison guards were conducting a large round of the ward.”

The responsible director who followed reported to Zhou Yuan.

He knew clearly that this young man might be the best medical man in this place…

“After brain CT, cerebral angiography, carotid angiography and other examinations, no abnormalities were found.”


“In the examination of the four items of liver function, the three items of kidney function, and the four items of blood lipid, apart from the patient’s previous hyperlipidemia, which caused the blood lipid to exceed the normal value, there are no other abnormalities.”

Zhou Yuan nodded solemnly.

All tests that can be done have been done, but the cause of the patient’s headache is still unknown, either a new disease or a hidden disease.

For example, the location of the lesion is very secret, and it cannot be seen by ordinary examinations, and it needs to be explored by craniotomy.

Fortunately, Zhou Yuan has mastered the master-level posterior fossa craniotomy, master-level conjoined skull separation surgery, etc. He is very clear about the structure of the brain, and still has a certain grasp of the brain.

Otherwise, Zhou Yuan cannot take the initiative to take charge of Yang Lin.

He has never been a person to entrust him.

As Zhou Yuan entered the observation room, the nervous Zhang Ling and others felt a little more relieved, and gave way.

Although the responsible director following has guessed that Zhou Yuan is highly recognized in the emergency department, it still feels incredible to see this scene.

Everyone became relaxed after Zhou Yuan came in, as if Zhou Yuan was there and there was nothing to worry about…

This is how good medical skills are needed to win!(Read more @

“Doctor Zhou, would you like to give a tranquilizer?” Zhang Ling asked in a low voice.

In private, her name is Zhou Yuan, but it is more serious to call Doctor Zhou in fair occasions.

Zhou Yuan shook his head.

Without confirming Yang Lin’s condition, drugs should never be used indiscriminately.

What if the medication aggravates the condition?

For example, in patients with heart failure, even emotional fluctuations in patients with severe heart failure may cause the heart to fail to support the pressure to burst, let alone inject strong irritating anesthetics and tranquilizers.

Although Yang Lin does not seem to have heart failure, it cannot be ruled out that a disease similar to heart failure has caused him to have a headache, and rash medication is absolutely contraindicated.

“How are you feeling now?” Zhou Yuan stepped forward and asked.

Yang Lin was clenching his teeth at the moment, and his mouth was aching because of the excessive force of his teeth. He cursed in pain, “Don’t fucking ask! It’s a headache! I don’t understand a headache, there is nothing but a headache!”

Yang Lin’s heart was broken at this moment.

The little doctor asked the chief physician and asked again. The chief physician couldn’t solve the problem and sent it here. The doctor here asked again!

And this doctor is so young, it looks like he is not good at first sight, is it possible that he can be cured?

Yang Lin didn’t hold any hope, and even wanted to give up.

“You give me painkillers, why don’t you give me painkillers!”

Zhou Yuan explained patiently: “We are not sure whether your condition will get worse after giving you painkillers. Some diseases can be fatal under the stimulation of painkillers.”

Yang Lin was frightened for a while, but quickly, the pain hit again.

He immediately said: “I don’t care, give me painkillers! Even if I die, I don’t want to hurt anymore!”

Zhou Yuan frowned.

As doctors, since they were medical students, they have learned to fear life, and it is difficult for them to do things like letting patients take risks to alleviate pain.

Doctors are also very entangled when facing this kind of problem, such as facing a dying patient, making him suffer for a longer period of time, or giving him drugs that may stimulate the condition but can alleviate the pain?

“If you don’t give it to me, I will go out and buy it myself! There are many painkillers in pharmacies!”

I don’t know if it was the pain that inspired Yang Lin’s will or what, he actually stood up, who had not been able to move before.

When he stood up, Yang Lin staggered and almost fell to the ground. He quickly supported the edge of the bed and walked slowly out of the ward along the wall.

“It’s weird to walk, does it hurt to such a degree?” Zhang Ling whispered.

Zhou Yuan was still thinking about how to solve the problem in front of him, but he stopped immediately when he heard this sentence.

It’s weird to walk?

Zhou Yuan looked at Yang Lin. The latter’s walking posture was not normal, not as if he couldn’t control his steps because of pain, but as if he lost his balance!

His eyes lit up, and he immediately said: “Check the cerebellum and brainstem for the patient! Focus on checking for small tumors in these two places, most likely to be less than five centimeters!”

Then, he looked at the director in charge: “Director, can I see the patient’s brain CT film?”

The director in charge was stunned, and said: “I checked, the patient’s brain is normal, and the tumor is even more impossible…”

Zhou Yuan did not answer. After watching the film carefully, he said: “You noticed that the patient’s walking posture is not, the center of gravity is unstable, and the balance cannot be controlled.”

The cerebellum is the brain structure that controls the movement of muscles. Drunk people walk awkwardly because the cerebellum is paralyzed, so that they cannot precisely control the movement of their limbs.

As for the examination of the brainstem, it is entirely because the brainstem is too important to maintain an individual’s life, including breathing, heartbeat, digestion, body temperature, sleep and other important physiological functions related to the brainstem.

Only by ensuring that there is no problem with the brainstem can the patient’s life be guaranteed not to be immediately threatened.

“Walking posture…” The director in charge was stunned.

Seeing that Yang Lin was yelled at by Zhou Yuan, he was worried that he would be caught back for a re-examination, and ran out quickly. In panic, his left foot and right foot wanted to move forward at the same time. As a result, he lost his balance and fell straight down. On the ground.


Zhang Ling silently walked to Yang Lin’s side and checked: “I’m really fainted, so we don’t need to chase after…”

Liu Kai and another male doctor set up Yang Lin, put him on the emergency bed, and quickly pushed to the imaging department for detailed examination of the cerebellum and brainstem. .

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