Chapter 431

The complexity of brain tumor surgery is not the same as that of uterine fibroids.

The structure of the uterus is simple, just some muscular layer, fat layer and so on, even if the cut is wrong, it is a big deal to make up. More and less resection will not have any effect.

In severe cases, it is nothing more than removal of the uterus, at least the life can be saved.

But brain tumor…

The brain’s motionlessness is an important area, and random movement may affect the life of the patient.

For tumors that grow in the brain, if too much is cut, the brain tissue will be removed along with the tumor, which will inevitably increase the patient’s risk, ranging from loss of certain functions to death.

If the cut is less, the residual tumor will cause the tumor to recur, which is equivalent to a waste of surgery.

All in all, surgery on the brain is almost the highest standard of surgeons, and doctors who can perform brain surgery can to a large extent manage many other operations that pursue precision.

Therefore, it is not enough to have a master-level hysteromyomectomy and a master-level posterior fossa craniotomy. Without 26 specialized medical techniques to target, Zhou Yuan dare not remove the brain tumor easily.

As Zhou Yuan’s voice fell, the three intermediate treasure chests in the system space disappeared. At the same time, the master-level brainstem tumor resection appeared in Zhou Yuan’s attribute panel and displayed as activated.

At the same time, a lot of knowledge poured into Zhou Yuan’s brain.

Some previous brain surgeries allowed Zhou Yuan to master how to open the craniotomy and the general structure of the brain, while the brainstem tumor resection directly injected all the fine knowledge about the brainstem into Zhou Yuan’s brain.

At the same time, important structures and important divisions in the area around the brainstem have become clear.

Above the brainstem are the cranial nerves, and the white matter in the scratched liver has upward and downward conduction bundles, and various parts of the brainstem emit nerve fibers, nerve nuclei, and so on.

As the master-class brainstem tumor resection was poured into Zhou Yuan’s mind, Zhou Yuan’s understanding of the brain became deeper. If he were to perform the craniotomy at this time, the risk would be further reduced.

“The medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain, reticular system…” Zhou Yuan muttered to himself the theoretical knowledge of the brainstem.

These are the four important structures of the brainstem, of which the medulla oblongata is the most important part. The main function is to control breathing, heartbeat, digestion, etc., and it also governs breathing, excretion, swallowing, gastrointestinal activities, and so on.

At the same time, the medulla oblongata is also a very fragile structure in the brainstem. It is located at the lowest part of the brain. It is not easy to operate here. It is a challenge to expose the medulla oblongata and provide a good surgical field.(Read more @

What makes people desperate is that this small tumor with a diameter of two centimeters grows on the medulla oblongata…

First of all, the position of the medulla oblongata is very secret, it is not easy to reach the medulla oblongata through surgery, and the medulla oblongata is fragile…This is why Xiao Xuemo and others are unwilling to accept Yang Lin.

The risk is too high and the success rate is too low. A conservative estimate of the mortality rate is over 95%!

However, Zhou Yuan took it.

Because he knew that if Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine refused, then no other hospital would dare to accept it, which is basically equivalent to a death sentence.

Zhou Yuan focused on getting acquainted with the part of his mind about bulbar tumors.

If brainstem tumors are to be subdivided, they can actually be divided into five types: midbrain tumors, pontine tumors, malignant diffuse tumors, swelling tumors and medullary tumors. Among them, medullary tumors are difficult to deal with.

This kind of tumor is generally secretive, and is often accompanied by bilateral medulla oblongata damage, bilateral posterior cranial nerve anesthesia, dysphagia, hoarseness, anesthesia and atrophy of the tongue muscles and other symptoms.

In fact, these symptoms can be seen if you observe carefully, but Yang Lin’s own severe headache made the symptoms less obvious, and the doctors were also distracted.

“If you check his tongue directly, you can save a lot of things…you must judge calmly in the future!” Zhou Yuan recalled his mistake.

Fortunately, Yang Lin finally got the diagnosis.

Medullary tumors are very serious and must be surgically removed as soon as possible at an early stage.

Once the tumor is allowed to develop, it may involve the pyramidal tract on the ventral side of the brainstem, leading to cross paralysis, that is, ipsilateral cranial nerve palsy and countermeasures with decreased muscle strength, increased muscle tone, and tendon reflexes.

Generally speaking, in the middle stage, patients often suffer from paralysis, often with loss of consciousness on one lower limb first, and then the upper limb on that side. However, Yang Lin only developed unstable walking. It is still in the early stage and there is a rescue. Possible.

After almost ten minutes, Zhou Yuan went through the details of the operation in his mind before leaving the conference room.

Yang Lin’s wife had already signed the informed consent form for the operation, and she was lying on the hospital bed at this moment.

Yang Lin was still lying on the bed for a few minutes, and the quilts were warm. After being sent to the operating room, Yang Lin’s wife slept on the bed and prayed silently.

Surgical restricted area…

After other doctors’ explanations, Yang Lin’s wife has already learned how difficult the operation her husband is facing.

Brainstem tumors, especially tumors on the medulla oblongata, have been listed as a restricted area for brain surgery.

This is because the brainstem contains a large number of nerve nuclei, conduction bundles and reticular structures in a small area, and most of the brainstem tumors are infiltrating gliomas, which makes the operation extremely difficult.

A little carelessness will damage the brainstem. Once the brainstem is damaged, a large number of nerve nuclei will be damaged, the eyes will be invisible, the touch of the fingers will disappear, and the sequelae will appear within minutes.

“Mom, where did he go, brother?” the girl asked softly.

“Baby, come here and pray to Dad with me and ask the Bodhisattva for blessing!” Yang Lin’s wife said.

She can no longer control her son. The latter has grown up, and she doesn’t need to worry too much. The man lying in the hospital bed is helpless and needs her care.

“Blessed Bodhisattva! Blessed Bodhisattva!” The girl skillfully touched her neck, lifted the Jade Bodhisattva that had fallen into the skirt of her clothes, held it in her hand, and prayed devoutly.

After reading the informed consent form, Zhou Yuan nodded, and then said: “Keep ready the critical illness notice at any time. There are many risks during the operation. There may be multiple critical illness notices to prepare the patient’s family.”

With that said, Zhou Yuan moved his wrist.

It’s been a long time since I had such a delicate operation. Compared with brain surgery, double lung transplantation is actually far from refined.

However, Zhou Yuan has the habit of exercising regularly and ensuring the flexibility of his hands, and when the system gives relevant medical skills, he has already incorporated the operation into the muscle memory, so there is no need to worry about problems.

Before the operation, an unexpected person opened the door and walked to Zhou Yuan. .

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