Chapter 45

Zhou Yuan’s eyes squinted: “Dean Fang, don’t you want to trick me into writing more papers?”

Dean Fang’s expression froze, and he laughed and said, “How is it possible! Besides, writing more papers will only benefit your future title evaluation! Moreover, doctors with more papers have the right to speak in the medical world!”

Zhou Yuan nodded suspiciously.

“Then there is nothing wrong with you. Today you had two operations in a row. Go back and rest.”

With that said, Dean Fang hurried to open the door, showing his determination to see off the guests.

After Zhou Yuan left, Dean Fang breathed a sigh of relief.

Staying with Zhou Yuan is like being in the same room with an old fox!

“Dean, Zhou Yuan, did he…have a carotid endarterectomy?” Wu Guohui said incredulously at this time.

Dean Fang sat down again, regaining his calm attitude, and said: “There are surgical records, and the video is there. It is absolutely true.”

“Fuck… now it’s not just our hand surgery who wants to grab people, but the people from brain surgery, vascular surgery, and neurology are probably going to the emergency department for a stroll!”

Wu Guohui was a little scared: “Look, I’m just a deputy director, and I have to go to the emergency department every day to have a meal and exchange feelings with Zhou Yuan.”

“Other departments may be the chief physicians. I’m a deputy director, so I don’t have any face. Why…promote me?”

Director Wang, Dean Fang: Get out.

After Zhou Yuan left the dean’s office, he went directly to the emergency department.

“came back?”

He Jianyi, who was in the rounds, saw Zhou Yuan and greeted him.

“Teacher.” Zhou Yuan smiled politely.

“Go back and rest for a while?” He Jianyi couldn’t bear it.

Zhou Yuan is his disciple. He has performed two major operations in a short period of time, which is too much for him to bear.

Zhou Yuan shook his head, “I don’t have to be on duty tonight. It just so happens. Now I can check a room and get a good night’s sleep.”

“Ocean, do you have any patients who need additional observation?”

Hai Hai has already mastered the patient’s medical records, smiled, and said, “My bed 3 and 15 have fever, but there is no major problem. You should observe Wang Shengli and who is sitting. The old man who undergoes carotid endarterectomy is Wu Lihua. Both of them are major operations and require strict postoperative care.”

Zhou Yuan silently took note of the two hospital beds proposed by the ocean, and nodded and said, “It just happens that I have no patients at this moment. Go and have a look.”

“Pay attention to rest.” He Jianyi and Haiyang said at the same time.

“Okay, thank you teacher, brother!”(Read more @

With that said, Zhou Yuan was ready to leave.

A hand suddenly grabbed him, and then stuffed something in Zhou Yuan’s palm.

Zhou Yuan was a little surprised. Looking back, it was Sun Meng.

“Eat a candy to avoid low blood sugar.” Sun Meng smiled, showing her cute little tiger teeth.

Zhou Yuan glanced at the sugar in his palm and waved: “Thank you, Sister.”

After walking a few steps, I found that Sun Meng had also followed.

“Is it sweet?”

Sun Meng asked expectantly with his eyes wide open.

Zhou Yuan peeled off the sugar paper and threw it into his mouth. “Very sweet.”

Suddenly, Sun Meng smiled with eyes crooked.

“I’ll go round with you!” Sun Meng suggested.

“Director Liu won’t blame you?”

Liu Huimin’s personality is particularly strong, and she will definitely get angry when she sees Sun Meng walking with Zhou Yuan from He Jian’s first echelon.

Sun Meng rolled his eyes indifferently: “It shouldn’t be. Director Liu hasn’t known what’s wrong recently, he’s in a particularly bad mood, and he’s not working, so he doesn’t care about us at all.”

Zhou Yuan frowned.

Director Liu has an accident?

Before Zhou Yuan can continue thinking about it, bed 3 has arrived.

“Three-bed patient Wang Chun, male, 27 years old, farming at home. He was accompanied by family members to our department one day due to fever and abdominal pain. Physical examination: temperature C, P90 times/min, R22 times/min, BP130/80mmHg Consciousness…Preliminary diagnosis: 1. Acute gastroenteritis, 2. Intrahepatic bile duct stones.”

According to the medical record, the patient Wang Chun had his fever that night after the infusion was hospitalized, and there was no problem after a few days of observation, but he suddenly had fever, dizziness and other symptoms again today.

Zhou Yuan knocked on the door of this single ward, and after the sound of “entering” came from inside, he opened the door and entered.

“Doctor!” Wang Chun, who was lying on the hospital bed, said happily when he saw two white coats come in.

“Doctor, I just checked, I’m fine, but I have a little fever and want to vomit, nothing else!”

Zhou Yuan smiled and said, “Brother, let me check again. Do you have any other symptoms besides fever and nausea?”

He is always a little worried.

Wang Chun’s face was very ugly, and his lips were pale, but the strength in his temper made him bear it.

“Nothing!” Wang Chun hammered his chest, his expression a little unnatural.

Zhou Yuan frowned.

“Do you feel your heart palpitations?”

“Heart palpitations? No no.” Wang Chun scratched his head.

“Do you feel panicked in your heart, and always feel uneasy?” Zhou Yuan changed his questioning method.

Wang Chun’s expression is a bit unnatural, it is very likely that he did not understand Zhou Yuan’s words.

“Hey, it’s a bit blocked, I always feel uncomfortable no matter how I sleep!” Wang Chun’s eyes lit up all of a sudden.

“Do you feel a little out of breath?” Zhou Yuan asked again.

Wang Chun: “This room is really too boring, I can’t breathe.”

Zhou Yuan’s complexion changed.

This is by no means a common fever and cold.

“Just stay here, I will move the ECG machine!” Zhou Yuan said quickly.


The seventh update is sent, and the eighth update begins! In addition, I must thank Brother Xian Xian. From the day I opened the book, Brother Xian gave me rewards every day. Thank you very much, and also to all the friends who supported me. Without you, the results of this book would not be so good. Once again thank you! Don’t talk nonsense, continue with the code word! .

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