Chapter 460

When the door unknown child appeared in the examination room, the latter was panting.

“You won’t get lost, are you?” Zhou Yuan compared Monica’s inspection results and glanced at the door unknown.

Gate unknown child: “How is it possible! Will I get lost?”

With that said, the door unknown came in, changed the subject, and asked, “What happened?”

Zhou Yuan frowned and said, “It’s almost there.”

“What is Monica?”

“There is good news, and there is bad news.”

“I’d better listen to the good news first.” The door unknown son walked to Zhou Yuan and stood on tiptoe to look at the documents in Zhou Yuan’s hands.

“A new disease will be added to the history of the world’s disease.” Zhou Yuan said.

Upon hearing these words, the door unknown, he paused, “Is the bad news hard to cure?”

“It’s difficult.” Zhou Yuan nodded.

The discovery of a new disease means that there will be one blind spot in medical history. In the future, patients will have a reference to this type of disease, and they will not be as helpless as Monica.

However, with the help of modern technology, many diseases have actually been treated, and there are very few diseases that have not been detected.

In other words, there are few diseases that have not been discovered but can be easily cured.

As for diseases outside of medical history, many diseases are often beyond the current medical knowledge and medical technology…

“KCNMA1 gene mutation.” Zhou Yuan sighed and determined the cause of the disease.

“KCNMA1 gene mutation? What is it?” Damen Unknown asked.

There are too many genes in the human body. No matter how good doctors are, they are helpless when facing genes. It is not surprising that the unknown person does not know the specific genes.

She is just a surgeon, not a genetic researcher.

Zhou Yuan explained: “The KCNMA1 gene encodes a very unique potassium ion channel that controls the potassium ions released from the cell, and potassium ions affect many different physiological processes.

From the exchange of information between neurons in the brain to muscle contraction, potassium ions are all related.

Generally speaking, potassium ion channels control the excitability of neurons and muscles, so it is easy to imagine that once potassium ion channels are dysfunctional, the brain will experience extreme excitement, such as epileptic seizures or extreme muscle excitement. “(Read more @

The previous inferences of the doctors were not unreasonable. The mutation of the KCNMA1 gene caused the potassium ion channel barrier, resulting in extreme excitement similar to epilepsy. They had a basis for their guesses about epilepsy based on symptoms.

However, the ultimate cause is abnormal potassium channels caused by mutations in the KCNMA1 gene.

They naturally returned without success.

At nine o’clock in the evening, the Samakas, Ouli and others all came to the meeting room.

Zhou Yuan took the first place again, explaining the cause and mechanism of Monica’s illness.

“After analyzing the inspection report from the Health Center of Country M two years ago and today, I found that there has been a slight change in potassium ions in Monica’s cerebral blood vessels.

This change is almost negligible. The amount of these ions that play a huge role in the human body is actually very small. If you simply observe short-term changes, you can’t see anything at all.

But this time, based on the comparison between two years ago and today, it was found that the potassium ion content has changed significantly.

The potassium ions in Monica’s body are now significantly higher than those of two years ago, which has made the condition more and more serious! ”

In the meeting room, everyone was extremely silent. Obviously, there are still many doubts about Monica, which can’t be solved by this result.

Modri ​​couldn’t help asking: “Leaving aside whether your judgment is correct or not, how do you explain Monica’s intermittent deterioration in her condition?”

Monica’s frequency of illnesses increases when she sees strangers.

Not only that, sometimes playing with Banaro or going to a new place may cause frequent paralysis.

This cannot be explained by mutations in the KCNMA1 gene.

Msde nodded and said: “If you say that Monica’s palsy is caused by the increase in potassium content caused by the mutation of the KCNMA1 gene, how do you explain that she sometimes has a high incidence of paralysis for a while? It will not be potassium ions during this period of time. Surge?”

Zhou Yuan glanced over the two of them and said, “You are all right. Indeed, when meeting a stranger or in a new environment, Monica may feel nervous or happy, causing her condition to deteriorate… ”

Banaluo, who had been listening, froze for a moment, “Brother Yuan…Mr. Zhou Yuan, do you think you are nervous and happy?! Is this the cause of the deterioration of the condition in the short term?”

Zhou Yuan glanced at Banaro.

This blonde girl seemed to have taken a step ahead of the two masters, Msde, and saw the problem.

Doesn’t it mean that Banaro’s medical talent is not worse than that of Damen Unknown? !

Zhou Yuan acquiesced to Banaro’s statement and further explained: “Yes! The mutation of the KCNMA1 gene has magnified the influence of Monica’s emotions!

Most people may only produce one unit of dopamine when they are happy, but due to mutations in the KCNMA1 gene, Monica produces five or even ten units of dopamine when they are happy!

Therefore, Monica’s nerves will become excited due to emotional changes. The nerve excitement causes Monica’s body to be paralyzed and her condition worsens! ”

It can be said that happiness has become a weapon for disease to harm Monica.

As long as she feels happy, then Monica’s body will suffer more damage, and there is almost no end to this injury! Because Monica was the first person to be discovered a mutation in the KCNMA1 gene!

After determining the KCNMA1 gene mutation, Zhou Yuan also researched on various academic websites and doctor exchange forums for a long time, and found some similar patients.

There was a four-year-old patient who was close to Monica. The reason for admission to the hospital was a “paroxysmal event.” It manifested as staring at the eyes, smacking lips, and stiff limbs. After one to three seconds, it relieved on its own, only five times a day. The number of episodes of ten times.

Not only that, he did not have any disturbance of consciousness when he attacked, and he could make eye contact and simple language communication!

He was finally diagnosed with potassium channel disorder. In other words, there is no mutation in the KCNMA1 gene. Only taking antiepileptic drugs can alleviate the condition, or even control the condition, and it can be cured after several years of treatment.

However, what should I do if the KCNMA1 gene is mutated?

Is it possible to knock out this section of the gene? Or edit this segment of the gene?

These methods are impossible!

Modifying human genes is itself a matter of ethics and morality. It has been cast aside by society and academia. It is impossible to treat diseases by modifying Monica’s KCNMA1 gene!

Even if there is no need to consider ethical issues, current technology is far from being able to make specific modifications to a specific gene! .

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