Chapter 463

Gate unknown child:? ? ?

Your indifferent appearance has nothing to do with surprise and excitement. Okay!

“Go for breakfast!” Damen unknown son said puffedly.

The butler had already made arrangements, and the two had settled breakfast at the Samaka Manor, and the door unknown son was black all the time.

After breakfast, Samaka and Cecilia were already waiting outside the restaurant.

Their breakfast was eaten with Monica, because Monica can’t go out, so a family of three usually eats in Monica’s room.

“Mr. Zhou Yuan,” Cecilia said respectfully, looking a little tired.

Obviously, Zhou Yuan’s conclusion last night not only did not relieve the two of them, but it deepened the worries of the couple.

Before the diagnosis, they still have a little hope, but now they know the cause of Monica, and this cause is almost incurable… This is equivalent to directly sentenced their daughter to death~.

Last night, Cecilia and Samaka stayed up all night, waiting by Monica’s bed, as if the sun rose and the little brown-haired girl was about to leave them forever.

“Mr. Samaka, Miss Cecilia, I want to talk to you.” Zhou Yuan said bluntly.

Samaka’s eyes brightened, but immediately dimmed, and said in a low voice, “Yes, I will arrange it right away.”

He doesn’t think Zhou Yuan can cure Monica.

This is an area beyond the reach of human beings. So far, there has been no cure for KCNMA1 gene mutation.

Zhou Yuan and Damen Weizi followed Samaka and his wife to a small pavilion.

This is an exquisite small pavilion in the manor, surrounded by wonderful autumn light, and large tracts of flowers bloom, making people feel comfortable.

The butler had already made the tea and poured four cups on the wooden table in front of everyone.

“Mr. Zhou Yuan, what do you want?” Samaka gave a respectful speech.

Zhou Yuan was silent for a second before saying: “Monica is not hopeless.”

When this sentence came out, Samaka, who was still drinking tea, suddenly widened his eyes, and the tea poured into his throat. He coughed violently, and his face turned red all at once.

Cecilia looked at Zhou Yuan with a surprised and unbelievable expression. “What you said is true?!”

“Mr. Zhou Yuan, please repeat it!!” Samaka stood up excitedly.

At this moment, Samaka, who had experienced strong winds and waves and had always been calm, could not sit still.

What can compare to your own daughter?(Read more @

Zhou Yuan did not hesitate this time, staring into Samaka’s eyes and said: “If you are lucky, Monica may be saved.”

Samaka’s body was trembling, it was agitated.

“Is there any way? Mr. Zhou Yuan, is there any way to save my daughter?” Cecelia couldn’t sit still, and asked again and again.

This time even the door unknown child was surprised.

Zhou Yuan was still at a loss last night, so today he thought of a solution?

Zhou Yuan said: “Let the global population help Monica improve the disease, and help her understand the development of the disease better and more comprehensively, so as to treat it in a targeted manner!”

Monica’s misfortune comes from this era, but luck also comes from it. With the advanced Internet, it is not too difficult to gather global forces.

At least, it is not difficult for the Samaka family.

Zhou Yuan fears that this rare disease will be forgotten in the corner, because the small number has become a reason for people to ignore the pain and suffering of patients like Monica.

He is not sure if there are more people with Monica’s symptoms, but as far as he knows, some young children also suffer from intermittent epilepsy, and may also have KCNMA1 gene mutations, even if they are related to gene mutations. It has nothing to do, there are also obstacles to potassium channels.

And these patients who are similar to Monica are like pieces of a puzzle. If you gather them together, you may be able to get the final answer…

What is the most troublesome thing about rare diseases?

It’s rare.

Because it is rare, medical scientists and scientists cannot judge how to treat it based on its characteristics.

There are only a few patients in total, and each patient may be different. How to treat and how to judge the lesion?

Because it is rare, there are no cases to refer to. From diagnosis to treatment, every step is a fresh start, which is difficult to complete with one person.

A disease has multiple suspected focal points, such as the simplest fever. Before humans can overcome the fever, they face a variety of symptoms caused by fever-increased thermogenesis, decreased heat dissipation, increased body temperature, and increased total number of white blood cells, Bilirubin value rises, erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases and so on.

········· Ask for flowers···································································

As a doctor, if you don’t know the focal point of fever, how to choose in the face of so many symptoms?

Reduce heat production? Increase heat dissipation? Or control body temperature, reduce the total number of white blood cells, etc.?

After having a large number of fever patients, doctors can finally analyze the commonality of each fever patient, and this commonality is the pathogenic factor that causes fever—the central body temperature imbalance.

This is exactly what Monica is doing now.

There are so many symptoms caused by mutations in the KCNMA1 gene. Even Zhou Yuan can’t judge where to start, so that he can’t give a treatment plan.

No one knows whether a certain kind of medicine will make another disease worse after it has been controlled.

. .. 0

Every time medication and treatment may just circle around the lesion, not pointing directly to the lesion will not help the treatment of the disease at all!

And if these patients can be gathered, there will be ten Monicas, one hundred Monicas…

Then, the doctor can eliminate the interfering factors and point to the lesion!

Of course, this method can only be done by the patient Monica.

Because, behind her is the Samaka family, a super family that is enough to shake the entire economy of Japan…

Vermilion, a small town in Sam State, South Dakota.

It does not often rain here, the weather is dry, and there are large tracts of cornfields.

In autumn, if you look into the cornfield, you can see an emerald green patch with golden yellow rice on top of it, which is crumbling.

“Camia fainted again!” A shout came from the road in the middle of the cornfield.

A head came out of the cornfield. It was a dark middle-aged woman.

She wiped her sweat, her expression a little worried.

Jiami wanted to see her daughter, but she still had a lot of corn to harvest. If it was late, she would not be able to catch the truck to the market. The corn could not be sold, and the family could not bring them to the market. Fresh vegetables and fruits too.

Ten seconds later, the cornfield on the other side of the road suddenly raised a sickle, and a tender hand covered with calluses stretched out, “Mom, I’m fine.” Spoon.

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