Chapter 475

The door Jiang Mai has worked hard for for twelve years is now closed.

If nothing else, Jiang Mai would be like his fathers, spending all his life on plowing the fields.

Jiang Mai has been reading books for so many years, and he is somewhat arrogant and very arrogant.

A scholar like him should do a big business.

More deadly, Jiang Mai put all hope on his way out of school since he was a child. The same is true for Jiang Mai’s family. His parents never let him participate in any farm work.

Therefore, Jiang Mai’s body is very weak and he wears eyes. Even if he has the heart, he can’t afford the heavy farm work.

“Dad, I want to drop out of school.”

When he got home, Jiang Mai didn’t say anything, but directly threw out these words.

He had to give up the college entrance examination because of the illness. This kind of pain was enough for him alone. There is no need to tell his parents to make them feel desperate.

As for why it should not be treated-for children from poor families, when they are sick, the first thought is not to cure them, but to survive.

However, Jiang Mai’s family is indeed unable to afford medical expenses.

The so-called tuberculosis pleurisy is actually tuberculosis infection of the pleura, causing inflammation.

Jiang Mai asked the doctor that his tuberculous pleurisy was already very serious, and the previous cold was not a common cold, but a symptom caused by tuberculous pleurisy.

A large amount of pleural fluid has accumulated in Jiangmai’s chest cavity, and the scope of inflammation is large.

If you want treatment, you must first do pumping treatment, which can cost thousands of dollars for a single pumping treatment.

In the interval between pumping treatments, hepatoprotective drugs are also needed, and the cost of drugs is also thousands of yuan.

Of course, this is not the total cost, but a course of treatment.

If you sit down for multiple courses of treatment, the final treatment cost may be as high as RMB 50,000 or 60,000!

Of course, this is under the consideration that everything goes smoothly. Once the deterioration occurs midway, the previous treatments have lost their effect and need to be restarted. This is another big expense.

How poor is Jiang Mai’s family?

In winter, even a down jacket is reluctant to buy. Jiang Mai is not without money, but it is his living expenses. Although he can save some of his frugality, he thinks that his father still bare toes in the winter is not willing to buy socks. , He felt that he had to bear it, and the winter was over.

He returned the money he saved to his parents.

Jiang Mai also did his best to reward his parents with his achievements.

Now, a disease has caused Jiang Mai to lose all hope.

Is the college entrance examination the only way out? Can I have a good life only by reading?

It’s not.

But for the Jiang Mai family, this is the only way out!

Jiang Mai’s father didn’t speak, rolled a cigarette and smoked silently.

In the smoke, Jiang Mai’s father’s eyes flashed with tears, and he said hoarsely: “Go hoe the ground.”(Read more @

Anger broke out in the early morning of the next day.

The next day, before Jiang Mai got up from the bed, at five o’clock, he was dragged out of the house by his father.

At this time, Jiang Mai’s father was holding a thick whip in his other hand, which was usually used to smoke cattle and sheep.

Jiang Mai stood naked in the cold wind, gritted his teeth without saying a word, and silently endured the whip beat.

But at this moment, Jiang Mai suddenly felt a piercing pain!

Not from the skin and flesh, but from the bone marrow! The pain from the inside out!

Before Jiang Mai struggled and screamed, the extreme pain directly triggered the protective mechanism of Jiang Mai’s brain, and he fell directly to the ground, unconscious.

Jiang Mai’s father panicked and immediately took Jiang Mai back to the house and covered him with a bed of quilts. Jiang Mai’s mother ran to the kitchen, boiled water, and covered Jiang Mai’s forehead with a hot towel. on.

It wasn’t until more than half an hour later that Jiang Mai still showed no signs of waking up, and his face became paler and paler, before Jiang Mai’s parents suddenly realized that it was time to call a doctor!

The doctor in Xiaocheng rushed over quickly. At Jiang Mai’s home, he couldn’t determine the specific condition of Jiang Mai, so he rushed to Xiaocheng Hospital.

Xiaocheng Hospital detected pleural fluid in Jiang Mai’s chest cavity and found inflammation in the chest cavity at the same time.

However, the doctors at Xiaocheng Hospital cannot perform this operation.

First of all, Jiang Mai was in a coma.

The cause of Jiang Mai’s coma has not been found yet.

Tuberculous pleurisy is an inherent disease, which should not have much to do with coma.

In the case of unsure of the cause of Jiang Mai’s coma, it is impossible for them to do pumping treatment or give drugs randomly.

Moreover, Xiaocheng Hospital is reluctant to perform surgery.

Prescribing drugs and injections is the limit of this small town hospital, they are not willing to take the risk of surgery!

“Send to the big hospital,” the doctor at Xiaocheng Hospital said.

“Is it serious? What kind of inflammation, how can the chest become inflamed too!” Jiang Mai’s mother asked worriedly.

Although inquiring, neither of them wasted time, and immediately took Jiang Mai to Yanjing International Hospital.

This is also the closest major hospital to them.

Emergency Department.

The ambulance from Xiaocheng Hospital has arrived, and everyone in the emergency department has received instructions. Zhou Yuan and Sun Meng are in charge of contacting them.

Di Wu Di Wu.

Amid the sound of the ambulance, Zhou Yuan and others pushed the emergency bed to the rescue room quickly.

“Trculous pleurisy, a lot of pleural effusion, and a large area of ​​inflammation in the chest.” The Xiaocheng doctor who followed reported.

He looked at Zhou Yuan in surprise.

So young…

Dr. Xiaocheng is thirty-seven years old this year, and he is only a small attending doctor. This was the result of his relationship improvement last year.

And Zhou Yuan…this looks like an intern.

But the attitude of everyone in the emergency department towards Zhou Yuan has said everything-his status in the emergency department is very high, whether it is a nurse or a doctor, it seems that he has admiration for Zhou Yuan!

Forget it, he still looks so handsome!

Doctor Xiaocheng thought to himself that Jiang Mai had been pushed to the rescue room.

I just entered the patient’s information into the computer, and it immediately matched the other’s medical records.

Just yesterday, Jiang Mai once came to Yanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine for the college entrance examination physical examination!

Moreover, the physical examination report clearly stated “tuberculous pleurisy”!

“Call the doctor in charge of the examination.” Zhou Yuan said quickly.

Zhang Ling, the helper beside her, nodded and hurried to the outpatient department.

Soon, Dr. Zhang Yu, who was in charge of the physical examination, rushed over.

“Doctor Zhou.”

Zhang Yu looked worriedly at Jiang Mai on the hospital bed, and said: “During the physical examination, I advised him to stay in the hospital for observation, but he said that he was performing operations in other hospitals…this is…”

Zhou Yuan frowned and looked at Jiang Mai’s parents who followed.

Jiang Mai’s parents were simple farmers, his father was strong but old, and his mother was thin. Both of them wore clothes that didn’t fit well.

Compared with the international metropolis Yenching, they are like people who are out of touch.

Go to other hospitals for surgery-this sentence is probably just an excuse.

The young man’s self-esteem prevented him from admitting to outsiders that he had no money for treatment, so that his condition dragged on.

“Doctor Zhou, he is just tuberculous pleurisy, why is he in a coma?” Zhang Yu couldn’t figure it out. .

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