Chapter 477

“Obtained! Recovery speed increased by 10%!”

Zhou Yuan was surprised.

What is the concept of a 10% increase in recovery speed?

It might have taken ten hours of recovery time, but now it can be completed in nine hours.

It may not be a big deal for some minor illnesses, but what about major surgery?

Major operations that take months or even years are not uncommon. With the advancement of Zhou Yuan’s skills and status, the operations he is exposed to will become more and more difficult.

For example, for the first-time mother’s operation, after both lungs are transplanted, the recovery period is about three years. If this operation is performed now, the postoperative recovery period can be shortened by more than 100 days!

Another point is that the shorter the postoperative recovery period, the lower the probability of postoperative complications.

“Language affinity, recovery speed…Sure enough, there are good things in the high-level treasure chest!”

The small blood bank obtained at the beginning has not been used for a long time, but this thing itself is not a very useful function. The blood bank generally has enough blood storage and does not require Zhou Yuan to convert blood.

Besides, Zhou Yuan will not use it casually.

Anyone will have doubts about the blood that appears inexplicably.

Unless it’s time for his life, Zhou Yuan will not do this kind of self-interest.

“In this case, maybe you can try to treat Jiang Mai.”

Jiang Mai’s tuberculous pleurisy is not considered a rare disease. The only drawback is that the treatment cycle is long and it is infectious.

Jiang Mai’s family conditions are not good. Zhou Yuan and others thought that Jiang Mai could not be cured before the college entrance examination, so they also meant to give up treatment.

However, now Zhou Yuan has the ability to shorten the recovery time, maybe he can restore Jiang Mai to health as soon as possible and take the college entrance examination!

Zhou Yuan also came out of university. He knew that for an ambitious person, university means a better future.

For Jiang Mai, only going to university can give him a bright future.

A child who comes out of a farm has problems with his own survival and has no choice but this path.

After making up his mind, Zhou Yuan left the clinic and found Zhang Yu and others.

Dr. Xiaocheng has not left yet. At this moment, Zhang Yu and Zhang Yu are explaining Jiang Mai’s condition to Jiang Mai’s parents.

“According to the current situation, pumping treatment is carried out, and later drugs are used to control inflammation, and inflammation and infection may break out again…” Dr. Xiaocheng said.

“Of course, it may be very smooth. The puncture fluid and drug control have eliminated the pleurisy. After that, you need to stay in bed for about three months to make sure that there is no risk of infection. We can only take the college entrance examination after we issue a certificate.” Zhang Yudao.

Jiang Mai had already woke up at this moment, and there were organs to assist breathing in his throat. At this moment, his throat vibrated slightly and he wanted to speak.

His eyes widened, his eyes were bloody, and he seemed very reluctant.(Read more @

“In other words, Jiang Mai should not be able to take the college entrance examination.”

“Is there no way?” Jiang Mai’s father whispered.

“The recovery period is too long.”

Zhang Yu smiled bitterly and shook his head, and added: “Moreover, the treatment should not be rushed. Due to the high protein content and fibrin content in the pleural fluid of tuberculous pleurisy, it is easy to cause pleural adhesions and can only be performed two or three times a week.

Once the fluid is drawn too much and too quickly, the pressure in the chest cavity will drop sharply, causing pulmonary edema and even circulatory failure, which will be life threatening at that time. ”

In fact, it is really difficult to get Zhang Yu and Dr. Xiaocheng to perform this operation.

During this time, Jiang Mai has completed a series of inspections, including ultrasound, X-ray and pleural biopsy.

His condition is worse than imagined.

Excessive pleural effusion causes toxic reactions, compression of the lungs and heart vessels, respiratory dysfunction, and fibrin deposits that cause pleural adhesions and hypertrophy…

The fluid is pumped quickly, and the chest pressure drops sharply, which will cause Jiangmai’s pulse weakening, cold limbs, pulmonary edema, and circulatory failure. But the pumping is slow, and it is easy to cause the pleura to stick together.

Moreover, pleural fluid is inherently toxic, and the longer it stays in Jiangmai’s body, the greater the harm.

In short, this is not a simple operation.

Patience, skill, and care are all indispensable.

Zhou Yuan walked in at this time, and Zhang Yu’s eyes brightened when he saw Zhou Yuan, but he was a little disappointed when he thought that Zhou Yuan hadn’t said that he could have an operation just now.

“Doctor Zhou.” Zhang Yu said hello.

Zhou Yuan nodded, “Doctor Zhang, can I see the results of Jiang Mai’s examination?”

Zhang Yu quickly handed the film to Zhou Yuan, “This is the report of the X-ray examination, this is the pleural biopsy, and the ultrasound examination…”

Zhou Yuan took it and glanced at it, his face a little heavy.

X-ray examination can clearly show that there is a strip-shaped shadow with increased density on the outside of Jiangmai’s lungs, and a uniform shadow with increased density in the lower part of the chest cavity. As for the shadow of the diaphragm, it has been covered by pleural fluid.

Moreover, Jiangmai’s lungs also have a large number of uniform thick shadows!

This means that pleural fluid has begun to penetrate into the lungs.

It’s no wonder that Jiang Mai is now suffering from breathing problems, and being able to survive in this state is also very shocking.

“Encapsulated effusion requires surgery as soon as possible.” Zhou Yuan concluded.

There are also many types of tuberculous pleurisy, such as interlobular effusion, that is, pleural fluid collects in one or more interlobular spaces. Or there is fluid accumulation under the lung, which mainly collects between the lung base and the diaphragm.

The encapsulated effusion is the pleural adhesion that causes the pleural fluid to fill a covered area.

“It is necessary to operate as soon as possible, but…”

Zhang Yu glanced at Jiang Mai’s parents embarrassedly.

It is difficult for their families to afford medical expenses.

Tens of thousands of dollars may not be a big deal to these people, but to ask the Jiang Mai family to take it out, I’m afraid it will hurt your muscles and bones.

Zhou Yuan also frowned. Just as he was about to speak, Zhang Yu said again: “Moreover, the operation is a bit more difficult, otherwise… Use drugs to control it first to see if his own immune system can resist it?”

Hearing these words, Jiang Mai’s face on the bed eased slightly.

He doesn’t want to waste money on himself anymore.

Since the college entrance examination is hopeless, I am a waste person.

Jiang Mai’s father, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke and said, “Doctor, can you save my baby, money… I will try to get the money!”

He is still young, only eighteen years old, if he has such a disease, whoever sees it in the future will hide, how will he live in the future! ”

Zhou Yuan didn’t say much, and said succinctly: “I can do surgery.”

Jiang Mai’s father’s eyes lit up, “Doctor Zhou! Can you really save my baby?!”

Zhou Yuan is too young. Compared with the doctors Zhang Yu and Xiaocheng present, Zhou Yuan is so immature.

Even the two older doctors felt embarrassed. Zhou Yuan said that he could… This is really not very convincing. .

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